4 research outputs found

    Optimum Multi-Dimensional Interval Routing Schemes on Networks with Dynamic Cost Links

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    One of the fundamental tasks in any distributed computing system is routing messages between pairs of nodes. An Interval Routing Scheme (IRS) is a~space efficient way of routing messages in a network. The problem of characterizing graphs that support an IRS is a well-known problem and has been studied for some variants of IRS. It is natural to assume that the costs of links may vary over time (dynamic cost links) and to try to find an IRS which routes all messages on shortest paths (optimum IRS). In this paper, we study this problem for a~variant of IRS in which the labels assigned to the vertices are dd-ary integer tuples (dd-dimensional IRS). The only known results in this case are for specific graphs like hypercubes, nn-dimensional grids, or for the 1-dimensional case. We give a complete characterization for the class of networks supporting multi-dimensional strict and linear (no cyclic intervals) interval routing schemes with dynamic cost links

    Multi-Dimensional Interval Routing Schemes

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    . Interval Routing Scheme (k-IRS) is a compact routing scheme on general networks. It has been studied extensively and recently been implemented on the latest generation INMOS Transputer Router chip. In this paper we introduce an extension of the Interval Routing Scheme k-IRS to the multi-dimensional case hk; di-MIRS, where k is the number of intervals and d is the number of dimensions. Whereas k-IRS only represents compactly a single shortest path between any two nodes, with this new extension we are able to represent all shortest paths compactly. This is useful for fault-tolerance and traffic distribution in a network. We study efficient representations of all shortest paths between any pair of nodes for general network topologies, for product graphs and for specific interconnection networks such as rings, grids, tori, hypercubes and chordal rings. For these interconnection networks we show that for about the same space complexity as k-IRS we can represent all shortest paths in hk; ..

    Multi-dimensional Interval Routing Schemes

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    Routing messages between pairs of nodes is one of the most fundamental tasks in any distributed computing system. An Interval Routing Scheme (IRS) is a well-known, space-efficient routing strategy for routing messages in a network. In this scheme, each node of the network is assigned an integer label and each link at each node is labeled with an interval. The interval assigned to a link l at a node v indicates the set of destination addresses of the messages which should be forwarded through l at v. When studying interval routing schemes, there are two main problems to be considered: a) Which classes of networks do support a specific routing scheme? b) Assuming that a given network supports IRS, how good are the paths traversed by messages? The first problem is known as the characterization problem and has been studied for several types of IRS. In this thesis, we study the characterization problem for various schemes in which the labels assigned to the vertices are d-ary integer tuples (d-dimensional IRS) and the label assigned to each link of the network is a list of d 1-dimensional intervals. This is known as Multi-dimensional IRS (MIRS) and is an extension of the the original IRS. We completely characterize the class of network which support MIRS for linear (which has no cyclic intervals) and strict (which has no intervals assigned to a link at a node v containing the label of v) MIRS. In real networks usually the costs of links may vary over time (dynamic cost links). We also give a complete characterization for the class of networks which support a certain type of MIRS which routes all messages on shortest paths in a network with dynamic cost links. The main criterion used to measure the quality of routing (the second problem) is the length of routing paths. In this the..