15 research outputs found

    Monitoring Energy Consumption of Smartphones

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    With the rapid development of new and innovative applications for mobile devices like smartphones, advances in battery technology have not kept pace with rapidly growing energy demands. Thus energy consumption has become a more and more important issue of mobile devices. To meet the requirements of saving energy, it is critical to monitor and analyze the energy consumption of applications on smartphones. For this purpose, we develop a smart energy monitoring system called SEMO for smartphones using Android operating system. It can profile mobile applications with battery usage information, which is vital for both developers and users.Comment: The 1st International Workshop on Sensing, Networking, and Computing with Smartphones (PhoneCom), IEEE, Dalian, China, Oct 19-22, 201

    Profiling Power Consumption on Mobile Devices

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    The proliferation of mobile devices, and the migration of the information access paradigm to mobile platforms, motivate studies of power consumption behaviors with the purpose of increasing the device battery life. The aim of this work is to profile the power consumption of a Samsung Galaxy I7500 and a Samsung Nexus S, in order to understand how such feature has evolved over the years. We performed two experiments: the first one measures consumption for a set of usage scenarios, which represent common daily user activities, while the second one analyzes a context-aware application with a known source code. The first experiment shows that the most recent device in terms of OS and hardware components shows significantly lower consumption than the least recent one. The second experiment shows that the impact of different configurations of the same application causes a different power consumption behavior on both smartphones. Our results show that hardware improvements and energy-aware software applications greatly impact the energy efficiency of mobile device

    Energy Efficiency in the ICT - Profiling Power Consumption in Desktop Computer Systems

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    Energy awareness in the ICT has become an important issue. Focusing on software, recent work suggested the existence of a relationship between power consumption, software configuration and usage patterns in computer systems. The aim of this work was collecting and analysing power consumption data of general-purpose computer systems, simulating common usage scenarios, in order to extract a power consumption profile for each scenario. We selected two desktop systems of different generations as test machines. Meanwhile, we developed 11 usage scenarios, and conducted several test runs of them, collecting power consumption data by means of a power meter. Our analysis resulted in an estimation of a power consumption value for each scenario and software application used, obtaining that each single scenario introduced an overhead from 2 to 11 Watts, which corresponds to a percentage increase that can reach up to 20% on recent and more powerful systems. We determined that software and its usage patterns impact consistently on the power consumption of computer systems. Further work will be devoted to evaluate how power consumption is affected by the usage of specific system resource

    Energy Wars - Chrome vs. Firefox Which browser is more energy efficient?

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    This paper presents a preliminary study on the energy consump- tion of two popular web browsers. In order to properly measure the energy consumption of both environments, we simulate the usage of various applications, which the goal to mimic typical user interactions and usage. Our preliminary results show interesting findings based on ob- servation, such as what type of interactions generate high peaks of energy consumption, and which browser is overall the most efficient. Our goal with this preliminary study is to show to users how very different the efficiency of web browsers can be, and may serve with advances in this area of study.FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (UIDB/50014/2020

    Profiling Power Consumption on Mobile Devices

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    The proliferation of mobile devices, and the migration of the information access paradigm to mobile platforms, motivate studies of power consumption behaviors with the purpose of increasing the device battery life. The aim of this work is to profile the power consumption of a Samsung Galaxy I7500 and a Samsung Nexus S, in order to understand how such feature has evolved over the years. We performed two experiments: the first one measures consumption for a set of usage scenarios, which represent common daily user activities, while the second one analyzes a context-aware application with a known source code. The first experiment shows that the most recent device in terms of OS and hardware components shows significantly lower consumption than the least recent one. The second experiment shows that the impact of different configurations of the same application causes a different power consumption behavior on both smartphones. Our results show that hardware improvements and energy-aware software applications greatly impact the energy efficiency of mobile devices

    A real-time power monitoring and energy-efficient network/interface selection tool for android smartphones

