3,788 research outputs found

    Decoding by Embedding: Correct Decoding Radius and DMT Optimality

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    The closest vector problem (CVP) and shortest (nonzero) vector problem (SVP) are the core algorithmic problems on Euclidean lattices. They are central to the applications of lattices in many problems of communications and cryptography. Kannan's \emph{embedding technique} is a powerful technique for solving the approximate CVP, yet its remarkable practical performance is not well understood. In this paper, the embedding technique is analyzed from a \emph{bounded distance decoding} (BDD) viewpoint. We present two complementary analyses of the embedding technique: We establish a reduction from BDD to Hermite SVP (via unique SVP), which can be used along with any Hermite SVP solver (including, among others, the Lenstra, Lenstra and Lov\'asz (LLL) algorithm), and show that, in the special case of LLL, it performs at least as well as Babai's nearest plane algorithm (LLL-aided SIC). The former analysis helps to explain the folklore practical observation that unique SVP is easier than standard approximate SVP. It is proven that when the LLL algorithm is employed, the embedding technique can solve the CVP provided that the noise norm is smaller than a decoding radius λ1/(2γ)\lambda_1/(2\gamma), where λ1\lambda_1 is the minimum distance of the lattice, and γ≈O(2n/4)\gamma \approx O(2^{n/4}). This substantially improves the previously best known correct decoding bound γ≈O(2n)\gamma \approx {O}(2^{n}). Focusing on the applications of BDD to decoding of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, we also prove that BDD of the regularized lattice is optimal in terms of the diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff (DMT), and propose practical variants of embedding decoding which require no knowledge of the minimum distance of the lattice and/or further improve the error performance.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Attacks on the Search-RLWE problem with small errors

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    The Ring Learning-With-Errors (RLWE) problem shows great promise for post-quantum cryptography and homomorphic encryption. We describe a new attack on the non-dual search RLWE problem with small error widths, using ring homomorphisms to finite fields and the chi-squared statistical test. In particular, we identify a "subfield vulnerability" (Section 5.2) and give a new attack which finds this vulnerability by mapping to a finite field extension and detecting non-uniformity with respect to the number of elements in the subfield. We use this attack to give examples of vulnerable RLWE instances in Galois number fields. We also extend the well-known search-to-decision reduction result to Galois fields with any unramified prime modulus q, regardless of the residue degree f of q, and we use this in our attacks. The time complexity of our attack is O(nq2f), where n is the degree of K and f is the residue degree of q in K. We also show an attack on the non-dual (resp. dual) RLWE problem with narrow error distributions in prime cyclotomic rings when the modulus is a ramified prime (resp. any integer). We demonstrate the attacks in practice by finding many vulnerable instances and successfully attacking them. We include the code for all attacks

    Some new formulas for π\pi

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    We show how to find series expansions for π\pi of the form π=∑n=0∞S(n)/(mnpn)an\pi=\sum_{n=0}^\infty {S(n)}\big/{\binom{mn}{pn}a^n}, where S(n) is some polynomial in nn (depending on m,p,am,p,a). We prove that there exist such expansions for m=8km=8k, p=4kp=4k, a=(−4)ka=(-4)^k, for any kk, and give explicit examples for such expansions for small values of mm, pp and aa.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX; some important references adde

    The shapes of an epidemic: using Functional Data Analysis to characterize COVID-19 in Italy

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    We investigate patterns of COVID-19 mortality across 20 Italian regions and their association with mobility, positivity, and socio-demographic, infrastructural and environmental covariates. Notwithstanding limitations in accuracy and resolution of the data available from public sources, we pinpoint significant trends exploiting information in curves and shapes with Functional Data Analysis techniques. These depict two starkly different epidemics; an "exponential" one unfolding in Lombardia and the worst hit areas of the north, and a milder, "flat(tened)" one in the rest of the country -- including Veneto, where cases appeared concurrently with Lombardia but aggressive testing was implemented early on. We find that mobility and positivity can predict COVID-19 mortality, also when controlling for relevant covariates. Among the latter, primary care appears to mitigate mortality, and contacts in hospitals, schools and work places to aggravate it. The techniques we describe could capture additional and potentially sharper signals if applied to richer data
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