16,043 research outputs found

    Insignificant shadow detection for video segmentation

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    To prevent moving cast shadows from being misunderstood as part of moving objects in change detection based video segmentation, this paper proposes a novel approach to the cast shadow detection based on the edge and region information in multiple frames. First, an initial change detection mask containing moving objects and cast shadows is obtained. Then a Canny edge map is generated. After that, the shadow region is detected and removed through multiframe integration, edge matching, and region growing. Finally, a post processing procedure is used to eliminate noise and tune the boundaries of the objects. Our approach can be used for video segmentation in indoor environment. The experimental results demonstrate its good performance

    The Impact of Acoustic Imaging Geometry on the Fidelity of Seabed Bathymetric Models

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    Attributes derived from digital bathymetric models (DBM) are a powerful means of analyzing seabed characteristics. Those models however are inherently constrained by the method of seabed sampling. Most bathymetric models are derived by collating a number of discrete corridors of multibeam sonar data. Within each corridor the data are collected over a wide range of distances, azimuths and elevation angles and thus the quality varies significantly. That variability therefore becomes imprinted into the DBM. Subsequent users of the DBM, unfamiliar with the original acquisition geometry, may potentially misinterpret such variability as attributes of the seabed. This paper examines the impact on accuracy and resolution of the resultant derived model as a function of the imaging geometry. This can be broken down into the range, angle, azimuth, density and overlap attributes. These attributes in turn are impacted by the sonar configuration including beam widths, beam spacing, bottom detection algorithms, stabilization strategies, platform speed and stability. Superimposed over the imaging geometry are residual effects due to imperfect integration of ancillary sensors. As the platform (normally a surface vessel), is moving with characteristic motions resulting from the ocean wave spectrum, periodic residuals in the seafloor can become imprinted that may again be misinterpreted as geomorphological information

    Active Tectonics in Southern Xinjiang, China: Analysis of Terrace Riser and Normal Fault Scarp Degradation Along the Hotan-Qira Fault System

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    The northern piedmont of the western Kunlun mountains (Xinjiang, China) is marked at its easternmost extremity, south of the Hotan-Qira oases, by a set of normal faults trending N50E for nearly 70 km. Conspicuous on Landsat and SPOT images, these faults follow the southeastern border of a deep flexural basin and may be related to the subsidence of the Tarim platform loaded by the western Kunlun northward overthrust. The Hotan-Qira normal fault system vertically offsets the piedmont slope by 70 m. Highest fault scarps reach 20 m and often display evidence for recent reactivations about 2 m high. Successive stream entrenchments in uplifted footwalls have formed inset terraces. We have leveled topographic profiles across fault scarps and transverse abandoned terrace risers. The state of degradation of each terrace edge has been characterized by a degradation coefficient τ, derived by comparison with analytical erosion models. Edges of highest abandoned terraces yield a degradation coefficient of 33 ± 4 m^2. Profiles of cumulative fault scarps have been analyzed in a similar way using synthetic profiles generated with a simple incremental fault scarp model. The analysis shows that (1) rate of fault slip remained essentially constant since the aggradation of the piedmont surface and (2) the occurrence of inset terraces was synchronous at all studied sites, suggesting a climate-driven terrace formation. Observation of glacial and periglacial geomorphic features along the northern front of the western Kunlun range indicates that the Qira glaciofluvial fan emplaced after the last glacial maximum, during the retreat of the Kunlun glaciers (12–22 ka). The age of the most developed inset terrace in uplifted valleys is inferred to be 10 ± 3 ka, coeval with humid climate pulses of the last deglaciation. The mass diffusivity constant (k=τ/T, being time B.P.) in the Hotan region is determined to be 3.3 ± 1.4 m^2/10^3 years, consistent with other estimates in similar climatic and geologic environments of western China. These results imply a minimum rate for the Tarim subsidence of 3.5 ± 2 mm/yr. If Western Kunlun overthrusts the Tarim platform on a crustal ramp dipping 40°–45° to the south, it would absorb at least 4.5 ± 3 mm/yr of convergence between western Tibet and Tarim

    Symbolic Computing with Incremental Mindmaps to Manage and Mine Data Streams - Some Applications

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    In our understanding, a mind-map is an adaptive engine that basically works incrementally on the fundament of existing transactional streams. Generally, mind-maps consist of symbolic cells that are connected with each other and that become either stronger or weaker depending on the transactional stream. Based on the underlying biologic principle, these symbolic cells and their connections as well may adaptively survive or die, forming different cell agglomerates of arbitrary size. In this work, we intend to prove mind-maps' eligibility following diverse application scenarios, for example being an underlying management system to represent normal and abnormal traffic behaviour in computer networks, supporting the detection of the user behaviour within search engines, or being a hidden communication layer for natural language interaction.Comment: 4 pages; 4 figure