4 research outputs found

    Mode Selection for Component Mode Synthesis with Guaranteed Assembly Accuracy

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    In this work, a modular approach is introduced to select the most important eigenmodes for each component of a composed structural dynamics system to obtain the required accuracy of the reduced-order assembly model. To enable the use of models of complex (structural) dynamical systems in engineering practice, e.g., in a design, optimization and/or control context, the complexity of the models needs to be reduced. When the model consist of an assembly of multiple interconnected structural components, component mode synthesis is often the preferred model reduction method. The standard approach to component mode synthesis for such system is to select the eigenmodes of a component that are most important to accurately model the dynamic behavior of this component in a certain frequency range of interest. However, often, a more relevant goal is to obtain, in this frequency range, an accurate model of the assembly. In the proposed approach, accuracy requirements on the level of the assembly are translated to accuracy requirements on component level, by employing techniques from the field of systems and control. With these component-level requirements, the eigenmodes that are most important to accurately model the dynamic behavior of the assembly can be selected in a modular fashion. We demonstrate with two structural dynamics benchmark systems that this method based on assembly accuracy allows for a computationally efficient selection of eigenmodes that 1) guarantees satisfaction of the assembly accuracy requirements and 2) results in most cases in reduced-order models of significantly lower order with respect to the industrial standard approach in which component eigenmodes are selected using a frequency criterion

    Multi-equilibrium property of metabolic networks: Exclusion of multi-stability for SSN metabolic modules

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    SUMMARY It is a fundamental and important problem whether or not a metabolic network can admit multiple equilibria in a living organism. Due to the complexity of the metabolic network, it is generally a difficult task to study the problem as a whole from both analytical and numerical viewpoints. In this paper, a structure-oriented modularization research framework is proposed to analyze the multi-stability of metabolic networks. We first decompose a metabolic network into four types of basic building blocks (called metabolic modules) according to the particularity of its structure, and then focus on one type of these basic building blocksthe single substrate and single product with no inhibition (SSN) module, by deriving a nonlinear ordinary differential equation (ODE) model based on the Hill kinetics. We show that the injectivity of the vector field of the ODE model is equivalent to the nonsingularity of its Jacobian matrix, which enables us equivalently to convert an unverifiable sufficient condition for the absence of multiple equilibria of an SSN module into a verifiable one. Moreover, we prove that this sufficient condition holds for the SSN module in a living organism. Such a theoretical result not only provides a general framework for modeling metabolic networks, but also shows that the SSN module in a living organism cannot be multi-stable