3 research outputs found

    An optimized planning tool for microwave terrestrial and satellite link design

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    Today, the internet is fundamental to social inclusion. There are many people that live in remote areas, and the only way to supply internet services is through the use of microwave terrestrial and satellite systems. Thus, it is important to have efficient tools to design and optimize these systems. In this paper, a tool with the objective to shorten the time spent in the design process of microwave terrestrial and satellite point-to-point links is presented. This tool can be applied in academia by engineering students, providing an extended analysis of many sections of a link project design, as well as in professional practice by telecommunication engineering departments, presenting a concise step-by-step interactive design process. This tool uses three-dimensional world visualization, with the Cesium Application Programming Interface (API), to display and analyze site-specific characteristics that can disrupt the link’s quality of service (QoS). Using this visualization, two ray-tracing algorithms were developed to analyze signal diffraction and reflection mainly throughout terrestrial links. Using this new algorithm, an innovative process for signal diffraction and reflection calculations was created. Using updated standards provided by the International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R), the characteristics of the defined simulated links could be predicted, thus providing the user with the metrics of signal quality and system link budget.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aplicação para projeto e análise de sistemas de feixes Hertzianos

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesNos dias que correm, a tecnologia de Feixes Hertzianos (FH), tem vindo a perder preponderância, face a outras de outras maior débito como fibras óticas. Apesar de tudo, os FH continuam a ser utilizados em redes de transporte como backhaul e em redes de TV, pelo seu baixo custo e facilidade de integração em diversos tipos de terreno. Os sistemas funcionam, com a premissa de existir um caminho desobstruído entre o emissor e o recetor. No dimensionamento dum sistema por FH, é necessário fazer um estudo prévio das condições de propagação e do percurso onde a ligação será estabelecida. Muita vezes o processo torna-se complexo, sendo necessário o auxilio de ferramentas. Muitas das ferramentas disponibilizadas são de acesso profissional e customizadas para definições especificas de fabricantes. Existem outras de utilização aberta, mas estas muitas vezes, não são mantidas de forma regular, tornando-se desatualizadas, face às recomendações do ITU-R(International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication). Nesse seguimento, ao longo desta dissertação, foi desenvolvida uma ferramenta modular de código-aberto, com uma interface Web implementada com a framework javascript Vue.js e um web service na linguagem python. A ferramenta foi desenvolvida com base nas últimas recomendações ITU-R e nela é possível, analisar o impacto dos fenómenos de propagação na qualidade do sinal recebido. Com base no software desenvolvido, foram apresentados um conjuntos de testes e cenários. Os resultados foram comparados com os dados da ferramenta profissional Path Loss de forma a aferir a validade do programa desenvolvido.Nowadays the Microwave radio links technology has lost some preponderance compared to other technologies of high speed such as optical fibers. Despite everything, Microwave radio links, continues to be used in transport networks such as backhaul and television, due to their low cost and its simplicity of integration in different types of terrain. The system work in the context, that there is an unobstructed path between the sender and receiver. In the design of a Microwave Radio link system, it’s necessary to do a prior study of the propagation conditions and the path where the connection will be established. Sometimes the process becomes complex, being required the use of auxiliary tools. Most of the tools available, are for professional use and customized for specific manufacturers. There some free solutions, but those are not maintained, and become outdated compared to International Telecommunication Union - Radiocommunication (ITU-R). Having that in mind, during the process of this dissertation development, an opensource tool with a web-based JavaScript interface with the framework Vue.Js was implemented with the complement of a python webservice. The tool was created adopting the latest ITU-R recommendations and using it, is possible to evaluate the impact of the propagation phenoms on the quality of the received signal. Using the developed application, some use cases and tests were presented. The results were compared with the professional tool PathLoss to validate the developed software .N/

    Modern and optimized planning tool for microwave link design

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    The microwave link planning tool described in this paper, named as Smart Link Planning Tool (SLPT), is a wireless communication planning tool for radio point-to-point communications, using microwave links (ML). This tool was firstly developed with the aim of helping telecommunication students, on their procedures to study and plan a ML and it was developed in a modern programming language, Java, to facilitate its continuous improvement and modernization on different platforms. SLPT interacts with a geographic information system (GIS) and Google maps (GM), with a modern, intuitive and user-friendly interface which facilitates tasks such as the placement of the transmitter and receiver positions and the adequate number of repeaters along the path. It has the ability to show in real time the evolution of all calculations and the implications of the choices taken by the user towards optimization. The SLPT implements the latest standards and recommendations of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), namely their radio counterpart (ITU-R), so the planned links obey these mandatory international regulations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio