12 research outputs found

    Workflow Scheduling Techniques and Algorithms in IaaS Cloud: A Survey

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    In the modern era, workflows are adopted as a powerful and attractive paradigm for expressing/solving a variety of applications like scientific, data intensive computing, and big data applications such as MapReduce and Hadoop. These complex applications are described using high-level representations in workflow methods. With the emerging model of cloud computing technology, scheduling in the cloud becomes the important research topic. Consequently, workflow scheduling problem has been studied extensively over the past few years, from homogeneous clusters, grids to the most recent paradigm, cloud computing. The challenges that need to be addressed lies in task-resource mapping, QoS requirements, resource provisioning, performance fluctuation, failure handling, resource scheduling, and data storage. This work focuses on the complete study of the resource provisioning and scheduling algorithms in cloud environment focusing on Infrastructure as a service (IaaS). We provided a comprehensive understanding of existing scheduling techniques and provided an insight into research challenges that will be a possible future direction to the researchers

    CLOSURE: A cloud scientific workflow scheduling algorithm based on attack-defense game model

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    The multi-tenant coexistence service mode makes the cloud-based scientific workflow encounter the risks of being intruded. For this problem, we propose a CLoud scientific wOrkflow SchedUling algoRithm based on attack-defensE game model (CLOSURE). In the algorithm, attacks based on different operating system vulnerabilities are regarded as different “attack” strategies; and different operating system distributions in a virtual machine cluster executing the workflows are regarded as different “defense” strategies. The information of the attacker and defender is not balanced. In other words, the defender cannot obtain the information about the attacker’s strategies, while the attacker can acquire information about the defender’s strategies through a network scan. Therefore, we propose to dynamically switch the defense strategies during the workflow execution, which can weaken the network scan effects and transform the workflow security problem into an attack-defense game problem. Then, the probability distribution of the optimal mixed defense strategies can be achieved by calculating the Nash Equilibrium in the attack-defense game model. Based on this probability, diverse VMs are provisioned for workflow execution. Furthermore, a task-VM mapping algorithm based on dynamic Heterogeneous Earliest Finish Time (HEFT) is presented to accelerate the defense strategy switching and improve workflow efficiency. The experiments are conducted on both simulation and actual environment, experimental results demonstrate that compared with other algorithms, the proposed algorithm can reduce the attacker’s benefits by around 15.23%, and decrease the time costs of the algorithm by around 7.86%

    Monetary Cost Optimizations for Hosting Workflow-as-a-Service in IaaS Clouds

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    10.1109/TCC.2015.2404807IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING4134-4