25,046 research outputs found

    Promoting Modular Nonmonotonic Logic Programs

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    Modularity in Logic Programming has gained much attention over the past years. To date, many formalisms have been proposed that feature various aspects of modularity. In this paper, we present our current work on Modular Nonmonotonic Logic Programs (MLPs), which are logic programs under answer set semantics with modules that have contextualized input provided by other modules. Moreover, they allow for (mutually) recursive module calls. We pinpoint issues that are present in such cyclic module systems and highlight how MLPs addresses them

    Temporal Annotations for a Contextual Logic Programming Language}

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    In this paper we propose the combination of modularity and temporal reasoning using logic programming as common ground. Moreover, we consider that the usage of a given module is influenced by temporal constraints, i.e. modularity and temporal reasoning are strongly connected. Besides illustrative examples, we also present the operational semantics and corresponding compiler for this language

    Logic-Based Analogical Reasoning and Learning

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    Analogy-making is at the core of human intelligence and creativity with applications to such diverse tasks as commonsense reasoning, learning, language acquisition, and story telling. This paper contributes to the foundations of artificial general intelligence by developing an abstract algebraic framework for logic-based analogical reasoning and learning in the setting of logic programming. The main idea is to define analogy in terms of modularity and to derive abstract forms of concrete programs from a `known' source domain which can then be instantiated in an `unknown' target domain to obtain analogous programs. To this end, we introduce algebraic operations for syntactic program composition and concatenation and illustrate, by giving numerous examples, that programs have nice decompositions. Moreover, we show how composition gives rise to a qualitative notion of syntactic program similarity. We then argue that reasoning and learning by analogy is the task of solving analogical proportions between logic programs. Interestingly, our work suggests a close relationship between modularity, generalization, and analogy which we believe should be explored further in the future. In a broader sense, this paper is a first step towards an algebraic and mainly syntactic theory of logic-based analogical reasoning and learning in knowledge representation and reasoning systems, with potential applications to fundamental AI-problems like commonsense reasoning and computational learning and creativity

    Temporal reasoning in a logic programming language with modularity

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    Actualmente os Sistemas de Informação Organizacionais (SIO) lidam cada vez mais com informação que tem dependências temporais. Neste trabalho concebemos um ambiente de trabalho para construir e manter SIO Temporais. Este ambiente assenta sobre um linguagem lógica denominada Temporal Contextua) Logic Programming que integra modularidade com raciocínio temporal fazendo com que a utilização de um módulo dependa do tempo do contexto. Esta linguagem é a evolução de uma outra, também introduzida nesta tese, que combina Contextua) Logic Programming com Temporal Annotated Constraint Logic Programming, na qual a modularidade e o tempo são características ortogonais. Ambas as linguagens são formalmente discutidas e exemplificadas. As principais contribuições do trabalho descrito nesta tese incluem: • Optimização de Contextua) Logic Programming (CxLP) através de interpretação abstracta. • Sintaxe e semântica operacional para uma linguagem que combina de um modo independente as linguagens Temporal Annotated Constraint Logic Programming (TACLP) e CxLP. É apresentado um compilador para esta linguagem. • Linguagem (sintaxe e semântica) que integra de um modo inovador modularidade (CxLP) com raciocínio temporal (TACLP). Nesta linguagem a utilização de um dado módulo está dependente do tempo do contexto. É descrito um interpretador e um compilador para esta linguagem. • Ambiente de trabalho para construir e fazer a manutenção de SIO Temporais. Assenta sobre uma especificação revista da linguagem ISCO, adicionando classes e manipulação de dados temporais. É fornecido um compilador em que a linguagem resultante é a descrita no item anterior. ABSTRACT- Current Organisational Information Systems (OIS) deal with more and more Infor-mation that, is time dependent. In this work we provide a framework to construct and maintain Temporal OIS. This framework builds upon a logical language called Temporal Contextual. Logic Programming that deeply integrates modularity with tem-poral reasoning making the usage of a module time dependent. This language is an evolution of another one, also introduced in this thesis, that combines Contextual Logic Programming with Temporal Annotated Constraint Logic Programming where modularity and time are orthogonal features. Both languages are formally discussed and illustrated. The main contributions of the work described in this thesis include: • Optimisation of Contextual Logic Programming (CxLP) through abstract interpretation. • Syntax and operational semantics for an independent combination of the temporal framework Temporal Annotated Constraint Logic Programming (TACLP) and CxLP. A compiler for this language is also provided. • Language (syntax and semantics) that integrates in a innovative way modularity (CxLP) with temporal reasoning (TACLP). In this language the usage of a given module depends of the time of the context. An interpreter and a compiler for this language are described. • Framework to construct and maintain Temporal Organisational Information Systems. It builds upon a revised specification of the language ISCO, adding temporal classes and temporal data manipulation. A compiler targeting the language presented in the previous item is also given

    Integrating Temporal Annotations in a Modular Logic Language

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    Albeit temporal reasoning and modularity are very prolific fields of research in Logic Programming (LP) we find few examples of their integration. Moreover, in those examples, time and modularity are considered orthogonal to each other. In this paper we propose the addition of temporal annotations to a modular extension of LP such that the usage of a module is influenced by temporal conditions. Besides illustrative examples we also provide an operational semantics together with a compiler, allowing this way for the development of applications based on such language
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