8 research outputs found

    Property-Part Diagrams: A Dependence Notation for Software Systems

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    Some limitations of traditional dependence diagrams are explained, and a new notation that overcomes them is proposed. The key idea is to include in the diagram not only the parts of a system but also the properties that are assigned to them; dependences are shown as a relation not from parts to parts, but between properties and the parts (or other properties) that support them. The diagram can be used to evaluate modularization in a design, to assess how successfully critical properties are confined to a limited subset of parts, and to structure a dependability argument.

    Towards a Reference Architecture with Modular Design for Large-scale Genotyping and Phenotyping Data Analysis: A Case Study with Image Data

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    With the rapid advancement of computing technologies, various scientific research communities have been extensively using cloud-based software tools or applications. Cloud-based applications allow users to access software applications from web browsers while relieving them from the installation of any software applications in their desktop environment. For example, Galaxy, GenAP, and iPlant Colaborative are popular cloud-based systems for scientific workflow analysis in the domain of plant Genotyping and Phenotyping. These systems are being used for conducting research, devising new techniques, and sharing the computer assisted analysis results among collaborators. Researchers need to integrate their new workflows/pipelines, tools or techniques with the base system over time. Moreover, large scale data need to be processed within the time-line for more effective analysis. Recently, Big Data technologies are emerging for facilitating large scale data processing with commodity hardware. Among the above-mentioned systems, GenAp is utilizing the Big Data technologies for specific cases only. The structure of such a cloud-based system is highly variable and complex in nature. Software architects and developers need to consider totally different properties and challenges during the development and maintenance phases compared to the traditional business/service oriented systems. Recent studies report that software engineers and data engineers confront challenges to develop analytic tools for supporting large scale and heterogeneous data analysis. Unfortunately, less focus has been given by the software researchers to devise a well-defined methodology and frameworks for flexible design of a cloud system for the Genotyping and Phenotyping domain. To that end, more effective design methodologies and frameworks are an urgent need for cloud based Genotyping and Phenotyping analysis system development that also supports large scale data processing. In our thesis, we conduct a few studies in order to devise a stable reference architecture and modularity model for the software developers and data engineers in the domain of Genotyping and Phenotyping. In the first study, we analyze the architectural changes of existing candidate systems to find out the stability issues. Then, we extract architectural patterns of the candidate systems and propose a conceptual reference architectural model. Finally, we present a case study on the modularity of computation-intensive tasks as an extension of the data-centric development. We show that the data-centric modularity model is at the core of the flexible development of a Genotyping and Phenotyping analysis system. Our proposed model and case study with thousands of images provide a useful knowledge-base for software researchers, developers, and data engineers for cloud based Genotyping and Phenotyping analysis system development

    Design Capital and Design Moves: The Logic of Digital Business Strategy

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    Ministry of Education, Singapore under its Academic Research Funding Tier 1 SMU; National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapor

    Software Design Change Artifacts Generation through Software Architectural Change Detection and Categorisation

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    Software is solely designed, implemented, tested, and inspected by expert people, unlike other engineering projects where they are mostly implemented by workers (non-experts) after designing by engineers. Researchers and practitioners have linked software bugs, security holes, problematic integration of changes, complex-to-understand codebase, unwarranted mental pressure, and so on in software development and maintenance to inconsistent and complex design and a lack of ways to easily understand what is going on and what to plan in a software system. The unavailability of proper information and insights needed by the development teams to make good decisions makes these challenges worse. Therefore, software design documents and other insightful information extraction are essential to reduce the above mentioned anomalies. Moreover, architectural design artifacts extraction is required to create the developer’s profile to be available to the market for many crucial scenarios. To that end, architectural change detection, categorization, and change description generation are crucial because they are the primary artifacts to trace other software artifacts. However, it is not feasible for humans to analyze all the changes for a single release for detecting change and impact because it is time-consuming, laborious, costly, and inconsistent. In this thesis, we conduct six studies considering the mentioned challenges to automate the architectural change information extraction and document generation that could potentially assist the development and maintenance teams. In particular, (1) we detect architectural changes using lightweight techniques leveraging textual and codebase properties, (2) categorize them considering intelligent perspectives, and (3) generate design change documents by exploiting precise contexts of components’ relations and change purposes which were previously unexplored. Our experiment using 4000+ architectural change samples and 200+ design change documents suggests that our proposed approaches are promising in accuracy and scalability to deploy frequently. Our proposed change detection approach can detect up to 100% of the architectural change instances (and is very scalable). On the other hand, our proposed change classifier’s F1 score is 70%, which is promising given the challenges. Finally, our proposed system can produce descriptive design change artifacts with 75% significance. Since most of our studies are foundational, our approaches and prepared datasets can be used as baselines for advancing research in design change information extraction and documentation

