468 research outputs found

    Voice source characterization for prosodic and spectral manipulation

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    The objective of this dissertation is to study and develop techniques to decompose the speech signal into its two main components: voice source and vocal tract. Our main efforts are on the glottal pulse analysis and characterization. We want to explore the utility of this model in different areas of speech processing: speech synthesis, voice conversion or emotion detection among others. Thus, we will study different techniques for prosodic and spectral manipulation. One of our requirements is that the methods should be robust enough to work with the large databases typical of speech synthesis. We use a speech production model in which the glottal flow produced by the vibrating vocal folds goes through the vocal (and nasal) tract cavities and its radiated by the lips. Removing the effect of the vocal tract from the speech signal to obtain the glottal pulse is known as inverse filtering. We use a parametric model fo the glottal pulse directly in the source-filter decomposition phase. In order to validate the accuracy of the parametrization algorithm, we designed a synthetic corpus using LF glottal parameters reported in the literature, complemented with our own results from the vowel database. The results show that our method gives satisfactory results in a wide range of glottal configurations and at different levels of SNR. Our method using the whitened residual compared favorably to this reference, achieving high quality ratings (Good-Excellent). Our full parametrized system scored lower than the other two ranking in third place, but still higher than the acceptance threshold (Fair-Good). Next we proposed two methods for prosody modification, one for each of the residual representations explained above. The first method used our full parametrization system and frame interpolation to perform the desired changes in pitch and duration. The second method used resampling on the residual waveform and a frame selection technique to generate a new sequence of frames to be synthesized. The results showed that both methods are rated similarly (Fair-Good) and that more work is needed in order to achieve quality levels similar to the reference methods. As part of this dissertation, we have studied the application of our models in three different areas: voice conversion, voice quality analysis and emotion recognition. We have included our speech production model in a reference voice conversion system, to evaluate the impact of our parametrization in this task. The results showed that the evaluators preferred our method over the original one, rating it with a higher score in the MOS scale. To study the voice quality, we recorded a small database consisting of isolated, sustained Spanish vowels in four different phonations (modal, rough, creaky and falsetto) and were later also used in our study of voice quality. Comparing the results with those reported in the literature, we found them to generally agree with previous findings. Some differences existed, but they could be attributed to the difficulties in comparing voice qualities produced by different speakers. At the same time we conducted experiments in the field of voice quality identification, with very good results. We have also evaluated the performance of an automatic emotion classifier based on GMM using glottal measures. For each emotion, we have trained an specific model using different features, comparing our parametrization to a baseline system using spectral and prosodic characteristics. The results of the test were very satisfactory, showing a relative error reduction of more than 20% with respect to the baseline system. The accuracy of the different emotions detection was also high, improving the results of previously reported works using the same database. Overall, we can conclude that the glottal source parameters extracted using our algorithm have a positive impact in the field of automatic emotion classification

    Improving the Speech Intelligibility By Cochlear Implant Users

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    In this thesis, we focus on improving the intelligibility of speech for cochlear implants (CI) users. As an auditory prosthetic device, CI can restore hearing sensations for most patients with profound hearing loss in both ears in a quiet background. However, CI users still have serious problems in understanding speech in noisy and reverberant environments. Also, bandwidth limitation, missing temporal fine structures, and reduced spectral resolution due to a limited number of electrodes are other factors that raise the difficulty of hearing in noisy conditions for CI users, regardless of the type of noise. To mitigate these difficulties for CI listener, we investigate several contributing factors such as the effects of low harmonics on tone identification in natural and vocoded speech, the contribution of matched envelope dynamic range to the binaural benefits and contribution of low-frequency harmonics to tone identification in quiet and six-talker babble background. These results revealed several promising methods for improving speech intelligibility for CI patients. In addition, we investigate the benefits of voice conversion in improving speech intelligibility for CI users, which was motivated by an earlier study showing that familiarity with a talker’s voice can improve understanding of the conversation. Research has shown that when adults are familiar with someone’s voice, they can more accurately – and even more quickly – process and understand what the person is saying. This theory identified as the “familiar talker advantage” was our motivation to examine its effect on CI patients using voice conversion technique. In the present research, we propose a new method based on multi-channel voice conversion to improve the intelligibility of transformed speeches for CI patients

