41 research outputs found

    Using Automatic Static Analysis to Identify Technical Debt

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    The technical debt (TD) metaphor describes a tradeoff between short-term and long-term goals in software development. Developers, in such situations, accept compromises in one dimension (e.g. maintainability) to meet an urgent demand in another dimension (e.g. delivering a release on time). Since TD produces interests in terms of time spent to correct the code and accomplish quality goals, accumulation of TD in software systems is dangerous because it could lead to more difficult and expensive maintenance. The research presented in this paper is focused on the usage of automatic static analysis to identify Technical Debt at code level with respect to different quality dimensions. The methodological approach is that of Empirical Software Engineering and both past and current achieved results are presented, focusing on functionality, efficiency and maintainabilit

    Концептуальне злиття як метод організації міжпроектного повторного використання артефактів

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    Reuse of existing solutions is typical for engineering and software engineering is not exception. Increasing effectiveness of software products creation and support is an ultimate goal. Nowadays software reuse is common approach for reaching this goal, so almost all modern methodologies and technologies are concentrated on this problem. In this paper is proposed one more effective cross-project reuse technology for artifacts described as text files collections (source code, XML, templates, HTML/CSS, etc); key idea of this technology is storing similar software projects in generalization tree.Повторне використання готових рішень є типовим для інженерної діяльності, і програмна інженерія не є виключенням. Вирішення завдання повторного використання є загально- визнаним підходом до підвищення ефективності створення програмних продуктів. У цій статті описано технологію організації ефективного способу міжпроектного повторного використання артефактів у вигляді множини текстових файлів (вихідні тексти на будь-яких мовах програмування, XML-декларації, темплейти, HTML / CSS-розмітка тощо) шляхом структу- ризації споріднених програмних проектів у формі дерева узагальнень

    Enhancing Students\u27 Perception Of Software Maintainability By Using Collaborative Team-Based Role Play

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    This research was performed within a software engineering workshop. In addition to standard technical issues, this workshop was designed to enhance students\u27 capabilities related to non-technical knowledge areas, such as critical thinking, interpersonal and team-based skills. An important objective of outlining the importance of software maintainability issues was achieved through team-based collaborative development activities. There were three assignments in which each team had to continue the work designed (or developed) by another team. The main research study objective was to examine the effect of employing this kind of a team-based peer-review on the students\u27 learning process. Data referring to the students\u27 perceptions is presented and analyzed in addition to student reflections on the workshop which demonstrate their expanded understanding of the design and application process


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    Being aware to the important role of proper software documentation on one hand and being acquainted with the students\u27 views regarding this issue on the other, we decided to examine the effects of facing the students with bad documentation or the lack of it on their views, as represented by a software project they have to design, develop and test.. This research was performed within a software engineering workshop for Computer Science students. For addressing the soft skills issues required by the industry, the course was delivered as a workshop with various (inter and intra) team based activities. The objective of outlining the importance of software maintainability issues was achieved through a hybrid team-based role play. The workshop consists of three assignments, following a typical software design and development process, in which each team had to continue the work performed by another team, thus creating a dependency between the team members as well as between the teams as might happen during real life maintenance. The main research study objective was to examine the effect of employing this kind of a hybrid team-based role-play and peer-review on the students\u27 learning process regarding product documentation for future maintainability. Data referring to the students\u27 perceptions is presented and analyzed in addition to student reflections on the workshop which demonstrate their expanded understanding of documenting the design and application process

    On the use of a multiple view interactive environment for MATLAB and octave program comprehension

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    WOS:000364988500049 (Nº de Acesso Web of Science)MATLAB or GNU/Octave programs can become very large and complex and therefore difficult to understand and maintain. The objective of this paper is presenting an approach to mitigate this problem, based upon a multiple view interactive environment (MVIE) called OctMiner. The latter provides visual resources to support program comprehension, namely the selection and configuration of several views to meet developers’ needs. For validation purposes, the authors conducted two case studies to characterize the use of OctMiner in the context of software comprehension activities. The results provided initial evidences of its effectiveness to support the comprehension of programs written in the aforementioned languages

    An Integrated ERP with Web Portal

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    Abstract Making the right decision at the right time requires that the data should be available at internet time not after the event when it is too late to do anything. So the need for a web portal has been increased in order to support decision making in the different organizational levels at internet time by providing features such as, customization, personalization, support for collaboration and notification that support managers in making the right decision at internet time. All this can be achieved by applying the (BI) tools on " One version" data store that contains data from legacy ERP system after applying the ETL tools over it. Also the Data marts will be used in order to shorten the response time of queries generated by the users

    Can We Automatically Generate Class Comments in Pharo?

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    Code comments support developers in understanding and maintaining codebases. Specifically in the Pharo environment, code comments serve as the main form of code documentation and usually convey information ranging from high-level design descriptions to low-level implementation details. Nevertheless, numerous important classes in Pharo still lack comments as developers find writing comments to be a tedious and effort-intensive task. Previous works in Java have recommended generating comments automatically to reduce commenting effort and save developers time. There exist several approaches to achieve this goal. One such popular approach is based on identifying stereotypes, \ie a generalized set of characteristics supposed to represent an entity (object, class). However, this approach has not been tested for other programming languages. In this paper, we adopt the stereotype-based approach to automatically generate class comments in the Pharo programming environment. Specifically, we generated information about the class type, collaborators and key methods. We surveyed seven developers to evaluate the generated comments for 24 classes. The responses suggest that, although more information could be added to the comments, the generated class comments are readable and understandable, and the majority of comments do not contain unnecessary information

    Dimensões Críticas de Sucesso na Integração de Sistemas Legados no SERPRO

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as dimensões críticas de sucesso na integração de sistemas legados (ISL). Este artigo endereça a lacuna de trabalhos científicos sobre fatores críticos de sucesso na ISL. A fundamentação teórica foi construída a partir de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os fatores que influenciam a ISL. Esta pesquisa usou uma abordagem exploratória e descritiva, e aplicou uma enquete em uma amostra de 106 profissionais do Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados (SERPRO). O uso da técnica de Análise Fatorial Exploratória nessa fase permitiu identificar quatro dimensões críticas de sucesso na ISL: equipe qualificada e infraestrutura; processo de desenvolvimento de software; patrocinador; e requisitos do sistema