8 research outputs found

    A realizability semantics for inductive formal topologies, Church's Thesis and Axiom of Choice

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    We present a Kleene realizability semantics for the intensional level of the Minimalist Foundation, for short mtt, extended with inductively generated formal topologies, Church's thesis and axiom of choice. This semantics is an extension of the one used to show consistency of the intensional level of the Minimalist Foundation with the axiom of choice and formal Church's thesis in previous work. A main novelty here is that such a semantics is formalized in a constructive theory represented by Aczel's constructive set theory CZF extended with the regular extension axiom

    Models of Type Theory Based on Moore Paths

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    This paper introduces a new family of models of intensional Martin-L\"of type theory. We use constructive ordered algebra in toposes. Identity types in the models are given by a notion of Moore path. By considering a particular gros topos, we show that there is such a model that is non-truncated, i.e. contains non-trivial structure at all dimensions. In other words, in this model a type in a nested sequence of identity types can contain more than one element, no matter how great the degree of nesting. Although inspired by existing non-truncated models of type theory based on simplicial and cubical sets, the notion of model presented here is notable for avoiding any form of Kan filling condition in the semantics of types.Comment: This is a revised and expanded version of a paper with the same name that appeared in the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD 2017

    Sets in homotopy type theory

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    Homotopy Type Theory may be seen as an internal language for the ∞\infty-category of weak ∞\infty-groupoids which in particular models the univalence axiom. Voevodsky proposes this language for weak ∞\infty-groupoids as a new foundation for mathematics called the Univalent Foundations of Mathematics. It includes the sets as weak ∞\infty-groupoids with contractible connected components, and thereby it includes (much of) the traditional set theoretical foundations as a special case. We thus wonder whether those `discrete' groupoids do in fact form a (predicative) topos. More generally, homotopy type theory is conjectured to be the internal language of `elementary' ∞\infty-toposes. We prove that sets in homotopy type theory form a ΠW\Pi W-pretopos. This is similar to the fact that the 00-truncation of an ∞\infty-topos is a topos. We show that both a subobject classifier and a 00-object classifier are available for the type theoretical universe of sets. However, both of these are large and moreover, the 00-object classifier for sets is a function between 11-types (i.e. groupoids) rather than between sets. Assuming an impredicative propositional resizing rule we may render the subobject classifier small and then we actually obtain a topos of sets

    Quotient completion for the foundation of constructive mathematics

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    We apply some tools developed in categorical logic to give an abstract description of constructions used to formalize constructive mathematics in foundations based on intensional type theory. The key concept we employ is that of a Lawvere hyperdoctrine for which we describe a notion of quotient completion. That notion includes the exact completion on a category with weak finite limits as an instance as well as examples from type theory that fall apart from this.Comment: 32 page

    Sets in homotopy type theory

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