4 research outputs found

    Monotone Data Visualization Using Rational Trigonometric Spline Interpolation

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    Rational cubic and bicubic trigonometric schemes are developed to conserve monotonicity of curve and surface data, respectively. The rational cubic function has four parameters in each subinterval, while the rational bicubic partially blended function has eight parameters in each rectangular patch. The monotonicity of curve and surface data is retained by developing constraints on some of these parameters in description of rational cubic and bicubic trigonometric functions. The remaining parameters are kept free to modify the shape of curve and surface if required. The developed algorithm is verified mathematically and demonstrated graphically

    Quartic Rational Said-Ball-Like Basis with Tension Shape Parameters and Its Application

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    Four new quartic rational Said-Ball-like basis functions, which include the cubic Said-Ball basis functions as a special case, are constructed in this paper. The new basis is applied to generate a class of C1 continuous quartic rational Hermite interpolation splines with local tension shape parameters. The error estimate expression of the proposed interpolant is given and the sufficient conditions are derived for constructing a C1 positivity- or monotonicity- preserving interpolation spline. In addition, we extend the quartic rational Said-Ball-like basis to a triangular domain which has three tension shape parameters and includes the cubic triangular Said-Ball basis as a special case. In order to compute the corresponding patch stably and efficiently, a new de Casteljau-type algorithm is developed. Moreover, the G1 continuous conditions are deduced for the joining of two patches

    Morphing wing : experimental boundary layer transition determination and wing vibrations measurements and analysis

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    This Master鈥檚 thesis is written within the framework of the multidisciplinary international research project CRIAQ MDO-505. This global project consists of the design, manufacture and testing of a morphing wing box capable of changing the shape of the flexible upper skin of a wing using an actuator system installed inside the wing. This changing of the shape generates a delay in the occurrence of the laminar to turbulent transition area, which results in an improvement of the aerodynamic performances of the morphed wing. This thesis is focused on the technologies used to gather the pressure data during the Wind tunnel tests, as well as on the post-processing methodologies used to characterize the wing airflow. The vibration measurements of the wing and their real-time graphical representation are also presented. The vibration data acquisition system is detailed, and the vibration data analysis confirms the predictions of the flutter analysis performed on the wing prior to Wind tunnel testing at the IAR-NRC. The pressure data was collected using 32 highly-sensitive piezoelectric sensors for sensing the pressure fluctuations up to 10 KHz. These sensors were installed along two wing chords, and were further connected to a National Instrument PXI real-time acquisition system. The acquired pressure data was high-pass filtered, analyzed and visualized using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Standard Deviation (SD) approaches to quantify the pressure fluctuations in the wing airflow, as these allow the detection of the laminar to turbulent transition area. Around 30% of the cases tested in the IAR-NRC wind tunnel were optimized for drag reduction by the morphing wing procedure. The obtained pressure measurements results were compared with results obtained by infrared thermography visualization, and were used to validate the numerical simulations. Two analog accelerometers able to sense dynamic accelerations up to 卤16g were installed in both the wing and the aileron boxes to obtain the vibration sensing measurements. The measured accelerations were acquired by an NI real-time acquisition system using LABVIEW software for a real-time graphical visualization. The recorded data were then analyzed and the analysis indicated that no aeroelastic phenomenon occurred on the model during the wind tunnel tests, at speeds of 50 m/s and 80m/s

    Optimizaci贸n del proceso de secado en base a criterios de calidad. Aplicaci贸n al dise帽o de un alimento c谩rnico enriquecido en fibra alimentaria