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    Energy efficiency in wireless and cellular networks has become one of the most important concerns for both academia and industry due to battery dependence of mobile devices. In this regard, Wireless Network Interface Cards (WNICs) of mobile devices have to be taken into account carefully as they consume an important chunk of the system's total energy. In this paper, we propose a real-time network power consumption profiler and an energy-aware network/interface selection tool for Android-based smartphones. The tool has been freely released on the Android Play Store. The proposed solution reports the power consumption levels of different network interfaces (Wi-Fi and Cellular) by making use of actual packet measurements and precise computations, and enables the devices to handover horizontally/vertically in order to improve the energy efficiency. In this context, widespread analyses have been executed to show the accuracy of the proposed tool. The results demonstrate that the proposed tool is very accurate for any type of IEEE 802.11 wireless or cellular stations, regardless of having different amount of channel utilization, transmission rates, signal strengths or traffic types

    A real-time power monitoring and energy-efficient network/interface selection tool for android smartphones

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    Energy efficiency in wireless and cellular networks has become one of the most important concerns for both academia and industry due to battery dependence of mobile devices. In this regard, Wireless Network Interface Cards (WNICs) of mobile devices have to be taken into account carefully as they consume an important chunk of the system's total energy. In this paper, we propose a real-time network power consumption profiler and an energy-aware network/interface selection tool for Android-based smartphones. The tool has been freely released on the Android Play Store. The proposed solution reports the power consumption levels of different network interfaces (Wi-Fi and Cellular) by making use of actual packet measurements and precise computations, and enables the devices to handover horizontally/vertically in order to improve the energy efficiency. In this context, widespread analyses have been executed to show the accuracy of the proposed tool. The results demonstrate that the proposed tool is very accurate for any type of IEEE 802.11 wireless or cellular stations, regardless of having different amount of channel utilization, transmission rates, signal strengths or traffic types

    On the performance of WebAssembly

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Informatics EngineeringThe worldwide Web has dramatically evolved in recent years. Web pages are dynamic, expressed by pro grams written in common programming languages given rise to sophisticated Web applications. Thus, Web browsers are almost operating systems, having to interpret/compile such programs and execute them. Although JavaScript is widely used to express dynamic Web pages, it has several shortcomings and performance inefficiencies. To overcome such limitations, major IT powerhouses are developing a new portable and size/load efficient language: WebAssembly. In this dissertation, we conduct the first systematic study on the energy and run-time performance of WebAssembly and JavaScript on the Web. We used micro-benchmarks and real applications to have more realistic results. The results show that WebAssembly, while still in its infancy, is starting to already outperform JavaScript, with much more room to grow. A statistical analysis indicates that WebAssembly produces significant performance differences compared to JavaScript. However, these differences differ between micro-benchmarks and real-world benchmarks. Our results also show that WebAssembly improved energy efficiency by 30%, on average, and show how different WebAssembly behaviour is among three popular Web Browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox. Our findings indicate that WebAssembly is faster than JavaScript and even more energy-efficient. Our benchmarking framework is also available to allow further research and replication.A Web evoluiu dramaticamente em todo o mundo nos últimos anos. As páginas Web são dinâmicas, expressas por programas escritos em linguagens de programação comuns, dando origem a aplicativos Web sofisticados. Assim, os navegadores Web são quase como sistemas operacionais, tendo que interpre tar/compilar tais programas e executá-los. Embora o JavaScript seja amplamente usado para expressar páginas Web dinâmicas, ele tem várias deficiências e ineficiências de desempenho. Para superar tais limitações, as principais potências de TI estão a desenvolver uma nova linguagem portátil e eficiente em tamanho/carregamento: WebAssembly. Nesta dissertação, conduzimos o primeiro estudo sistemático sobre o desempenho da energia e do tempo de execução do WebAssembly e JavaScript na Web. Usamos micro-benchmarks e aplicações reais para obter resultados mais realistas. Os resultados mostram que WebAssembly, embora ainda esteja na sua infância, já está começa a superar o JavaScript, com muito mais espaço para crescer. Uma análise estatística indica que WebAssembly produz diferenças de desempenho significativas em relação ao JavaScript. No entanto, essas diferenças diferem entre micro-benchmarks e benchmarks de aplicações reais. Os nossos resultados também mostram que o WebAssembly melhorou a eficiência energética em 30%, em média, e mostram como o comportamento do WebAssembly é diferente entre três navegadores Web populares: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge e Mozilla Firefox. As nossas descobertas indicam que o WebAssembly é mais rápido que o JavaScript e ainda mais eficiente em termos de energia. A nossa benchmarking framework está disponível para permitir pesquisas adicionais e replicação