    Audio Deepfake Detection: A Survey

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    Audio deepfake detection is an emerging active topic. A growing number of literatures have aimed to study deepfake detection algorithms and achieved effective performance, the problem of which is far from being solved. Although there are some review literatures, there has been no comprehensive survey that provides researchers with a systematic overview of these developments with a unified evaluation. Accordingly, in this survey paper, we first highlight the key differences across various types of deepfake audio, then outline and analyse competitions, datasets, features, classifications, and evaluation of state-of-the-art approaches. For each aspect, the basic techniques, advanced developments and major challenges are discussed. In addition, we perform a unified comparison of representative features and classifiers on ASVspoof 2021, ADD 2023 and In-the-Wild datasets for audio deepfake detection, respectively. The survey shows that future research should address the lack of large scale datasets in the wild, poor generalization of existing detection methods to unknown fake attacks, as well as interpretability of detection results

    Voice Spoofing Countermeasures: Taxonomy, State-of-the-art, experimental analysis of generalizability, open challenges, and the way forward

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    Malicious actors may seek to use different voice-spoofing attacks to fool ASV systems and even use them for spreading misinformation. Various countermeasures have been proposed to detect these spoofing attacks. Due to the extensive work done on spoofing detection in automated speaker verification (ASV) systems in the last 6-7 years, there is a need to classify the research and perform qualitative and quantitative comparisons on state-of-the-art countermeasures. Additionally, no existing survey paper has reviewed integrated solutions to voice spoofing evaluation and speaker verification, adversarial/antiforensics attacks on spoofing countermeasures, and ASV itself, or unified solutions to detect multiple attacks using a single model. Further, no work has been done to provide an apples-to-apples comparison of published countermeasures in order to assess their generalizability by evaluating them across corpora. In this work, we conduct a review of the literature on spoofing detection using hand-crafted features, deep learning, end-to-end, and universal spoofing countermeasure solutions to detect speech synthesis (SS), voice conversion (VC), and replay attacks. Additionally, we also review integrated solutions to voice spoofing evaluation and speaker verification, adversarial and anti-forensics attacks on voice countermeasures, and ASV. The limitations and challenges of the existing spoofing countermeasures are also presented. We report the performance of these countermeasures on several datasets and evaluate them across corpora. For the experiments, we employ the ASVspoof2019 and VSDC datasets along with GMM, SVM, CNN, and CNN-GRU classifiers. (For reproduceability of the results, the code of the test bed can be found in our GitHub Repository

    When the Differences in Frequency Domain are Compensated: Understanding and Defeating Modulated Replay Attacks on Automatic Speech Recognition

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    Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems have been widely deployed in modern smart devices to provide convenient and diverse voice-controlled services. Since ASR systems are vulnerable to audio replay attacks that can spoof and mislead ASR systems, a number of defense systems have been proposed to identify replayed audio signals based on the speakers' unique acoustic features in the frequency domain. In this paper, we uncover a new type of replay attack called modulated replay attack, which can bypass the existing frequency domain based defense systems. The basic idea is to compensate for the frequency distortion of a given electronic speaker using an inverse filter that is customized to the speaker's transform characteristics. Our experiments on real smart devices confirm the modulated replay attacks can successfully escape the existing detection mechanisms that rely on identifying suspicious features in the frequency domain. To defeat modulated replay attacks, we design and implement a countermeasure named DualGuard. We discover and formally prove that no matter how the replay audio signals could be modulated, the replay attacks will either leave ringing artifacts in the time domain or cause spectrum distortion in the frequency domain. Therefore, by jointly checking suspicious features in both frequency and time domains, DualGuard can successfully detect various replay attacks including the modulated replay attacks. We implement a prototype of DualGuard on a popular voice interactive platform, ReSpeaker Core v2. The experimental results show DualGuard can achieve 98% accuracy on detecting modulated replay attacks.Comment: 17 pages, 24 figures, In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS' 20

    Voice conversion versus speaker verification: an overview

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    A speaker verification system automatically accepts or rejects a claimed identity of a speaker based on a speech sample. Recently, a major progress was made in speaker verification which leads to mass market adoption, such as in smartphone and in online commerce for user authentication. A major concern when deploying speaker verification technology is whether a system is robust against spoofing attacks. Speaker verification studies provided us a good insight into speaker characterization, which has contributed to the progress of voice conversion technology. Unfortunately, voice conversion has become one of the most easily accessible techniques to carry out spoofing attacks; therefore, presents a threat to speaker verification systems. In this paper, we will briefly introduce the fundamentals of voice conversion and speaker verification technologies. We then give an overview of recent spoofing attack studies under different conditions with a focus on voice conversion spoofing attack. We will also discuss anti-spoofing attack measures for speaker verification.Published versio

    Spoofing Detection in Automatic Speaker Verification Systems Using DNN Classifiers and Dynamic Acoustic Features

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