323 research outputs found

    Addressing performance requirements in the FDT-based design of distributed systems

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    The development of distributed systems is generally regarded as a complex and costly task, and for this reason formal description techniques such as LOTOS and ESTELLE (both standardized by the ISO) are increasingly used in this process. Our experience is that LOTOS can be exploited at many stages on the design trajectory, from requirements specification to implementation, but that the language elements do not allow direct formalization of performance requirements. To avoid duplication of effort by using two formalisms with distinct approaches, we propose a design method that incorporates performance constraints in an heuristic but effective manner

    TIPPtool: Compositional Specification and Analysis of Markovian Performance Models

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    In this short paper we briefly describe a tool which is based on a Markovian stochastic process algebra. The tool offers both model specification and quantitative model analysis in a compositional fashion, wrapped in a userfriendly graphical front-end

    Computational tasks in robotics and factory automation

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    The design of Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems (MPCSs) — systems that negotiate with Customers and Suppliers to exchange products in return for money in order to generate profit, is discussed.\ud \ud The computational task of MPCS components are systematically specified as a starting point for the development of computational engines, as computer systems and programs, that execute the specified computation. Key issues are the overwhelming complexity and frequently changing application of MPCSs

    Early aspects: aspect-oriented requirements engineering and architecture design

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    This paper reports on the third Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design Workshop, which has been held in Lancaster, UK, on March 21, 2004. The workshop included a presentation session and working sessions in which the particular topics on early aspects were discussed. The primary goal of the workshop was to focus on challenges to defining methodical software development processes for aspects from early on in the software life cycle and explore the potential of proposed methods and techniques to scale up to industrial applications

    Architectural notes: a framework for distributed systems development

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    This thesis develops a framework of methods and techniques for distributed systems development. This framework consists of two related domains in which design concepts for distributed systems are defined: the entity domain and the behaviour domain. In the entity domain we consider structures of functional entities and their interconnection, while in the behaviour domain we consider behaviour definition and structuring. An interaction in which we abstract from the particular responsibilities of the participating functional entities is considered as an action. Behaviours consist of actions, interactions and their relationships. Relationships between actions and interactions are defined in terms of causality relations. In each causality relation the conditions and constraints for an action or interaction to occur are defined. Two important behaviour structuring techniques have been identified from the possible ways causality relations can be distributed: causality-oriented behaviour composition and constraint-oriented behaviour composition. Causality-oriented behaviour composition consists of placing some conditions of an action and the action itself in different sub-behaviours. Constraint-oriented behaviour composition consists of placing parts of the conditions and constraints of an action in different sub-behaviours, such that this action is shared by these sub-behaviours. This thesis identifies milestones in the design process of distributed systems, as well as the design steps to move from one milestone to another. These design steps are characterized using the concepts of the entity and the behaviour domain. We identified two crucial design operations of the behaviour domain that support these design steps: behaviour refinement and action refinement. Behaviour refinement consists of introducing (internal) structure in the causality relations of reference actions of an abstract behaviour, but preserving their causality and exclusion relationships and their attribute values. Action refinement consists of replacing abstract actions by activities, such that the completion of these activities correspond to the occurrence of the abstract actions. One important characteristic of action refinement is the possibility of distributing attribute values of the abstract actions over actions of the activities that replace them in the concrete behaviours. The area of research, scope and objectives of this thesis are discussed in Chapter 1. The concept of design culture and its elements is introduced in this chapter in order to provide an overview of the important aspects of the design process. Entity domain, behaviour domain, and design milestones are introduced and discussed in Chapter 2. This chapter also discusses the global objectives of design steps, and the abstraction obtained by considering interactions between cooperating functional entities as actions of the interaction system between these entities. Action, action attributes, causality and exclusion are discussed in Chapter 3. This chapter shows how a behaviour can be defined in terms of the causality relations of its actions in a monolithic form. Causality-oriented behaviour composition is discussed in Chapter 4. Entries and exits of a behaviour are the mechanisms that make it possible to assign parts of a condition of an action and the action itself to different sub-behaviours. Constraint-oriented behaviour composition is discussed in Chapter 5. Decomposition possibilities of monolithic behaviours are systematically studied in this chapter. Behaviour refinement is discussed in Chapter 6. This chapter defines a method to obtain an abstraction of a concrete behaviour. This method can be used to check whether the concrete behaviour corresponds to a certain abstract behaviour. Action refinement is discussed in Chapter 7. This chapter identifies some activity forms, and define the rules for considering these activities as implementations of an abstract action. These rules are used in a method to derive an abstraction of a concrete behaviour in which the abstract actions are implemented as activities. This method can be used to check whether the concrete behaviour corresponds to a certain abstract behaviour. Chapter 8 discusses a design example that is meant to illustrate the use of our design concepts. The example is an interaction server, which is a component that supports the interaction between multiple functional entities. Chapter 9 draws some conclusions and revisits the design milestones of Chapter 2, showing alternatives for the design trajectory which have been created with the use of actions and interactions in a single framework