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    En el dise帽o de embutidos crudos curados enriquecidos en fibra alimentaria, es esencial la obtenci贸n de ingredientes funcionales de elevada calidad, que puedan ser incorporados en la formulaci贸n del embutido generando las menores modificaciones de las caracter铆sticas f铆sico-qu铆micas y sensoriales del alimento. El principal objetivo de este trabajo consisti贸 en optimizar la formulaci贸n de un embutido crudo curado enriquecido en un concentrado de fibra alimentaria de zanahoria. La formulaci贸n 贸ptima debe proporcionar el contenido m谩ximo de fibra alimentaria y producir los m铆nimos cambios de calidad respecto al producto tradicional. Se ha propuesto una metodolog铆a para optimizar ambos, la obtenci贸n de un concentrado de fibra alimentaria de alta calidad y tambi茅n la formulaci贸n de un embutido crudo curado (sobrasada) enriquecido en fibra alimentaria. En primer lugar, se ha desarrollado un procedimiento que consiste en la modelizaci贸n, simulaci贸n y optimizaci贸n del proceso de secado convectivo de zanahoria. El procedimiento de optimizaci贸n no solo se refiere a la transferencia de materia, sino tambi茅n se incluyen los criterios relacionados con los atributos de calidad del producto final. Una vez obtenido el ingrediente funcional de calidad, fue incorporado en la formulaci贸n de la sobrasada. La cantidad 贸ptima de concentrado de fibra alimentaria de zanahoria necesaria para obtener un embutido enriquecido de calidad se estim贸 mediante el an谩lisis de los efectos de la adici贸n de fibra alimentaria de zanahoria en el proceso de maduraci贸n-secado de sobrasadaTo design dry fermented sausages enriched in dietary fibre, it is essential to obtain high quality functional ingredients, which can be incorporated into sausage formulation with minor modifications of the physico-chemical and sensory properties of food. The main objective of this study was to optimize the formulation of a dry fermented sausage enriched with a dietary fibre concentrate from carrot. The optimal formulation should provide maximum dietary fibre content and produce minimal quality changes from the traditional product. A methodology has been proposed to optimize both the acquisition of a high quality fibre concentrate and also for the formulation of a dry fermented sausage (sobrassada) enriched in dietary fibre. First, a procedure comprised of mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization of the convective carrot drying process was developed. The optimization procedure was not only concerned with mass transfer but also included criteria related to quality attributes of the final product. Once the high quality functional ingredient was obtained, it was incorporated into the sobrassada formulation. The optimal amount of carrot dietary fibre concentrate necessary to obtain a high quality enriched sausage was estimated by analysing the effects of carrot dietary fibre addition to the ripening-drying process of sobrassadaEn el disseny d'embotits crus curats enriquits en fibra aliment脿ria, 茅s essencial l'obtenci贸 d'ingredients funcionals d'elevada qualitat que puguin ser incorporats en la formulaci贸 de l'embotit generant les menors modificacions de les caracter铆stiques fisicoqu铆miques i sensorials de l'aliment. El principal objectiu d'aquest treball va consistir a optimitzar la formulaci贸 d'un embotit cru curat enriquit en un concentrat de fibra aliment脿ria de pastanaga. La formulaci贸 貌ptima ha de proporcionar el contingut m脿xim de fibra aliment脿ria i produir la menor quantitat possible de canvis qualitatius respecte al producte tradicional. S'ha proposat una metodologia per optimitzar ambd贸s aspectes esmentats, l'obtenci贸 d'un concentrat de fibra aliment脿ria d'alta qualitat i tamb茅 la formulaci贸 d'un embotit cru curat (sobrassada) enriquit en fibra aliment脿ria. En primer lloc, s'ha desenvolupat un procediment que consisteix en la modelitzaci贸, simulaci贸 i optimitzaci贸 del proc茅s d'assecatge convectiu de pastanaga. El procediment d'optimitzaci贸 no nom茅s fa refer猫ncia a la transfer猫ncia de mat猫ria, sin贸 que tamb茅 inclou els criteris relacionats amb els atributs de qualitat del producte final. Una vegada obtingut l'ingredient funcional de qualitat, va ser incorporat en la formulaci贸 de la sobrassada. La quantitat 貌ptima de concentrat de fibra aliment脿ria de pastanaga necess脿ria per obtenir un embotit enriquit de qualitat es va estimar mitjan莽ant l'an脿lisi dels efectes de l'addici贸 de fibra aliment脿ria de pastanaga en el proc茅s de maduraci贸/assecat de sobrassad