91 research outputs found

    Improving Abstraction in Text Summarization

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    Abstractive text summarization aims to shorten long text documents into a human readable form that contains the most important facts from the original document. However, the level of actual abstraction as measured by novel phrases that do not appear in the source document remains low in existing approaches. We propose two techniques to improve the level of abstraction of generated summaries. First, we decompose the decoder into a contextual network that retrieves relevant parts of the source document, and a pretrained language model that incorporates prior knowledge about language generation. Second, we propose a novelty metric that is optimized directly through policy learning to encourage the generation of novel phrases. Our model achieves results comparable to state-of-the-art models, as determined by ROUGE scores and human evaluations, while achieving a significantly higher level of abstraction as measured by n-gram overlap with the source document

    Multi-Objective Learning for Multi-Modal Natural Language Generation

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    One of the important goals of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is to mimic the ability of humans to leverage the knowledge or skill from previously learned tasks to quickly learn a new task. For example, humans can reapply the learned skill of balancing the bicycle for learning to ride a motorbike. In a similar context, the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has several tasks including machine translation, textual summarization, image/video captioning, sentiment analysis, dialog systems, natural language inference, question answering, etc. While these different NLP tasks are often trained separately, leveraging the knowledge or skill from related tasks via joint training or training one task after another task in a sequential fashion, can have potential advantages. To this end, this dissertation explores various NLP tasks (especially multi-modal text generation and pair-wise classification tasks covering both natural language generation (NLG) and natural language understanding (NLU)) leveraging information from the related auxiliary tasks in an effective way via novel multi-objective learning strategies. These proposed novel learning strategies can be broadly classified into three paradigms: multi-task learning, multi-reward reinforcement learning, and continual learning. In multi-task learning, we mainly focus on intuitively finding what related auxiliary tasks can benefit the multi-modal video caption generation task and textual summarization task. We explore effective ways of sharing the parameters across these related tasks via joint training. In multi-reward reinforcement learning, we teach various skills to multi-modal text generation models in the form of rewards. For example, we try to teach the entailment skill to the video captioning model with entailment rewards. Further, we propose novel and effective ways of inducing multiple skills by `dynamically' choosing the auxiliary tasks (in MTL) or rewards (in RL) during the training in an automatic way using multi-armed bandits based approaches. Finally, in continual learning, we explore sharing of information across various tasks in a sequential way, where the model continually evolves during the sequential training without losing the performance on previously learned tasks. This kind of sharing allows the later tasks to benefit from previously trained tasks and vice-versa in some cases. For this, we propose a novel method that continually changes the model architecture to accommodate new tasks while retaining performance on old tasks. We empirically evaluate our method on three natural language inference tasks.Doctor of Philosoph
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