97 research outputs found

    A Characterization of Cybersecurity Posture from Network Telescope Data

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    Data-driven understanding of cybersecurity posture is an important problem that has not been adequately explored. In this paper, we analyze some real data collected by CAIDA's network telescope during the month of March 2013. We propose to formalize the concept of cybersecurity posture from the perspectives of three kinds of time series: the number of victims (i.e., telescope IP addresses that are attacked), the number of attackers that are observed by the telescope, and the number of attacks that are observed by the telescope. Characterizing cybersecurity posture therefore becomes investigating the phenomena and statistical properties exhibited by these time series, and explaining their cybersecurity meanings. For example, we propose the concept of {\em sweep-time}, and show that sweep-time should be modeled by stochastic process, rather than random variable. We report that the number of attackers (and attacks) from a certain country dominates the total number of attackers (and attacks) that are observed by the telescope. We also show that substantially smaller network telescopes might not be as useful as a large telescope

    Detection of Sparse Anomalies in High-Dimensional Network Telescope Signals

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    Network operators and system administrators are increasingly overwhelmed with incessant cyber-security threats ranging from malicious network reconnaissance to attacks such as distributed denial of service and data breaches. A large number of these attacks could be prevented if the network operators were better equipped with threat intelligence information that would allow them to block or throttle nefarious scanning activities. Network telescopes or "darknets" offer a unique window into observing Internet-wide scanners and other malicious entities, and they could offer early warning signals to operators that would be critical for infrastructure protection and/or attack mitigation. A network telescope consists of unused or "dark" IP spaces that serve no users, and solely passively observes any Internet traffic destined to the "telescope sensor" in an attempt to record ubiquitous network scanners, malware that forage for vulnerable devices, and other dubious activities. Hence, monitoring network telescopes for timely detection of coordinated and heavy scanning activities is an important, albeit challenging, task. The challenges mainly arise due to the non-stationarity and the dynamic nature of Internet traffic and, more importantly, the fact that one needs to monitor high-dimensional signals (e.g., all TCP/UDP ports) to search for "sparse" anomalies. We propose statistical methods to address both challenges in an efficient and "online" manner; our work is validated both with synthetic data as well as real-world data from a large network telescope

    Chocolatine: Outage Detection for Internet Background Radiation

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    The Internet is a complex ecosystem composed of thousands of Autonomous Systems (ASs) operated by independent organizations; each AS having a very limited view outside its own network. These complexities and limitations impede network operators to finely pinpoint the causes of service degradation or disruption when the problem lies outside of their network. In this paper, we present Chocolatine, a solution to detect remote connectivity loss using Internet Background Radiation (IBR) through a simple and efficient method. IBR is unidirectional unsolicited Internet traffic, which is easily observed by monitoring unused address space. IBR features two remarkable properties: it is originated worldwide, across diverse ASs, and it is incessant. We show that the number of IP addresses observed from an AS or a geographical area follows a periodic pattern. Then, using Seasonal ARIMA to statistically model IBR data, we predict the number of IPs for the next time window. Significant deviations from these predictions indicate an outage. We evaluated Chocolatine using data from the UCSD Network Telescope, operated by CAIDA, with a set of documented outages. Our experiments show that the proposed methodology achieves a good trade-off between true-positive rate (90%) and false-positive rate (2%) and largely outperforms CAIDA's own IBR-based detection method. Furthermore, performing a comparison against other methods, i.e., with BGP monitoring and active probing, we observe that Chocolatine shares a large common set of outages with them in addition to many specific outages that would otherwise go undetected.Comment: TMA 201

    Enlightening the Darknets: Augmenting Darknet Visibility with Active Probes

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    Darknets collect unsolicited traffic reaching unused address spaces. They provide insights into malicious activities, such as the rise of botnets and DDoS attacks. However, darknets provide a shallow view, as traffic is never responded. Here we quantify how their visibility increases by responding to traffic with interactive responders with increasing levels of interaction. We consider four deployments: Darknets, simple, vertical bound to specific ports, and, a honeypot that responds to all protocols on any port. We contrast these alternatives by analyzing the traffic attracted by each deployment and characterizing how traffic changes throughout the responder lifecycle on the darknet. We show that the deployment of responders increases the value of darknet data by revealing patterns that would otherwise be unobservable. We measure Side-Scan phenomena where once a host starts responding, it attracts traffic to other ports and neighboring addresses. uncovers attacks that darknets and would not observe, e.g. large-scale activity on non-standard ports. And we observe how quickly senders can identify and attack new responders. The “enlightened” part of a darknet brings several benefits and offers opportunities to increase the visibility of sender patterns. This information gain is worth taking advantage of, and we, therefore, recommend that organizations consider this option

