21 research outputs found

    Revisiting Bounded-Suboptimal Safe Interval Path Planning

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    Safe-interval path planning (SIPP) is a powerful algorithm for finding a path in the presence of dynamic obstacles. SIPP returns provably optimal solutions. However, in many practical applications of SIPP such as path planning for robots, one would like to trade-off optimality for shorter planning time. In this paper we explore different ways to build a bounded-suboptimal SIPP and discuss their pros and cons. We compare the different bounded-suboptimal versions of SIPP experimentally. While there is no universal winner, the results provide insights into when each method should be used

    Solving Multi-Agent Target Assignment and Path Finding with a Single Constraint Tree

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    Combined Target-Assignment and Path-Finding problem (TAPF) requires simultaneously assigning targets to agents and planning collision-free paths for agents from their start locations to their assigned targets. As a leading approach to address TAPF, Conflict-Based Search with Target Assignment (CBS-TA) leverages both K-best target assignments to create multiple search trees and Conflict-Based Search (CBS) to resolve collisions in each search tree. While being able to find an optimal solution, CBS-TA suffers from scalability due to the duplicated collision resolution in multiple trees and the expensive computation of K-best assignments. We therefore develop Incremental Target Assignment CBS (ITA-CBS) to bypass these two computational bottlenecks. ITA-CBS generates only a single search tree and avoids computing K-best assignments by incrementally computing new 1-best assignments during the search. We show that, in theory, ITA-CBS is guaranteed to find an optimal solution and, in practice, is computationally efficient

    Autonomous object harvesting using synchronized optoelectronic microrobots

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    Optoelectronic tweezer-driven microrobots (OETdMs) are a versatile micromanipulation technology based on the application of light induced dielectrophoresis to move small dielectric structures (microrobots) across a photoconductive substrate. The microrobots in turn can be used to exert forces on secondary objects and carry out a wide range of micromanipulation operations, including collecting, transporting and depositing microscopic cargos. In contrast to alternative (direct) micromanipulation techniques, OETdMs are relatively gentle, making them particularly well suited to interacting with sensitive objects such as biological cells. However, at present such systems are used exclusively under manual control by a human operator. This limits the capacity for simultaneous control of multiple microrobots, reducing both experimental throughput and the possibility of cooperative multi-robot operations. In this article, we describe an approach to automated targeting and path planning to enable open-loop control of multiple microrobots. We demonstrate the performance of the method in practice, using microrobots to simultaneously collect, transport and deposit silica microspheres. Using computational simulations based on real microscopic image data, we investigate the capacity of microrobots to collect target cells from within a dissociated tissue culture. Our results indicate the feasibility of using OETdMs to autonomously carry out micromanipulation tasks within complex, unstructured environments

    A Conflict-Based Search Framework for Multi-Objective Multi-Agent Path Finding

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    Conventional multi-agent path planners typically compute an ensemble of paths while optimizing a single objective, such as path length. However, many applications may require multiple objectives, say fuel consumption and completion time, to be simultaneously optimized during planning and these criteria may not be readily compared and sometimes lie in competition with each other. Naively applying existing multi-objective search algorithms, such as multi-objective A* (MOA*), to multi-agent path finding may prove to be inefficient as the size of the space of possible solutions, i.e., the Pareto-optimal set, can grow exponentially with the number of agents (the dimension of the search space). This article presents an approach named Multi-Objective Conflict-Based Search (MO-CBS) that bypasses this so-called curse of dimensionality by leveraging prior Conflict-Based Search (CBS), a well-known algorithm for single-objective multi-agent path finding, and principles of dominance from multi-objective optimization literature. We also develop several variants of MO-CBS to further improve its performance. We prove that MO-CBS and its variants are able to compute the entire Pareto-optimal set. Numerical results show that MO-CBS outperforms both MOA* as well as MOM*, a recently developed state-of-the-art multi-objective multi-agent planner.Comment: 11 pages, preliminary version published in ICRA 2021, journal version submitte

    Improving Continuous-time Conflict Based Search

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    Conflict-Based Search (CBS) is a powerful algorithmic framework for optimally solving classical multi-agent path finding (MAPF) problems, where time is discretized into the time steps. Continuous-time CBS (CCBS) is a recently proposed version of CBS that guarantees optimal solutions without the need to discretize time. However, the scalability of CCBS is limited because it does not include any known improvements of CBS. In this paper, we begin to close this gap and explore how to adapt successful CBS improvements, namely, prioritizing conflicts (PC), disjoint splitting (DS), and high-level heuristics, to the continuous time setting of CCBS. These adaptions are not trivial, and require careful handling of different types of constraints, applying a generalized version of the Safe interval path planning (SIPP) algorithm, and extending the notion of cardinal conflicts. We evaluate the effect of the suggested enhancements by running experiments both on general graphs and 2k2^k-neighborhood grids. CCBS with these improvements significantly outperforms vanilla CCBS, solving problems with almost twice as many agents in some cases and pushing the limits of multiagent path finding in continuous-time domains.Comment: This is a pre-print of the paper accepted to AAAI 202

    Scalable and Safe Multi-Agent Motion Planning with Nonlinear Dynamics and Bounded Disturbances

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    We present a scalable and effective multi-agent safe motion planner that enables a group of agents to move to their desired locations while avoiding collisions with obstacles and other agents, with the presence of rich obstacles, high-dimensional, nonlinear, nonholonomic dynamics, actuation limits, and disturbances. We address this problem by finding a piecewise linear path for each agent such that the actual trajectories following these paths are guaranteed to satisfy the reach-and-avoid requirement. We show that the spatial tracking error of the actual trajectories of the controlled agents can be pre-computed for any qualified path that considers the minimum duration of each path segment due to actuation limits. Using these bounds, we find a collision-free path for each agent by solving Mixed Integer-Linear Programs and coordinate agents by using the priority-based search. We demonstrate our method by benchmarking in 2D and 3D scenarios with ground vehicles and quadrotors, respectively, and show improvements over the solving time and the solution quality compared to two state-of-the-art multi-agent motion planners.Comment: Accepted at AAAI2021. 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl