13 research outputs found

    Modified log-Sobolev inequalities for strongly log-concave distributions

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    We show that the modified log-Sobolev constant for a natural Markov chain which converges to an rr-homogeneous strongly log-concave distribution is at least 1/r1/r. Applications include a sharp mixing time bound for the bases-exchange walk for matroids, and a concentration bound for Lipschitz functions over these distributions.Comment: accepted to Annals of Probability. Simplified proof

    Flexible Modeling of Diversity with Strongly Log-Concave Distributions

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    Strongly log-concave (SLC) distributions are a rich class of discrete probability distributions over subsets of some ground set. They are strictly more general than strongly Rayleigh (SR) distributions such as the well-known determinantal point process. While SR distributions offer elegant models of diversity, they lack an easy control over how they express diversity. We propose SLC as the right extension of SR that enables easier, more intuitive control over diversity, illustrating this via examples of practical importance. We develop two fundamental tools needed to apply SLC distributions to learning and inference: sampling and mode finding. For sampling we develop an MCMC sampler and give theoretical mixing time bounds. For mode finding, we establish a weak log-submodularity property for SLC functions and derive optimization guarantees for a distorted greedy algorithm

    On Mixing of Markov Chains: Coupling, Spectral Independence, and Entropy Factorization

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    For general spin systems, we prove that a contractive coupling for any local Markov chain implies optimal bounds on the mixing time and the modified log-Sobolev constant for a large class of Markov chains including the Glauber dynamics, arbitrary heat-bath block dynamics, and the Swendsen-Wang dynamics. This reveals a novel connection between probabilistic techniques for bounding the convergence to stationarity and analytic tools for analyzing the decay of relative entropy. As a corollary of our general results, we obtain O(nlogn)O(n\log{n}) mixing time and Ω(1/n)\Omega(1/n) modified log-Sobolev constant of the Glauber dynamics for sampling random qq-colorings of an nn-vertex graph with constant maximum degree Δ\Delta when q>(11/6ϵ0)Δq > (11/6 - \epsilon_0)\Delta for some fixed ϵ0>0\epsilon_0>0. We also obtain O(logn)O(\log{n}) mixing time and Ω(1)\Omega(1) modified log-Sobolev constant of the Swendsen-Wang dynamics for the ferromagnetic Ising model on an nn-vertex graph of constant maximum degree when the parameters of the system lie in the tree uniqueness region. At the heart of our results are new techniques for establishing spectral independence of the spin system and block factorization of the relative entropy. On one hand we prove that a contractive coupling of a local Markov chain implies spectral independence of the Gibbs distribution. On the other hand we show that spectral independence implies factorization of entropy for arbitrary blocks, establishing optimal bounds on the modified log-Sobolev constant of the corresponding block dynamics

    Optimal Mixing of Glauber Dynamics: Entropy Factorization via High-Dimensional Expansion

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    We prove an optimal mixing time bound on the single-site update Markov chain known as the Glauber dynamics or Gibbs sampling in a variety of settings. Our work presents an improved version of the spectral independence approach of Anari et al. (2020) and shows O(nlogn)O(n\log{n}) mixing time on any nn-vertex graph of bounded degree when the maximum eigenvalue of an associated influence matrix is bounded. As an application of our results, for the hard-core model on independent sets weighted by a fugacity λ\lambda, we establish O(nlogn)O(n\log{n}) mixing time for the Glauber dynamics on any nn-vertex graph of constant maximum degree Δ\Delta when λ<λc(Δ)\lambda<\lambda_c(\Delta) where λc(Δ)\lambda_c(\Delta) is the critical point for the uniqueness/non-uniqueness phase transition on the Δ\Delta-regular tree. More generally, for any antiferromagnetic 2-spin system we prove O(nlogn)O(n\log{n}) mixing time of the Glauber dynamics on any bounded degree graph in the corresponding tree uniqueness region. Our results apply more broadly; for example, we also obtain O(nlogn)O(n\log{n}) mixing for qq-colorings of triangle-free graphs of maximum degree Δ\Delta when the number of colors satisfies q>αΔq > \alpha \Delta where α1.763\alpha \approx 1.763, and O(mlogn)O(m\log{n}) mixing for generating random matchings of any graph with bounded degree and mm edges