    Uncovering Vulnerable Industrial Control Systems from the Internet Core

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    Industrial control systems (ICS) are managed remotely with the help of dedicated protocols that were originally designed to work in walled gardens. Many of these protocols have been adapted to Internet transport and support wide-area communication. ICS now exchange insecure traffic on an inter-domain level, putting at risk not only common critical infrastructure but also the Internet ecosystem (e.g., DRDoS~attacks). In this paper, we uncover unprotected inter-domain ICS traffic at two central Internet vantage points, an IXP and an ISP. This traffic analysis is correlated with data from honeypots and Internet-wide scans to separate industrial from non-industrial ICS traffic. We provide an in-depth view on Internet-wide ICS communication. Our results can be used i) to create precise filters for potentially harmful non-industrial ICS traffic, and ii) to detect ICS sending unprotected inter-domain ICS traffic, being vulnerable to eavesdropping and traffic manipulation attacks

    Assessing Internet-wide Cyber Situational Awareness of Critical Sectors

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    In this short paper, we take a first step towards empirically assessing Internet-wide malicious activities generated from and targeted towards Internet-scale business sectors (i.e., financial, health, education, etc.) and critical infrastructure (i.e., utilities, manufacturing, government, etc.). Facilitated by an innovative and a collaborative large-scale effort, we have conducted discussions with numerous Internet entities to obtain rare and private information related to allocated IP blocks pertaining to the aforementioned sectors and critical infrastructure. To this end, we employ such information to attribute Internet-scale maliciousness to such sectors and realms, in an attempt to provide an in-depth analysis of the global cyber situational posture. We draw upon close to 16.8 TB of darknet data to infer probing activities (typically generated by malicious/infected hosts) and DDoS backscatter, from which we distill IP addresses of victims. By executing week-long measurements, we observed an alarming number of more than 11,000 probing machines and 300 DDoS attack victims hosted by critical sectors. We also generate rare insights related to the maliciousness of various business sectors, including financial, which typically do not report their hosted and targeted illicit activities for reputation-preservation purposes. While we treat the obtained results with strict confidence due to obvious sensitivity reasons, we postulate that such generated cyber threat intelligence could be shared with sector/critical infrastructure operators, backbone networks and Internet service providers to contribute to the overall threat remediation objective

    Are Darknets All The Same? On Darknet Visibility for Security Monitoring

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    Darknets are sets of IP addresses that are advertised but do not host any client or server. By passively recording the incoming packets, they assist network monitoring activities. Since packets they receive are unsolicited by definition, darknets help to spot misconfigurations as well as important security events, such as the appearance and spread of botnets, DDoS attacks using spoofed IP address, etc. A number of organizations worldwide deploys darknets, ranging from a few dozens of IP addresses to large/8 networks. We here investigate how similar is the visibility of different darknets. By relying on traffic from three darknets deployed in different contintents, we evaluate their exposure in terms of observed events given their allocated IP addresses. The latter is particularly relevant considering the shortage of IPv4 addresses on the Internet. Our results suggest that some well-known facts about darknet visibility seem invariant across deployments, such as the most commonly contacted ports. However, size and location matter. We find significant differences in the observed traffic from darknets deployed in different IP ranges as well as according to the size of the IP range allocated for the monitoring

    Internet Epidemics: Attacks, Detection and Defenses, and Trends

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    Cloud Watching: Understanding Attacks Against Cloud-Hosted Services

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    Cloud computing has dramatically changed service deployment patterns. In this work, we analyze how attackers identify and target cloud services in contrast to traditional enterprise networks and network telescopes. Using a diverse set of cloud honeypots in 5~providers and 23~countries as well as 2~educational networks and 1~network telescope, we analyze how IP address assignment, geography, network, and service-port selection, influence what services are targeted in the cloud. We find that scanners that target cloud compute are selective: they avoid scanning networks without legitimate services and they discriminate between geographic regions. Further, attackers mine Internet-service search engines to find exploitable services and, in some cases, they avoid targeting IANA-assigned protocols, causing researchers to misclassify at least 15\% of traffic on select ports. Based on our results, we derive recommendations for researchers and operators.Comment: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC '23), October 24--26, 2023, Montreal, QC, Canad
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