    On the design of application protocols

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    In the last decades, much effort has been spent on the design and provision of sophisticated communication infrastructures. The development of end-user oriented distributed system applications, leaning on top of these communication infrastructures, so far has attracted little attention. This is regrettable, since communication infrastructures can only become useful and profitable if they can be deployed in the context of a sufficient number of distributed applications.\ud Two important factors determine the success of distributed applications: (1) the provision of high quality application services and protocols at short time scales; and (2) the availability of standards for these services and protocols that can be used for the construction of �open� distributed systems. The achievement of both (1) and (2) can be supported by a suitable design methodology.\ud A design methodology entails a systematic approach to carry out complex designs, and therefore should incorporate proper concepts that enable the effective structuring of such designs. Concepts currently used for the design and structuring of application protocols appear to be inadequate for this purpose. Also a step-wise design approach that would help to master complexity and shorten development times is currently lacking.\ud Standards are necessary since individual users of distributed system applications prefer to be independent on any particular manufacturer or vendor when procuring products, while manufacturers prefer to have maximum implementation freedom when developing such products. An �open� protocol standard defines necessary and sufficient conditions for system parts to interact, such that the system parts can be implemented independently of each other.\ud ISO and ITU-TSS base the development and definition of protocol standards on a �reference model�, called the Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection (OSIRM). This model comprises a rudimentary form of a design approach and a reference architecture that can be derived with this approach. According to the OSI-RM, the overall application protocol functionality is distributed over three hierarchical protocol layers. Each layer has been assigned a specific functionality, except the highest layer, the Application\ud Layer, which is made responsible for all remaining protocol functions. Because the functionality of the Application Layer is not delimited it cannot, as opposed to the other layers, be covered by a single protocol standard or a fixed set of protocol standards. Several identified sets of Application Layer protocol functions are defined by separate Application Service Elements (ASEs).\ud The appropriateness of the OSI-RM for the development and definition of application protocol standards can be criticized on a number of points:\ud - the reference architecture defined by the OSI-RM is not flexible enough to adequately cope with the diversity of interaction requirements of distributed applications.\ud - some design concepts are not clearly defined, thus prohibiting their effective application to structuring problems;\ud - the relationship between high level application requirements and proposed application protocol solutions is unclear;\ud - the development of application protocol standards generally takes a long time.\ud This thesis aims at the development of a methodology for the design of application protocols, including application protocol standards, and so addresses the problems mentioned above. The following contributions are made to achieve this aim:\ud - design quality criteria are proposed that can be used to guide design decisions and to evaluate designs;\ud - OSI design decisions and design concepts with respect to application protocols are evaluated;\ud - general-purpose, elementary design concepts are proposed;\ud - milestones in the application protocol design process are presented;\ud - behaviour composition and structuring techniques are developed that can be used to represent design results corresponding to the identified milestones;\ud - design methods are proposed to support the correct performance of design steps between milestones;\ud - a flexible reference architecture is proposed.\ud A (potential) result of the design methodology is that layered application protocol hierarchies can be avoided if they are not required by the class of distributed applications that must be supported