12 research outputs found

    Efficient Nearest Neighbors Search for Large-Scale Landmark Recognition

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    The problem of landmark recognition has achieved excellent results in small-scale datasets. When dealing with large-scale retrieval, issues that were irrelevant with small amount of data, quickly become fundamental for an efficient retrieval phase. In particular, computational time needs to be kept as low as possible, whilst the retrieval accuracy has to be preserved as much as possible. In this paper we propose a novel multi-index hashing method called Bag of Indexes (BoI) for Approximate Nearest Neighbors (ANN) search. It allows to drastically reduce the query time and outperforms the accuracy results compared to the state-of-the-art methods for large-scale landmark recognition. It has been demonstrated that this family of algorithms can be applied on different embedding techniques like VLAD and R-MAC obtaining excellent results in very short times on different public datasets: Holidays+Flickr1M, Oxford105k and Paris106k

    CoveringLSH: Locality-sensitive Hashing without False Negatives

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    We consider a new construction of locality-sensitive hash functions for Hamming space that is covering in the sense that is it guaranteed to produce a collision for every pair of vectors within a given radius r . The construction is efficient in the sense that the expected number of hash collisions between vectors at distance  cr , for a given c &gt;1, comes close to that of the best possible data independent LSH without the covering guarantee, namely, the seminal LSH construction of Indyk and Motwani (STOC’98). The efficiency of the new construction essentially matches their bound when the search radius is not too large—e.g., when cr = o (log ( n )/ log log n ), where n is the number of points in the dataset, and when cr = log ( n )/ k , where k is an integer constant. In general, it differs by at most a factor ln (4) in the exponent of the time bounds. As a consequence, LSH-based similarity search in Hamming space can avoid the problem of false negatives at little or no cost in efficiency. </jats:p

    Optimal Hashing-based Time-Space Trade-offs for Approximate Near Neighbors

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    [See the paper for the full abstract.] We show tight upper and lower bounds for time-space trade-offs for the cc-Approximate Near Neighbor Search problem. For the dd-dimensional Euclidean space and nn-point datasets, we develop a data structure with space n1+ρu+o(1)+O(dn)n^{1 + \rho_u + o(1)} + O(dn) and query time nρq+o(1)+dno(1)n^{\rho_q + o(1)} + d n^{o(1)} for every ρu,ρq0\rho_u, \rho_q \geq 0 such that: \begin{equation} c^2 \sqrt{\rho_q} + (c^2 - 1) \sqrt{\rho_u} = \sqrt{2c^2 - 1}. \end{equation} This is the first data structure that achieves sublinear query time and near-linear space for every approximation factor c>1c > 1, improving upon [Kapralov, PODS 2015]. The data structure is a culmination of a long line of work on the problem for all space regimes; it builds on Spherical Locality-Sensitive Filtering [Becker, Ducas, Gama, Laarhoven, SODA 2016] and data-dependent hashing [Andoni, Indyk, Nguyen, Razenshteyn, SODA 2014] [Andoni, Razenshteyn, STOC 2015]. Our matching lower bounds are of two types: conditional and unconditional. First, we prove tightness of the whole above trade-off in a restricted model of computation, which captures all known hashing-based approaches. We then show unconditional cell-probe lower bounds for one and two probes that match the above trade-off for ρq=0\rho_q = 0, improving upon the best known lower bounds from [Panigrahy, Talwar, Wieder, FOCS 2010]. In particular, this is the first space lower bound (for any static data structure) for two probes which is not polynomially smaller than the one-probe bound. To show the result for two probes, we establish and exploit a connection to locally-decodable codes.Comment: 62 pages, 5 figures; a merger of arXiv:1511.07527 [cs.DS] and arXiv:1605.02701 [cs.DS], which subsumes both of the preprints. New version contains more elaborated proofs and fixed some typo

    Efficient processing of similarity queries with applications

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    Today, a myriad of data sources, from the Internet to business operations to scientific instruments, produce large and different types of data. Many application scenarios, e.g., marketing analysis, sensor networks, and medical and biological applications, call for identifying and processing similarities in big data. As a result, it is imperative to develop new similarity query processing approaches and systems that scale from low dimensional data to high dimensional data, from single machine to clusters of hundreds of machines, and from disk-based to memory-based processing. This dissertation introduces and studies several similarity-aware query operators, analyzes and optimizes their performance. The first contribution of this dissertation is an SQL-based Similarity Group-by operator (SGB, for short) that extends the semantics of the standard SQL Group-by operator to group data with similar but not necessarily equal values. We realize these SGB operators by extending the Standard SQL Group-by and introduce two new SGB operators for multi-dimensional data. We implement and test the new SGB operators and their algorithms inside an open-source centralized database server (PostgreSQL). In the second contribution of this dissertation, we study how to efficiently process Hamming-distance-based similarity queries (Hamming-distance select and Hamming-distance join) that are crucial to many applications. We introduce a new index, termed the HA-Index, that speeds up distance comparisons and eliminates redundancies when performing the two flavors of Hamming distance range queries (namely, the selects and joins). In the third and last contribution of this dissertation, we develop a system for similarity query processing and optimization in an in-memory and distributed setup for big spatial data. We propose a query scheduler and a distributed query optimizer that use a new cost model to optimize the cost of similarity query processing in this in-memory distributed setup. The scheduler and query optimizer generates query execution plans that minimize the effect of query skew. The query scheduler employs new spatial indexing techniques based on bloom filters to forward queries to the appropriate local sites. The proposed query processing and optimization techniques are prototyped inside Spark, a distributed main-memory computation system