5 research outputs found

    Traffic Congestion Prediction using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks: A Color-coding Approach

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    The traffic video data has become a critical factor in confining the state of traffic congestion due to the recent advancements in computer vision. This work proposes a unique technique for traffic video classification using a color-coding scheme before training the traffic data in a Deep convolutional neural network. At first, the video data is transformed into an imagery data set; then, the vehicle detection is performed using the You Only Look Once algorithm. A color-coded scheme has been adopted to transform the imagery dataset into a binary image dataset. These binary images are fed to a Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Using the UCSD dataset, we have obtained a classification accuracy of 98.2%


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    The rapid growth and development of AI-based applications introduce a wide range of deep and transfer learning model architectures. Selecting an optimal optimizer is still challenging to improve any classification type's performance efficiency and accuracy. This paper proposes an intelligent optimizer selection technique using a new search algorithm to overcome this difficulty. A dataset used in this work was collected and customized for controlling and monitoring roads, especially when emergency vehicles are approaching. In this regard, several deep and transfer learning models have been compared for accurate detection and classification. Furthermore, DenseNet201 layers are frizzed to choose the perfect optimizer. The main goal is to improve the performance accuracy of emergency car classification by performing the test of various optimization methods, including (Adam, Adamax, Nadam, and RMSprob). The evaluation metrics utilized for the model鈥檚 comparison with other deep learning techniques are based on classification accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-Score. Test results show that the proposed selection-based optimizer increased classification accuracy and reached 98.84%.Szybki wzrost i rozw贸j aplikacji opartych na sztucznej inteligencji wprowadzaj膮 szeroki zakres architektur modeli g艂臋bokiego uczenia i uczenia transferowego. Wyb贸r optymalnego optymalizatora wci膮偶 stanowi wyzwanie w celu poprawy wydajno艣ci i dok艂adno艣ci ka偶dego rodzaju klasyfikacji. W niniejszej pracy proponowana jest inteligentna technika wyboru optymalizatora, wykorzystuj膮ca nowy algorytm wyszukiwania, aby pokona膰 to wyzwanie. Zbi贸r danych u偶yty w tej pracy zosta艂 zebrany i dostosowany do cel贸w kontroli i monitorowania dr贸g, zw艂aszcza w sytuacjach, gdy zbli偶aj膮 si臋 pojazdy ratunkowe. W tym kontek艣cie por贸wnano kilka modeli g艂臋bokiego uczenia i uczenia transferowego w celu dok艂adnej detekcji i klasyfikacji. Ponadto, warstwy DenseNet201 zosta艂y zamro偶one, aby wybra膰 optymalizatora idealnego. G艂贸wnym celem jest poprawa dok艂adno艣ci klasyfikacji samochod贸w ratunkowych poprzez przeprowadzenie test贸w r贸偶nych metod optymalizacji, w tym (Adam, Adamax, Nadam i RMSprob). Metryki oceny wykorzystane do por贸wnania modelu z innymi technikami g艂臋bokiego uczenia opieraj膮 si臋 na dok艂adno艣ci klasyfikacji, precyzji, czu艂o艣ci i miarze F1. Wyniki test贸w pokazuj膮, 偶e zaproponowany optymalizator oparty na wyborze zwi臋kszy艂 dok艂adno艣膰 klasyfikacji i osi膮gn膮艂 wynik na poziomie 98,84%

    A probability density function generator based on neural networks

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    漏 2019 Elsevier B.V. In order to generate a probability density function (PDF) for fitting the probability distributions of practical data, this study proposes a deep learning method which consists of two stages: (1) a training stage for estimating the cumulative distribution function (CDF) and (2) a performing stage for predicting the corresponding PDF. The CDFs of common probability distributions can be utilised as activation functions in the hidden layers of the proposed deep learning model for learning actual cumulative probabilities, and the differential equation of the trained deep learning model can be used to estimate the PDF. Numerical experiments with single and mixed distributions are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The experimental results show that the values of both CDF and PDF can be precisely estimated by the proposed method

    Multi-directional gated recurrent unit and convolutional neural network for load and energy forecasting: A novel hybridization

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    Energy operations and schedules are significantly impacted by load and energy forecasting systems. An effective system is a requirement for a sustainable and equitable environment. Additionally, a trustworthy forecasting management system enhances the resilience of power systems by cutting power and load-forecast flaws. However, due to the numerous inherent nonlinear properties of huge and diverse data, the classical statistical methodology cannot appropriately learn this non-linearity in data. Energy systems can appropriately evaluate data and regulate energy consumption because of advanced techniques. In comparison to machine learning, deep learning techniques have lately been used to predict energy consumption as well as to learn long-term dependencies. In this work, a fusion of novel multi-directional gated recurrent unit (MD-GRU) with convolutional neural network (CNN) using global average pooling (GAP) as hybridization is being proposed for load and energy forecasting. The spatial and temporal aspects, along with the high dimensionality of the data, are addressed by employing the capabilities of MD-GRU and CNN integration. The obtained results are compared to baseline algorithms including CNN, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM), Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), and Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (Bi-GRU). The experimental findings indicate that the proposed approach surpasses conventional approaches in terms of accuracy, Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), and Root Mean Square Error (RSME).</p> </abstract&gt