3 research outputs found

    Evolving artificial neural networks

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    The synthesis of artificial neural networks using single string evolutionary techniques.

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    The research presented in this thesis is concerned with optimising the structure of Artificial Neural Networks. These techniques are based on computer modelling of biological evolution or foetal development. They are known as Evolutionary, Genetic or Embryological methods. Specifically, Embryological techniques are used to grow Artificial Neural Network topologies. The Embryological Algorithm is an alternative to the popular Genetic Algorithm, which is widely used to achieve similar results. The algorithm grows in the sense that the network structure is added to incrementally and thus changes from a simple form to a more complex form. This is unlike the Genetic Algorithm, which causes the structure of the network to evolve in an unstructured or random way. The thesis outlines the following original work: The operation of the Embryological Algorithm is described and compared with the Genetic Algorithm. The results of an exhaustive literature search in the subject area are reported. The growth strategies which may be used to evolve Artificial Neural Network structure are listed. These growth strategies are integrated into an algorithm for network growth. Experimental results obtained from using such a system are described and there is a discussion of the applications of the approach. Consideration is given of the advantages and disadvantages of this technique and suggestions are made for future work in the area. A new learning algorithm based on Taguchi methods is also described. The report concludes that the method of incremental growth is a useful and powerful technique for defining neural network structures and is more efficient than its alternatives. Recommendations are also made with regard to the types of network to which this approach is best suited. Finally, the report contains a discussion of two important aspects of Genetic or Evolutionary techniques related to the above. These are Modular networks (and their synthesis) and the functionality of the network itself

    Automatically evolving rule induction algorithms with grammar-based genetic programming

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    In the last 30 years, research in the field of rule induction algorithms produced a large number of algorithms. However, these algorithms are usually obtained from the combination of a basic rule induction algorithm (typically following the sequential covering approach) with new evaluation functions, pruning methods and stopping criteria for refining or producing rules, generating many "new" and more sophisticated sequential covering algorithms. We cannot deny that these attempts to improve the basic sequential covering approach have succeeded. Hence, if manually changing these major components of rule induction algorithms can result in new, significantly better ones, why not to automate this process to make it more cost-effective? This is the core idea of this work: to automate the process of designing rule induction algorithms by means of grammar-based genetic programming. Grammar-based Genetic Programming (GGP) is a special type of evolutionary algorithm used to automatically evolve computer programs. The most interesting feature of this type of algorithm is that it incorporates a grammar into its search mechanism, which expresses prior knowledge about the problem being solved. Since we have a lot of previous knowledge about how humans design rule induction algorithms, this type of algorithm is intuitively a suitable tool to automatically evolve rule induction algorithms. The grammar given to the proposed GGP system includes knowledge about how humans- design rule induction algorithms, and also presents some new elements which could work in rule induction algorithms, but to the best of our knowledge were not previously tested. The GG P system aims to evolve rule induction algorithms under two different frameworks, as follows. In the first framework, the GGP is used to evolve robust rule induction algorithms, i.e., algorithms which were designed to be applied to virtually any classification data set, like a manually-designed rule induction algorithm. In the second framework, the GGP is applied to evolve rule induction algorithms tailored to a specific application XVI domain, i.e., rule induction algorithms tailored to a single data set. Note that the latter framework is hardly feasible on a hard scale in the case of conventional, manually-designed algorithms, since the number of classification data sets greatly outnumbers the number of rule induction algorithms designers. However, it is clearly feasible on a large scale when using the proposed system, which automates the process of rule induction algorithm design and implementation. Overall, extensive computational experiments with 20 VCI data sets and 5 bioinformatics data sets showed that effective rule induction algorithms can be automatically generated using the GGP in both frameworks. Moreover, the automatically evolved rule induction algorithms were shown to be competitive with (and overall slightly better than) four well-known manually designed rule induction algorithms when comparing their predictive accuracies. The proposed GGP system was also compared to a grammar-based hillclimbing system, and experimental results showed that the GGP system is a more effective method to evolve rule induction algorithms than the grammar-based hillclimbing method. At last, a multi-objective version of the GGP (based on the concept of Pareto dominance) was also proposed, and experiments were performed to evolve robust rule induction algorithms which generate both accurate and simple models. The results showed that in most of the cases the GGP system can produce rule induction algorithms which are competitive in predictive accuracy to wellknown human-designed rule induction algorithms, but generate simpler classification modes - i.e., smaller rule sets, intuitively easier to be interpreted by the user