6 research outputs found

    Strategy Synthesis for Autonomous Agents Using PRISM

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    We present probabilistic models for autonomous agent search and retrieve missions derived from Simulink models for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and show how probabilistic model checking and the probabilistic model checker PRISM can be used for optimal controller generation. We introduce a sequence of scenarios relevant to UAVs and other autonomous agents such as underwater and ground vehicles. For each scenario we demonstrate how it can be modelled using the PRISM language, give model checking statistics and present the synthesised optimal controllers. We conclude with a discussion of the limitations when using probabilistic model checking and PRISM in this context and what steps can be taken to overcome them. In addition, we consider how the controllers can be returned to the UAV and adapted for use on larger search areas

    Convex Hull Monte-Carlo Tree Search

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    This work investigates Monte-Carlo planning for agents in stochastic environments, with multiple objectives. We propose the Convex Hull Monte-Carlo Tree-Search (CHMCTS) framework, which builds upon Trial Based Heuristic Tree Search and Convex Hull Value Iteration (CHVI), as a solution to multi-objective planning in large environments. Moreover, we consider how to pose the problem of approximating multiobjective planning solutions as a contextual multi-armed bandits problem, giving a principled motivation for how to select actions from the view of contextual regret. This leads us to the use of Contextual Zooming for action selection, yielding Zooming CHMCTS. We evaluate our algorithm using the Generalised Deep Sea Treasure environment, demonstrating that Zooming CHMCTS can achieve a sublinear contextual regret and scales better than CHVI on a given computational budget.Comment: Camera-ready version of paper accepted to ICAPS 2020, along with relevant appendice

    Multi-objective policy generation for mobile robots under probabilistic time-bounded guarantees

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    We present a methodology for the generation of mobile robot controllers which offer probabilistic time-bounded guarantees on successful task completion, whilst also trying to satisfy soft goals. The approach is based on a stochastic model of the robot’s environment and action execution times, a set of soft goals, and a formal task specification in co-safe linear temporal logic, which are analysed using multi-objective model checking techniques for Markov decision processes. For efficiency, we propose a novel two-step approach. First, we explore policies on the Pareto front for minimising expected task execution time whilst optimising the achievement of soft goals. Then, we use this to prune a model with more detailed timing information, yielding a time-dependent policy for which more fine-grained probabilistic guarantees can be provided. We illustrate and evaluate the generation of policies on a delivery task in a care home scenario, where the robot also tries to engage in entertainment activities with the patients