4 research outputs found

    Multi-GPU System Design with Memory Networks

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    GPUs are being widely used to accelerate different workloads and multi-GPU systems can provide higher performance with multiple discrete GPUs interconnected together. However, there are two main communication bottlenecks in multi-GPU systems -- accessing remote GPU memory and the communication between GPU and the host CPU. Recent advances in multi-GPU programming, including unified virtual addressing and unified memory from NVIDIA, has made programming simpler but the costly remote memory access still makes multi-GPU programming difficult. In order to overcome the communication limitations, we propose to leverage the memory network based on hybrid memory cubes (HMCs) to simplify multi-GPU memory management and improve programmability. In particular, we propose scalable kernel execution (SKE) where multiple GPUs are viewed as a single virtual GPU as a single kernel can be executed across multiple GPUs without modifying the source code. To fully enable the benefits of SKE, we explore alternative memory network designs in a multi-GPU system. We propose a GPU memory network (GMN) to simplify data sharing between the discrete GPUs while a CPU memory network (CMN) is used to simplify data communication between the host CPU and the discrete GPUs. These two types of networks can be combined to create a unified memory network (UMN) where the communication bottleneck in multi-GPU can be significantly minimized as both the CPU and GPU share the memory network. We evaluate alternative network designs and propose a sliced flattened butterfly topology for the memory network that scales better than previously proposed alternative topologies by removing local HMC channels. In addition, we propose an overlay network organization for unified memory network to minimize the latency for CPU access while providing high bandwidth for the GPUs. We evaluate trade-offs between the different memory network organization and show how UMN significantly reduces the communication bottleneck in multi-GPU systems.1