244 research outputs found

    A modified new method for estimating smoking-attributable mortality in high-income countries

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    Preston, Glei, and Wilmoth (2010) recently proposed an innovative regression-based method to estimate smoking-attributable mortality in developed countries based on observed lung cancer death rates. Their estimates for females, however, differ appreciably from some published estimates. This article presents a modified version of the Preston, Glei, and Wilmoth method that includes an age-period interaction term in its model. This modified version produces improved estimates of smoking-attributable mortality that are consistent with results from a modified version of the Peto-Lopez indirect method.life expectancy, mortality, smoking

    Cigarette consumption in The Netherlands 1970-1995 - Does tax policy encourage the use of hand-rolling tobacco?

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    Background: Tax rises to reduce cigarette consumption are a major feature of European tobacco control policies. In many countries, hand-rolling tobacco is much cheaper than manufactured cigarettes. We Investigated whether changes in price differentials between manufactured and hand-rolled cigarettes influenced cigarette consumption in The Netherlands. Method: We developed regression models to explain changes in the consumption of the two cigarette types. Price elasticities, the percentage changes in consumption for a 1% change in price, are calculated from Netherlands data for 1970-1980 and 1985-1995. Results: The ratio of manufactured to hand-rolled cigarette prices changed little during 1970-1980 but varied subsequently. On multivariate analysis, manufactured cigarette consumption in 1970-1980 decreased as its price rose (elasticity = -0.74). In 1985-1995, manufactured cigarette consumption fell with increases in both its own price (elasticity = -0.54) and in the price differential between manufactured and hand-rolled cigarettes (elasticity = -0.60). During 1985-1995, roll-your-own consumption fell as the price ratio of manufactured to hand rolled cigarettes fell (elasticity = +1.0). Conclusion: When the price rise for hand-rolling tobacco is greater than the price rise for manufactured cigarettes, the fall in manufactured cigarette consumption is accompanied by a fall in roll-your-own use. Cigarette smokers are deterred from switching to hand rolled cigarettes instead of stopping smoking. This increases the health benefits of raising taxes on manufactured cigarettes, discourages the use of even more harmful forms of tobacco and may reduce inequalities in health

    Diverging trends in female old-age mortality: A reappraisal

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    Over the second half of the 20th century a number of divergences and convergences of mortality schedules were observed across the world. Some of these developments remain incompletely understood. In recent overviews of old-age female mortality Mesle and Vallin (2006, Population and Development Review) and Rau, Soroko, Jasilionis, and Vaupel (2008, Population and Development Review) describe two contrasting patterns of mortality change between the mid-1980s and the end of the 20th century: a pattern of a large decrease in mortality exhibited by France and Japan and a pattern of a smaller decrease, stability or a certain increase in mortality shown by Denmark, the United States and the Netherlands. No satisfactory explanation of this phenomenon has been proposed so far. This paper shows that the divergence is, to a very significant extent, due to the differential impact of smoking related mortality on female populations of France and Japan versus Denmark, the United States and the Netherlands. The end to the diverging trends is demonstrated. Other lifestyle factors potentially implicated in the divergence are also discussed.convergence, divergences, health transition, mortality, smoking

    Epidemiology and Risk Factors for Lung Cancer in Ardabil, Iran

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    Background & Objective: Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world and is considered as one of the top five cancers in Iran. The aim of this study was to evaluate the epidemiology and risk factors for lung cancer in Ardabil. Methods: This cross-sectional study was done in Ardabil province since May 2009 to May 2011. Subjects were evaluated from two sources; the first group was selected from patients of the Imam Khomeini hospital of Ardabil. These patients were underwent bronchoscopic biopsy in this center and their pathological reports were positive for primary lung cancer. The second group included the patients were reported in Ardabil cancer registry center with diagnosis of primary lung cancer and their samples have been sent to the other centers for analysis. We collected the data in a data sheet for each group separately and analyzed through the use of SPSS (ver. 16) statistical package. Results: A total of 124 patients with lung cancer enrolled in this study (79% in the first group and 21% in second group). The male gender was dominant among the patients (82.3%) and the mean age of 64.23±9.99 years. In the first group more than half of the patients (54.1%) were urban, 90.8% had a history of smoking (mean 38.67±25.70 packs of cigarettes per year) and the history of opium abuse was high among subjects (34.7%), the positive family history of cancer was 17.3%, and the most common chief complaint at the time of diagnosis was bloody sputum (32.7%). Right upper lobe was the most common site of cancer in bronchoscopy of this group (27.64%) and squamous cell carcinoma was the most common form of malignancy (61.3%). Conclusions: This study showed that unlike developed countries and in line with domestic studies, squamous cell carcinoma was the most common lung cancer, and adenocarcinoma was less common. Lung cancer among the men was seen 4.6 times more than women, and smoking was the most important risk factor

    Speculation about Options for Teen Tobacco Use Cessation in the Russian Federation

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    This paper summarizes prevalence and consequences, recent policies, prevention and cessation efforts, recent developmental work (focus groups), and speculation about the current status of cigarette smoking in the Russian Federation. Unique aspects of modern Russian society are suggested as leading to relatively high prevalence internationally of smoking among Russian males. Similar factors may lead to deflated smoking cessation attempt and quit rates. We believe that the future of tobacco control in Russia is close, but that it will involve raising the prices of tobacco products, enforcing no tobacco use policies among minors, ratification of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and implementation of evidenced-based tobacco use prevention and cessation programs

    Alcohol, tobacco and breast cancer: should alcohol be condemned and tobacco acquitted?

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    British Journal of Cancer (2002) 87, 1195–1196. doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6600633 www.bjcancer.co

    Sotsiaal-majanduslikud erinevused suitsetamises

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    Eesti Arst 2008; 88(Lisa2):57−6

    Predictors of smoking cessation among Chinese parents of young children followed up for 6 months

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    Health Services Research Fund & Health Care and Promotion Fund: Research Dissemination Reports (Series 2)published_or_final_versio

    Actual Problems of Health Protection of Ukrainian Youth

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    The primary health problems of young Ukrainians are induced by poor quality fast food, alcoholism, and smoking. Because of these addictions, as well as inadequately conceived public policy and the influence of commercial advertising targeting youth, this generation suffers from number of dangerous diseases that in some cases lead to premature deaths.Розглядаються основні проблеми зі здоров'ям української молоді, викликані неякісним швидким харчуванням, пивним алкоголізмом, курінням. Внаслідок цих згубних звичок, а також непродуманої державної політики та впливу реклами, молоде покоління страждає від низки небезпечних захворювань, що ведуть у ряді випадків до смертельних наслідків