    Debugging Relational Declarative Models with Discriminating Examples

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    Models, especially those with mathematical or logical foundations, have proven valuable to engineering practice in a wide range of disciplines, including software engineering. Models, sometimes also referred to as logical specifications in this context, enable software engineers to focus on essential abstractions, while eliding less important details of their software design. Like any human-created artifact, a model might have imperfections at certain stages of the design process: it might have internal inconsistencies, or it might not properly express the engineer’s design intentions. Validating that the model is a true expression of the engineer’s intent is an important and difficult problem. One of the key challenges is that there is typically no other written artifact to compare the model to: the engineer’s intention is a mental object. One successful approach to this challenge has been automated example-generation tools, such as the Alloy Analyzer. These tools produce examples (satisfying valuations of the model) for the engineer to accept or reject. These examples, along with the engineer’s judgment of them, serve as crucial written artifacts of the engineer’s true intentions. Examples, like test-cases for programs, are more valuable if they reveal a discrepancy between the expressed model and the engineer’s design intentions. We propose the idea of discriminating examples for this purpose. A discriminating example is synthesized from a combination of the engineer’s expressed model and a machine-generated hypothesis of the engineer’s true intentions. A discriminating example either satisfies the model but not the hypothesis, or satisfies the hypothesis but not the model. It shows the difference between the model and the hypothesized alternative. The key to producing high-quality discriminating examples is to generate high-quality hypotheses. This dissertation explores three general forms of such hypotheses: mistakes that happen near borders; the expressed model is stronger than the engineer intends; or the expressed model is weaker than the engineer intends. We additionally propose a number of heuristics to guide the hypothesis-generation process. We demonstrate the usefulness of discriminating examples and our hypothesis-generation techniques through a case study of an Alloy model of Dijkstra’s Dining Philosophers problem. This model was written by Alloy experts and shipped with the Alloy Analyzer for several years. Previous researchers discovered the existence of a bug, but there has been no prior published account explaining how to fix it, nor has any prior tool been shown effective for assisting an engineer with this task. Generating high-quality discriminating examples and their underlying hypotheses is computationally demanding. This dissertation shows how to make it feasible

    A User-aware Intelligent Refactoring for Discrete and Continuous Software Integration

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    Successful software products evolve through a process of continual change. However, this process may weaken the design of the software and make it unnecessarily complex, leading to significantly reduced productivity and increased fault-proneness. Refactoring improves the software design while preserving overall functionality and behavior, and is an important technique in managing the growing complexity of software systems. Most of the existing work on software refactoring uses either an entirely manual or a fully automated approach. Manual refactoring is time-consuming, error-prone and unsuitable for large-scale, radical refactoring. Furthermore, fully automated refactoring yields a static list of refactorings which, when applied, leads to a new and often hard to comprehend design. In addition, it is challenging to merge these refactorings with other changes performed in parallel by developers. In this thesis, we propose a refactoring recommendation approach that dynamically adapts and interactively suggests refactorings to developers and takes their feedback into consideration. Our approach uses Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGAII) to find a set of good refactoring solutions that improve software quality while minimizing the deviation from the initial design. These refactoring solutions are then analyzed to extract interesting common features between them such as the frequently occurring refactorings in the best non-dominated solutions. We combined our interactive approach and unsupervised learning to reduce the developer’s interaction effort when refactoring a system. The unsupervised learning algorithm clusters the different trade-off solutions, called the Pareto front, to guide the developers in selecting their region of interests and reduce the number of refactoring options to explore. To reduce the interaction effort, we propose an approach to convert multi-objective search into a mono-objective one after interacting with the developer to identify a good refactoring solution based on their preferences. Since developers may want to focus on specific code locations, the ”Decision Space” is also important. Therefore, our interactive approach enables developers to pinpoint their preference simultaneously in the objective (quality metrics) and decision (code location) spaces. Due to an urgent need for refactoring tools that can support continuous integration and some recent development processes such as DevOps that are based on rapid releases, we propose, for the first time, an intelligent software refactoring bot, called RefBot. Our bot continuously monitors the software repository and find the best sequence of refactorings to fix the quality issues in Continous Integration/Continous Development (CI/CD) environments as a set of pull-requests generated after mining previous code changes to understand the profile of developers. We quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated the performance and effectiveness of our proposed approaches via a set of studies conducted with experienced developers who used our tools on both open source and industry projects.Ph.D.College of Engineering & Computer ScienceUniversity of Michigan-Dearbornhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154775/1/Vahid Alizadeh Final Dissertation.pdfDescription of Vahid Alizadeh Final Dissertation.pdf : Dissertatio

    Modularity analysis of logical design models

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    Traditional design representations are inadequate for generalized reasoning about modularity in design and its technical and economic implications. We have developed an architectural modeling and analysis approach, and automated tool support, for improved reasoning in these terms. However, the complexity of constraint satisfaction limited the size of models that we could analyze. The contribution of this paper is a more scalable approach. We exploit the dominance relations in our models to guide a divide-andconquer algorithm, which we have implemented it in our Simon tool. We evaluate its performance in case studies. The approach reduced the time needed to analyze small but representative models from hours to seconds. This work appears to make our modeling and analysis approach practical for research on the evolvability and economic properties of software design architectures. 1