132 research outputs found

    Alternating Hamiltonian cycles in 22-edge-colored multigraphs

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    A path (cycle) in a 22-edge-colored multigraph is alternating if no two consecutive edges have the same color. The problem of determining the existence of alternating Hamiltonian paths and cycles in 22-edge-colored multigraphs is an NP\mathcal{NP}-complete problem and it has been studied by several authors. In Bang-Jensen and Gutin's book "Digraphs: Theory, Algorithms and Applications", it is devoted one chapter to survey the last results on this topic. Most results on the existence of alternating Hamiltonian paths and cycles concern on complete and bipartite complete multigraphs and a few ones on multigraphs with high monochromatic degrees or regular monochromatic subgraphs. In this work, we use a different approach imposing local conditions on the multigraphs and it is worthwhile to notice that the class of multigraphs we deal with is much larger than, and includes, complete multigraphs, and we provide a full characterization of this class. Given a 22-edge-colored multigraph GG, we say that GG is 22-M\mathcal{M}-closed (resp. 22-NM\mathcal{NM}-closed)} if for every monochromatic (resp. non-monochromatic) 22-path P=(x1,x2,x3)P=(x_1, x_2, x_3), there exists an edge between x1x_1 and x3x_3. In this work we provide the following characterization: A 22-M\mathcal{M}-closed multigraph has an alternating Hamiltonian cycle if and only if it is color-connected and it has an alternating cycle factor. Furthermore, we construct an infinite family of 22-NM\mathcal{NM}-closed graphs, color-connected, with an alternating cycle factor, and with no alternating Hamiltonian cycle.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figure

    k-colored kernels

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    We study kk-colored kernels in mm-colored digraphs. An mm-colored digraph DD has kk-colored kernel if there exists a subset KK of its vertices such that (i) from every vertex v∉Kv\notin K there exists an at most kk-colored directed path from vv to a vertex of KK and (ii) for every u,v∈Ku,v\in K there does not exist an at most kk-colored directed path between them. In this paper, we prove that for every integer k≥2k\geq 2 there exists a (k+1)% (k+1)-colored digraph DD without kk-colored kernel and if every directed cycle of an mm-colored digraph is monochromatic, then it has a kk-colored kernel for every positive integer k.k. We obtain the following results for some generalizations of tournaments: (i) mm-colored quasi-transitive and 3-quasi-transitive digraphs have a kk% -colored kernel for every k≥3k\geq 3 and k≥4,k\geq 4, respectively (we conjecture that every mm-colored ll-quasi-transitive digraph has a kk% -colored kernel for every k≥l+1)k\geq l+1), and (ii) mm-colored locally in-tournament (out-tournament, respectively) digraphs have a kk-colored kernel provided that every arc belongs to a directed cycle and every directed cycle is at most kk-colored

    Tournament Directed Graphs

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    Paired comparison is the process of comparing objects two at a time. A tournament in Graph Theory is a representation of such paired comparison data. Formally, an n-tournament is an oriented complete graph on n vertices; that is, it is the representation of a paired comparison, where the winner of the comparison between objects x and y (x and y are called vertices) is depicted with an arrow or arc from the winner to the other. In this thesis, we shall prove several results on tournaments. In Chapter 2, we will prove that the maximum number of vertices that can beat exactly m other vertices in an n-tournament is min{2m + 1,2n - 2m - 1}. The remainder of this thesis will deal with tournaments whose arcs have been colored. In Chapter 3 we will define what it means for a k-coloring of a tournament to be k-primitive. We will prove that the maximum k such that some strong n-tournament can be k-colored to be k-primitive lies in the interval [(n-12), (n2) - [n/4]). In Chapter 4, we shall prove special cases of the following 1982 conjecture of Sands, Sauer, and Woodrow from [14]: Let T be a 3-arc-colored tournament containing no 3-cycle C such that each arc in C is a different color. Then T contains a vertex v such that for any other vertex x, x has a monochromatic path to v

    Complete Acyclic Colorings

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    We study two parameters that arise from the dichromatic number and the vertex-arboricity in the same way that the achromatic number comes from the chromatic number. The adichromatic number of a digraph is the largest number of colors its vertices can be colored with such that every color induces an acyclic subdigraph but merging any two colors yields a monochromatic directed cycle. Similarly, the a-vertex arboricity of an undirected graph is the largest number of colors that can be used such that every color induces a forest but merging any two yields a monochromatic cycle. We study the relation between these parameters and their behavior with respect to other classical parameters such as degeneracy and most importantly feedback vertex sets.Comment: 17 pages, no figure
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