3,493 research outputs found

    Neural Speech Synthesis with Transformer Network

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    Although end-to-end neural text-to-speech (TTS) methods (such as Tacotron2) are proposed and achieve state-of-the-art performance, they still suffer from two problems: 1) low efficiency during training and inference; 2) hard to model long dependency using current recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Inspired by the success of Transformer network in neural machine translation (NMT), in this paper, we introduce and adapt the multi-head attention mechanism to replace the RNN structures and also the original attention mechanism in Tacotron2. With the help of multi-head self-attention, the hidden states in the encoder and decoder are constructed in parallel, which improves the training efficiency. Meanwhile, any two inputs at different times are connected directly by self-attention mechanism, which solves the long range dependency problem effectively. Using phoneme sequences as input, our Transformer TTS network generates mel spectrograms, followed by a WaveNet vocoder to output the final audio results. Experiments are conducted to test the efficiency and performance of our new network. For the efficiency, our Transformer TTS network can speed up the training about 4.25 times faster compared with Tacotron2. For the performance, rigorous human tests show that our proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance (outperforms Tacotron2 with a gap of 0.048) and is very close to human quality (4.39 vs 4.44 in MOS)

    Language Modeling with Deep Transformers

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    We explore deep autoregressive Transformer models in language modeling for speech recognition. We focus on two aspects. First, we revisit Transformer model configurations specifically for language modeling. We show that well configured Transformer models outperform our baseline models based on the shallow stack of LSTM recurrent neural network layers. We carry out experiments on the open-source LibriSpeech 960hr task, for both 200K vocabulary word-level and 10K byte-pair encoding subword-level language modeling. We apply our word-level models to conventional hybrid speech recognition by lattice rescoring, and the subword-level models to attention based encoder-decoder models by shallow fusion. Second, we show that deep Transformer language models do not require positional encoding. The positional encoding is an essential augmentation for the self-attention mechanism which is invariant to sequence ordering. However, in autoregressive setup, as is the case for language modeling, the amount of information increases along the position dimension, which is a positional signal by its own. The analysis of attention weights shows that deep autoregressive self-attention models can automatically make use of such positional information. We find that removing the positional encoding even slightly improves the performance of these models.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of INTERSPEECH 201

    Improving Design of Input Condition Invariant Speech Enhancement

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    Building a single universal speech enhancement (SE) system that can handle arbitrary input is a demanded but underexplored research topic. Towards this ultimate goal, one direction is to build a single model that handles diverse audio duration, sampling frequencies, and microphone variations in noisy and reverberant scenarios, which we define here as "input condition invariant SE". Such a model was recently proposed showing promising performance; however, its multi-channel performance degraded severely in real conditions. In this paper we propose novel architectures to improve the input condition invariant SE model so that performance in simulated conditions remains competitive while real condition degradation is much mitigated. For this purpose, we redesign the key components that comprise such a system. First, we identify that the channel-modeling module's generalization to unseen scenarios can be sub-optimal and redesign this module. We further introduce a two-stage training strategy to enhance training efficiency. Second, we propose two novel dual-path time-frequency blocks, demonstrating superior performance with fewer parameters and computational costs compared to the existing method. All proposals combined, experiments on various public datasets validate the efficacy of the proposed model, with significantly improved performance on real conditions. Recipe with full model details is released at https://github.com/espnet/espnet.Comment: Accepted by ICASSP 2024, 5 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables (corrected the results of no processing on CHiME-4 (Simu) in Table 2

    Toward Universal Speech Enhancement for Diverse Input Conditions

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    The past decade has witnessed substantial growth of data-driven speech enhancement (SE) techniques thanks to deep learning. While existing approaches have shown impressive performance in some common datasets, most of them are designed only for a single condition (e.g., single-channel, multi-channel, or a fixed sampling frequency) or only consider a single task (e.g., denoising or dereverberation). Currently, there is no universal SE approach that can effectively handle diverse input conditions with a single model. In this paper, we make the first attempt to investigate this line of research. First, we devise a single SE model that is independent of microphone channels, signal lengths, and sampling frequencies. Second, we design a universal SE benchmark by combining existing public corpora with multiple conditions. Our experiments on a wide range of datasets show that the proposed single model can successfully handle diverse conditions with strong performance.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables, published in ASRU 2023 (corrected the results of noisy speech on CHiME-4 (Simu) in Table 4

    DPATD: Dual-Phase Audio Transformer for Denoising

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    Recent high-performance transformer-based speech enhancement models demonstrate that time domain methods could achieve similar performance as time-frequency domain methods. However, time-domain speech enhancement systems typically receive input audio sequences consisting of a large number of time steps, making it challenging to model extremely long sequences and train models to perform adequately. In this paper, we utilize smaller audio chunks as input to achieve efficient utilization of audio information to address the above challenges. We propose a dual-phase audio transformer for denoising (DPATD), a novel model to organize transformer layers in a deep structure to learn clean audio sequences for denoising. DPATD splits the audio input into smaller chunks, where the input length can be proportional to the square root of the original sequence length. Our memory-compressed explainable attention is efficient and converges faster compared to the frequently used self-attention module. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods.Comment: IEEE DD

