512 research outputs found

    An interactive semantics of logic programming

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    We apply to logic programming some recently emerging ideas from the field of reduction-based communicating systems, with the aim of giving evidence of the hidden interactions and the coordination mechanisms that rule the operational machinery of such a programming paradigm. The semantic framework we have chosen for presenting our results is tile logic, which has the advantage of allowing a uniform treatment of goals and observations and of applying abstract categorical tools for proving the results. As main contributions, we mention the finitary presentation of abstract unification, and a concurrent and coordinated abstract semantics consistent with the most common semantics of logic programming. Moreover, the compositionality of the tile semantics is guaranteed by standard results, as it reduces to check that the tile systems associated to logic programs enjoy the tile decomposition property. An extension of the approach for handling constraint systems is also discussed.Comment: 42 pages, 24 figure, 3 tables, to appear in the CUP journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programmin

    Interacting Hopf Algebras

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    We introduce the theory IH of interacting Hopf algebras, parametrised over a principal ideal domain R. The axioms of IH are derived using Lack's approach to composing PROPs: they feature two Hopf algebra and two Frobenius algebra structures on four different monoid-comonoid pairs. This construction is instrumental in showing that IH is isomorphic to the PROP of linear relations (i.e. subspaces) over the field of fractions of R

    A unified framework for generalized multicategories

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    Notions of generalized multicategory have been defined in numerous contexts throughout the literature, and include such diverse examples as symmetric multicategories, globular operads, Lawvere theories, and topological spaces. In each case, generalized multicategories are defined as the "lax algebras" or "Kleisli monoids" relative to a "monad" on a bicategory. However, the meanings of these words differ from author to author, as do the specific bicategories considered. We propose a unified framework: by working with monads on double categories and related structures (rather than bicategories), one can define generalized multicategories in a way that unifies all previous examples, while at the same time simplifying and clarifying much of the theory.Comment: 76 pages; final version, to appear in TA

    Free-algebra functors from a coalgebraic perspective

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    Given a set Σ\Sigma of equations, the free-algebra functor FΣF_{\Sigma} associates to each set XX of variables the free algebra FΣ(X)F_{\Sigma}(X) over XX. Extending the notion of \emph{derivative} Σ′\Sigma' for an arbitrary set Σ\Sigma of equations, originally defined by Dent, Kearnes, and Szendrei, we show that FΣF_\Sigma preserves preimages if and only if Σ⊢Σ′\Sigma \vdash \Sigma', i.e. Σ\Sigma derives its derivative Σ′\Sigma'. If FΣF_\Sigma weakly preserves kernel pairs, then every equation p(x,x,y)=q(x,y,y)p(x,x,y)=q(x,y,y) gives rise to a term s(x,y,z,u)s(x,y,z,u) such that p(x,y,z)=s(x,y,z,z)p(x,y,z)=s(x,y,z,z) and q(x,y,z)=s(x,x,y,z)q(x,y,z)=s(x,x,y,z). In this case n-permutable varieties must already be permutable, i.e. Mal'cev. Conversely, if Σ\Sigma defines a Mal'cev variety, then FΣF_\Sigma weakly preserves kernel pairs. As a tool, we prove that arbitrary Set−Set-endofunctors FF weakly preserve kernel pairs if and only if they weakly preserve pullbacks of epis

    Constructing categories and setoids of setoids in type theory

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    In this paper we consider the problem of building rich categories of setoids, in standard intensional Martin-L\"of type theory (MLTT), and in particular how to handle the problem of equality on objects in this context. Any (proof-irrelevant) family F of setoids over a setoid A gives rise to a category C(A, F) of setoids with objects A. We may regard the family F as a setoid of setoids, and a crucial issue in this article is to construct rich or large enough such families. Depending on closure conditions of F, the category C(A, F) has corresponding categorical constructions. We exemplify this with finite limits. A very large family F may be obtained from Aczel's model construction of CZF in type theory. It is proved that the category so obtained is isomorphic to the internal category of sets in this model. Set theory can thus establish (categorical) properties of C(A, F) which may be used in type theory. We also show that Aczel's model construction may be extended to include the elements of any setoid as atoms or urelements. As a byproduct we obtain a natural extension of CZF, adding atoms. This extension, CZFU, is validated by the extended model. The main theorems of the paper have been checked in the proof assistant Coq which is based on MLTT. A possible application of this development is to integrate set-theoretic and type-theoretic reasoning in proof assistants.Comment: 14 page
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