269 research outputs found

    Pix2HDR -- A pixel-wise acquisition and deep learning-based synthesis approach for high-speed HDR videos

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    Accurately capturing dynamic scenes with wide-ranging motion and light intensity is crucial for many vision applications. However, acquiring high-speed high dynamic range (HDR) video is challenging because the camera's frame rate restricts its dynamic range. Existing methods sacrifice speed to acquire multi-exposure frames. Yet, misaligned motion in these frames can still pose complications for HDR fusion algorithms, resulting in artifacts. Instead of frame-based exposures, we sample the videos using individual pixels at varying exposures and phase offsets. Implemented on a pixel-wise programmable image sensor, our sampling pattern simultaneously captures fast motion at a high dynamic range. We then transform pixel-wise outputs into an HDR video using end-to-end learned weights from deep neural networks, achieving high spatiotemporal resolution with minimized motion blurring. We demonstrate aliasing-free HDR video acquisition at 1000 FPS, resolving fast motion under low-light conditions and against bright backgrounds - both challenging conditions for conventional cameras. By combining the versatility of pixel-wise sampling patterns with the strength of deep neural networks at decoding complex scenes, our method greatly enhances the vision system's adaptability and performance in dynamic conditions.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    {HDR} Denoising and Deblurring by Learning Spatio-temporal Distortion Model

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    We seek to reconstruct sharp and noise-free high-dynamic range (HDR) video from a dual-exposure sensor that records different low-dynamic range (LDR) information in different pixel columns: Odd columns provide low-exposure, sharp, but noisy information; even columns complement this with less noisy, high-exposure, but motion-blurred data. Previous LDR work learns to deblur and denoise (DISTORTED->CLEAN) supervised by pairs of CLEAN and DISTORTED images. Regrettably, capturing DISTORTED sensor readings is time-consuming; as well, there is a lack of CLEAN HDR videos. We suggest a method to overcome those two limitations. First, we learn a different function instead: CLEAN->DISTORTED, which generates samples containing correlated pixel noise, and row and column noise, as well as motion blur from a low number of CLEAN sensor readings. Second, as there is not enough CLEAN HDR video available, we devise a method to learn from LDR video in-stead. Our approach compares favorably to several strong baselines, and can boost existing methods when they are re-trained on our data. Combined with spatial and temporal super-resolution, it enables applications such as re-lighting with low noise or blur

    A robust patch-based synthesis framework for combining inconsistent images

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    Current methods for combining different images produce visible artifacts when the sources have very different textures and structures, come from far view points, or capture dynamic scenes with motions. In this thesis, we propose a patch-based synthesis algorithm to plausibly combine different images that have color, texture, structural, and geometric inconsistencies. For some applications such as cloning and stitching where a gradual blend is required, we present a new method for synthesizing a transition region between two source images, such that inconsistent properties change gradually from one source to the other. We call this process image melding. For gradual blending, we generalized patch-based optimization foundation with three key generalizations: First, we enrich the patch search space with additional geometric and photometric transformations. Second, we integrate image gradients into the patch representation and replace the usual color averaging with a screened Poisson equation solver. Third, we propose a new energy based on mixed L2/L0 norms for colors and gradients that produces a gradual transition between sources without sacrificing texture sharpness. Together, all three generalizations enable patch-based solutions to a broad class of image melding problems involving inconsistent sources: object cloning, stitching challenging panoramas, hole filling from multiple photos, and image harmonization. We also demonstrate another application which requires us to address inconsistencies across the images: high dynamic range (HDR) reconstruction using sequential exposures. In this application, the results will suffer from objectionable artifacts for dynamic scenes if the inconsistencies caused by significant scene motions are not handled properly. In this thesis, we propose a new approach to HDR reconstruction that uses information in all exposures while being more robust to motion than previous techniques. Our algorithm is based on a novel patch-based energy-minimization formulation that integrates alignment and reconstruction in a joint optimization through an equation we call the HDR image synthesis equation. This allows us to produce an HDR result that is aligned to one of the exposures yet contains information from all of them. These two applications (image melding and high dynamic range reconstruction) show that patch based methods like the one proposed in this dissertation can address inconsistent images and could open the door to many new image editing applications in the future

    High Dynamic Range Imaging with Context-aware Transformer

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    Avoiding the introduction of ghosts when synthesising LDR images as high dynamic range (HDR) images is a challenging task. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are effective for HDR ghost removal in general, but are challenging to deal with the LDR images if there are large movements or oversaturation/undersaturation. Existing dual-branch methods combining CNN and Transformer omit part of the information from non-reference images, while the features extracted by the CNN-based branch are bound to the kernel size with small receptive field, which are detrimental to the deblurring and the recovery of oversaturated/undersaturated regions. In this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical dual Transformer method for ghost-free HDR (HDT-HDR) images generation, which extracts global features and local features simultaneously. First, we use a CNN-based head with spatial attention mechanisms to extract features from all the LDR images. Second, the LDR features are delivered to the Hierarchical Dual Transformer (HDT). In each Dual Transformer (DT), the global features are extracted by the window-based Transformer, while the local details are extracted using the channel attention mechanism with deformable CNNs. Finally, the ghost free HDR image is obtained by dimensional mapping on the HDT output. Abundant experiments demonstrate that our HDT-HDR achieves the state-of-the-art performance among existing HDR ghost removal methods.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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