    VarArray Meets t-SOT: Advancing the State of the Art of Streaming Distant Conversational Speech Recognition

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    This paper presents a novel streaming automatic speech recognition (ASR) framework for multi-talker overlapping speech captured by a distant microphone array with an arbitrary geometry. Our framework, named t-SOT-VA, capitalizes on independently developed two recent technologies; array-geometry-agnostic continuous speech separation, or VarArray, and streaming multi-talker ASR based on token-level serialized output training (t-SOT). To combine the best of both technologies, we newly design a t-SOT-based ASR model that generates a serialized multi-talker transcription based on two separated speech signals from VarArray. We also propose a pre-training scheme for such an ASR model where we simulate VarArray's output signals based on monaural single-talker ASR training data. Conversation transcription experiments using the AMI meeting corpus show that the system based on the proposed framework significantly outperforms conventional ones. Our system achieves the state-of-the-art word error rates of 13.7% and 15.5% for the AMI development and evaluation sets, respectively, in the multiple-distant-microphone setting while retaining the streaming inference capability.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure, 3 tables, v2: Appendix A has been adde

    A Review of Deep Learning Techniques for Speech Processing

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    The field of speech processing has undergone a transformative shift with the advent of deep learning. The use of multiple processing layers has enabled the creation of models capable of extracting intricate features from speech data. This development has paved the way for unparalleled advancements in speech recognition, text-to-speech synthesis, automatic speech recognition, and emotion recognition, propelling the performance of these tasks to unprecedented heights. The power of deep learning techniques has opened up new avenues for research and innovation in the field of speech processing, with far-reaching implications for a range of industries and applications. This review paper provides a comprehensive overview of the key deep learning models and their applications in speech-processing tasks. We begin by tracing the evolution of speech processing research, from early approaches, such as MFCC and HMM, to more recent advances in deep learning architectures, such as CNNs, RNNs, transformers, conformers, and diffusion models. We categorize the approaches and compare their strengths and weaknesses for solving speech-processing tasks. Furthermore, we extensively cover various speech-processing tasks, datasets, and benchmarks used in the literature and describe how different deep-learning networks have been utilized to tackle these tasks. Additionally, we discuss the challenges and future directions of deep learning in speech processing, including the need for more parameter-efficient, interpretable models and the potential of deep learning for multimodal speech processing. By examining the field's evolution, comparing and contrasting different approaches, and highlighting future directions and challenges, we hope to inspire further research in this exciting and rapidly advancing field

    SPGM: Prioritizing Local Features for enhanced speech separation performance

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    Dual-path is a popular architecture for speech separation models (e.g. Sepformer) which splits long sequences into overlapping chunks for its intra- and inter-blocks that separately model intra-chunk local features and inter-chunk global relationships. However, it has been found that inter-blocks, which comprise half a dual-path model's parameters, contribute minimally to performance. Thus, we propose the Single-Path Global Modulation (SPGM) block to replace inter-blocks. SPGM is named after its structure consisting of a parameter-free global pooling module followed by a modulation module comprising only 2% of the model's total parameters. The SPGM block allows all transformer layers in the model to be dedicated to local feature modelling, making the overall model single-path. SPGM achieves 22.1 dB SI-SDRi on WSJ0-2Mix and 20.4 dB SI-SDRi on Libri2Mix, exceeding the performance of Sepformer by 0.5 dB and 0.3 dB respectively and matches the performance of recent SOTA models with up to 8 times fewer parameters

    MossFormer2: Combining Transformer and RNN-Free Recurrent Network for Enhanced Time-Domain Monaural Speech Separation

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    Our previously proposed MossFormer has achieved promising performance in monaural speech separation. However, it predominantly adopts a self-attention-based MossFormer module, which tends to emphasize longer-range, coarser-scale dependencies, with a deficiency in effectively modelling finer-scale recurrent patterns. In this paper, we introduce a novel hybrid model that provides the capabilities to model both long-range, coarse-scale dependencies and fine-scale recurrent patterns by integrating a recurrent module into the MossFormer framework. Instead of applying the recurrent neural networks (RNNs) that use traditional recurrent connections, we present a recurrent module based on a feedforward sequential memory network (FSMN), which is considered "RNN-free" recurrent network due to the ability to capture recurrent patterns without using recurrent connections. Our recurrent module mainly comprises an enhanced dilated FSMN block by using gated convolutional units (GCU) and dense connections. In addition, a bottleneck layer and an output layer are also added for controlling information flow. The recurrent module relies on linear projections and convolutions for seamless, parallel processing of the entire sequence. The integrated MossFormer2 hybrid model demonstrates remarkable enhancements over MossFormer and surpasses other state-of-the-art methods in WSJ0-2/3mix, Libri2Mix, and WHAM!/WHAMR! benchmarks.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted by ICASSP 202