12 research outputs found

    Two-point AG codes from one of the Skabelund maximal curves

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    In this paper, we investigate two-point Algebraic Geometry codes associated to the Skabelund maximal curve constructed as a cyclic cover of the Suzuki curve. In order to estimate the minimum distance of such codes, we make use of the generalized order bound introduced by P. Beelen and determine certain two-point Weierstrass semigroups of the curve.Comment: 15 page

    AG codes and AG quantum codes from the GGS curve

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    In this paper, algebraic-geometric (AG) codes associated with the GGS maximal curve are investigated. The Weierstrass semigroup at all Fq2\mathbb F_{q^2}-rational points of the curve is determined; the Feng-Rao designed minimum distance is computed for infinite families of such codes, as well as the automorphism group. As a result, some linear codes with better relative parameters with respect to one-point Hermitian codes are discovered. Classes of quantum and convolutional codes are provided relying on the constructed AG codes

    Locally recoverable codes from automorphism groups of function fields of genus g≥1g \geq 1

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    A Locally Recoverable Code is a code such that the value of any single coordinate of a codeword can be recovered from the values of a small subset of other coordinates. When we have δ\delta non overlapping subsets of cardinality rir_i that can be used to recover the missing coordinate we say that a linear code C\mathcal{C} with length nn, dimension kk, minimum distance dd has (r1,…,rδ)(r_1,\ldots, r_\delta)-locality and denote it by [n,k,d;r1,r2,…,rδ].[n, k, d; r_1, r_2,\dots, r_\delta]. In this paper we provide a new upper bound for the minimum distance of these codes. Working with a finite number of subgroups of cardinality ri+1r_i+1 of the automorphism group of a function field F∣Fq\mathcal{F}| \mathbb{F}_q of genus g≥1g \geq 1, we propose a construction of [n,k,d;r1,r2,…,rδ][n, k, d; r_1, r_2,\dots, r_\delta]-codes and apply the results to some well known families of function fields

    New examples of maximal curves with low genus

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    We investigate the Jacobian decomposition of some algebraic curves over finite fields with genus 44, 55 and 1010. As a corollary, explicit equations for curves that are either maximal or minimal over the finite field with p2p^2 elements are obtained for infinitely many pp's. Lists of small pp's for which maximality holds are provided. In some cases we describe the automorphism group of the curve

    Multi point AG codes on the GK maximal curve

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    In this paper we investigate multi-point Algebraic\u2013Geometric codes associated to the GK maximal curve, starting from a divisor which is invariant under a large automorphism group of the curve. We construct families of codes with large automorphism groups