6 research outputs found

    Multi-SNP mediation intersection-union test

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    Tens of thousands of reproducibly identified GWAS (Genome-Wide Association Studies) variants, with the vast majority falling in non-coding regions resulting in no eventual protein products, call urgently for mechanistic interpretations. Although numerous methods exist, there are few, if any methods, for simultaneously testing the mediation effects of multiple correlated SNPs via some mediator (e.g. the expression of a gene in the neighborhood) on phenotypic outcome. We propose multi-SNP mediation intersection-union test (SMUT) to fill in this methodological gap. Our extensive simulations demonstrate the validity of SMUT as well as substantial, up to 92%, power gains over alternative methods. In addition, SMUT confirmed known mediators in a real dataset of Finns for plasma adiponectin level, which were missed by many alternative methods. We believe SMUT will become a useful tool to generate mechanistic hypotheses underlying GWAS variants, facilitating functional follow-up


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    Tens of thousands of reproducibly identified GWAS (Genome-Wide Association Studies) variants, with the vast majority falling in non-coding regions resulting in no eventual protein products, call urgently for mechanistic interpretations. Although numerous methods exist, there are few, if any methods, for simultaneously testing the mediation effects of multiple correlated SNPs via some mediator (for example, the expression of a gene in the neighborhood) on phenotypic outcome. We propose SMUT, multi-SNP Mediation intersection-Union Test to fill in this methodological gap. Our extensive simulations demonstrate the validity of SMUT as well as substantial, up to 92%, power gains over alternative methods. In addition, SMUT confirmed known mediators in a real dataset of Finns for plasma adiponectin level, which were missed by many alternative methods. We believe SMUT will become a useful tool to generate mechanistic hypotheses underlying GWAS variants, facilitating functional follow-up. Furthermore, to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying genetic variants identified from GWAS for a variety of phenotypic traits encompassing binary, continuous, count, and survival outcomes, we propose a novel and flexible method to test for mediation that can simultaneously accommodate multiple genetic variants and different types of outcome variables. Specifically, we employ the intersection-union test approach combined with likelihood ratio test to detect mediation effect of multiple genetic variants via some mediator on outcome. Our extensive simulations demonstrate the validity of our proposed method and substantial, up to 97%, power gains over alternative methods. Applications to real data for the study of chlamydia infection further showcase advantages of our method. We believe our proposed method will be of value and general interest in this post-GWAS era. Finally, to improve the power for detecting mediation effects in the presence of multiple outcomes, we propose a method to test the mediation effects of multiple genetics variants on multiple correlated outcomes with mixed types (e.g. continuous, binary, count outcomes) through some mediator. Our extensive simulations demonstrate the validity of our proposed method and up to 63% power gains over alternative methods. Applications to a real dataset of Finns for plasma adiponectin level and type 2 diabetes further showcase advantages of our method.Doctor of Philosoph

    Generalized multi-SNP mediation intersection–union test

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    To elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying genetic variants identified from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for a variety of phenotypic traits encompassing binary, continuous, count, and survival outcomes, we propose a novel and flexible method to test for mediation that can simultaneously accommodate multiple genetic variants and different types of outcome variables. Specifically, we employ the intersection–union test approach combined with the likelihood ratio test to detect mediation effect of multiple genetic variants via some mediator (e.g., the expression of a neighboring gene) on outcome. We fit high-dimensional generalized linear mixed models under the mediation framework, separately under the null and alternative hypothesis. We leverage Laplace approximation to compute the marginal likelihood of outcome and use coordinate descent algorithm to estimate corresponding parameters. Our extensive simulations demonstrate the validity of our proposed methods and substantial, up to 97%, power gains over alternative methods. Applications to real data for the study of Chlamydia trachomatis infection further showcase advantages of our methods. We believe our proposed methods will be of value and general interest in this post-GWAS era to disentangle the potential causal mechanism from DNA to phenotype for new drug discovery and personalized medicine

    Bayesian network analysis incorporating genetic anchors complements conventional Mendelian randomization approaches for exploratory analysis of causal relationships in complex data

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    Mendelian randomization (MR) implemented through instrumental variables analysis is an increasingly popular causal inference tool used in genetic epidemiology. But it can have limitations for evaluating simultaneous causal relationships in complex data sets that include, for example, multiple genetic predictors and multiple potential risk factors associated with the same genetic variant. Here we use real and simulated data to investigate Bayesian network analysis (BN) with the incorporation of directed arcs, representing genetic anchors, as an alternative approach. A Bayesian network describes the conditional dependencies/independencies of variables using a graphical model (a directed acyclic graph) with an accompanying joint probability. In real data, we found BN could be used to infer simultaneous causal relationships that confirmed the individual causal relationships suggested by bi-directional MR, while allowing for the existence of potential horizontal pleiotropy (that would violate MR assumptions). In simulated data, BN with two directional anchors (mimicking genetic instruments) had greater power for a fixed type 1 error than bi-directional MR, while BN with a single directional anchor performed better than or as well as bi-directional MR. Both BN and MR could be adversely affected by violations of their underlying assumptions (such as genetic confounding due to unmeasured horizontal pleiotropy). BN with no directional anchor generated inference that was no better than by chance, emphasizing the importance of directional anchors in BN (as in MR). Under highly pleiotropic simulated scenarios, BN outperformed both MR (and its recent extensions) and two recently-proposed alternative approaches: a multi-SNP mediation intersection-union test (SMUT) and a latent causal variable (LCV) test. We conclude that BN incorporating genetic anchors is a useful complementary method to conventional MR for exploring causal relationships in complex data sets such as those generated from modern "omics" technologies

    Understanding the function of regulatory DNA interactions in the interpretation of non-coding GWAS variants

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified a vast number of variants associated with various complex human diseases and traits. However, most of these GWAS variants reside in non-coding regions producing no proteins, making the interpretation of these variants a daunting challenge. Prior evidence indicates that a subset of non-coding variants detected within or near cis-regulatory elements (e.g., promoters, enhancers, silencers, and insulators) might play a key role in disease etiology by regulating gene expression. Advanced sequencing- and imaging-based technologies, together with powerful computational methods, enabling comprehensive characterization of regulatory DNA interactions, have substantially improved our understanding of the three-dimensional (3D) genome architecture. Recent literature witnesses plenty of examples where using chromosome conformation capture (3C)-based technologies successfully links non-coding variants to their target genes and prioritizes relevant tissues or cell types. These examples illustrate the critical capability of 3D genome organization in annotating non-coding GWAS variants. This review discusses how 3D genome organization information contributes to elucidating the potential roles of non-coding GWAS variants in disease etiology

    Inferring Regulatory Networks From Mixed Observational Data Using Directed Acyclic Graphs

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    Construction of regulatory networks using cross-sectional expression profiling of genes is desired, but challenging. The Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) provides a general framework to infer causal effects from observational data. However, most existing DAG methods assume that all nodes follow the same type of distribution, which prohibit a joint modeling of continuous gene expression and categorical variables. We present a new mixed DAG (mDAG) algorithm to infer the regulatory pathway from mixed observational data containing both continuous variables (e.g. expression of genes) and categorical variables (e.g. categorical phenotypes or single nucleotide polymorphisms). Our method can identify upstream causal factors and downstream effectors closely linked to a variable and generate hypotheses for causal direction of regulatory pathways. We propose a new permutation method to test the conditional independence of variables of mixed types, which is the key for mDAG. We also utilize an L1 regularization in mDAG to ensure it can recover a large sparse DAG with limited sample size. We demonstrate through extensive simulations that mDAG outperforms two well-known methods in recovering the true underlying DAG. We apply mDAG to a cross-sectional immunological study of Chlamydia trachomatis infection and successfully infer the regularity network of cytokines. We also apply mDAG to a large cohort study, generating sensible mechanistic hypotheses underlying plasma adiponectin level. The R package mDAG is publicly available from CRAN at https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=mDAG