10,299 research outputs found

    On-line locomotion synthesis for virtual humans

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    Ever since the development of Computer Graphics in the industrial and academic worlds in the seventies, public knowledge and expertise have grown in a tremendous way, notably because of the increasing fascination for Computer Animation. This specific field of Computer Graphics gathers numerous techniques, especially for the animation of characters or virtual humans in movies and video games. To create such high-fidelity animations, a particular interest has been dedicated to motion capture, a technology which allows to record the 3D movement of a live performer. The resulting realism motion is convincing. However, this technique offers little control to animators, as the recorded motion can only be played back. Recently, many advances based on motion capture have been published, concerning slight but precise modifications of an original motion or the parameterization of large motion databases. The challenge consists in combining motion realism with an intuitive on-line motion control, while preserving real-time performances. In the first part of this thesis, we would like to add a brick in the wall of motion parameterization techniques based on motion capture, by introducing a generic motion modeling for locomotion and jump activities. For this purpose, we simplify the motion representation using a statistical method in order to facilitate the elaboration of an efficient parametric model. This model is structured in hierarchical levels, allowing an intuitive motion synthesis with high-level parameters. In addition, we present a space and time normalization process to adapt our model to characters of various sizes. In the second part, we integrate this motion modeling in an animation engine, thus allowing for the generation of a continuous stream of motion for virtual humans. We provide two additional tools to improve the flexibility of our engine. Based on the concept of motion anticipation, we first introduce an on-line method for detecting and enforcing foot-ground constraints. Hence, a straight line walking motion can be smoothly modified to a curved one. Secondly, we propose an approach for the automatic and coherent synthesis of transitions from locomotion to jump (and inversely) motions, by taking into account their respective properties. Finally, we consider the interaction of a virtual human with its environment. Given initial and final conditions set on the locomotion speed and foot positions, we propose a method which computes the corresponding trajectory. To illustrate this method, we propose a case study which mirrors as closely as possible the behavior of a human confronted with an obstacle: at any time, obstacles may be interactively created in front of a moving virtual human. Our method computes a trajectory allowing the virtual human to precisely jump over the obstacle in an on-line manner

    Splicing of concurrent upper-body motion spaces with locomotion

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    In this paper, we present a motion splicing technique for generating concurrent upper-body actions occurring simultaneously with the evolution of a lower-body locomotion sequence. Specifically, we show that a layered interpolation motion model generates upper-body poses while assigning different actions to each upper-body part. Hence, in the proposed motion splicing approach, it is possible to increase the number of generated motions as well as the number of desired actions that can be performed by virtual characters. Additionally, we propose an iterative motion blending solution, inverse pseudo-blending, to maintain a smooth and natural interaction between the virtual character and the virtual environment; inverse pseudo-blending is a constraint-based motion editing technique that blends the motions enclosed in a tetrahedron by minimising the distances between the end-effector positions of the actual and blended motions. Additionally, to evaluate the proposed solution, we implemented an example-based application for interactive motion splicing based on specified constraints. Finally, the generated results show that the proposed solution can be beneficially applied to interactive applications where concurrent actions of the upper-body are desired

    Humanoid robot orientation stabilization by shoulder joint motion during locomotion

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    Arm swing action is a natural phenomenon that emerges in biped locomotion. A shoulder torque reference generation method is introduced in this paper to utilize arms of a humanoid robot during locomotion. Main idea of the technique is the employment of shoulder joint actuation torques in order to stabilize body orientation. The reference torques are computed by a method which utilizes proportional and derivative actions. Body orientation angles serve as the inputs of this system. The approach is tested via simulations with the 3D full-dynamics model of the humanoid robot SURALP (Sabanci University Robotics Research Laboratory Platform). Results indicate that the method is successful in reducing oscillations of body angles during bipedal walking

    How to achieve various gait patterns from single nominal

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    In this paper is presented an approach to achieving on-line modification of nominal biped gait without recomputing entire dynamics when steady motion is performed. Straight, dynamically balanced walk was used as a nominal gait, and applied modifications were speed-up and slow-down walk and turning left and right. It is shown that the disturbances caused by these modifications jeopardize dynamic stability, but they can be simply compensated to enable walk continuation

    Frequency-Aware Model Predictive Control

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    Transferring solutions found by trajectory optimization to robotic hardware remains a challenging task. When the optimization fully exploits the provided model to perform dynamic tasks, the presence of unmodeled dynamics renders the motion infeasible on the real system. Model errors can be a result of model simplifications, but also naturally arise when deploying the robot in unstructured and nondeterministic environments. Predominantly, compliant contacts and actuator dynamics lead to bandwidth limitations. While classical control methods provide tools to synthesize controllers that are robust to a class of model errors, such a notion is missing in modern trajectory optimization, which is solved in the time domain. We propose frequency-shaped cost functions to achieve robust solutions in the context of optimal control for legged robots. Through simulation and hardware experiments we show that motion plans can be made compatible with bandwidth limits set by actuators and contact dynamics. The smoothness of the model predictive solutions can be continuously tuned without compromising the feasibility of the problem. Experiments with the quadrupedal robot ANYmal, which is driven by highly-compliant series elastic actuators, showed significantly improved tracking performance of the planned motion, torque, and force trajectories and enabled the machine to walk robustly on terrain with unmodeled compliance
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