37,678 research outputs found

    A description of within-family resource exchange networks in a Malawian village

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    In this paper we explore patterns of economic transfers between adults within household and family networks in a village in Malawi’s Rumphi district, using data from the 2006 round of the Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health. We fit Exponential-family Random Graph Models (ERGMs) to assess individual, relational, and higher-order network effects. The network effects of cyclic giving, reciprocity, and in-degree and out-degree distribution suggest a network with a tendency away from the formation of hierarchies or "hubs." Effects of age, sex, working status, education, health status, and kinship relation are also considered.Malawi, Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health, networks, resource exchange, social network

    Directed Network Laplacians and Random Graph Models

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    We consider spectral methods that uncover hidden structures in directed networks. We develop a general framework that allows us to associate methods based on optimization formulations with maximum likelihood problems on random graphs. We focus on two existing spectral approaches that build and analyse Laplacian-style matrices via the minimization of frustration and trophic incoherence. These algorithms aim to reveal directed periodic and linear hierarchies, respectively. We show that reordering nodes using the two algorithms, or mapping them onto a specified lattice, is associated with new classes of directed random graph models. Using this random graph setting, we are able to compare the two algorithms on a given network and quantify which structure is more likely to be present. We illustrate the approach on synthetic and real networks, and discuss practical implementation issues

    GRASS: Generative Recursive Autoencoders for Shape Structures

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    We introduce a novel neural network architecture for encoding and synthesis of 3D shapes, particularly their structures. Our key insight is that 3D shapes are effectively characterized by their hierarchical organization of parts, which reflects fundamental intra-shape relationships such as adjacency and symmetry. We develop a recursive neural net (RvNN) based autoencoder to map a flat, unlabeled, arbitrary part layout to a compact code. The code effectively captures hierarchical structures of man-made 3D objects of varying structural complexities despite being fixed-dimensional: an associated decoder maps a code back to a full hierarchy. The learned bidirectional mapping is further tuned using an adversarial setup to yield a generative model of plausible structures, from which novel structures can be sampled. Finally, our structure synthesis framework is augmented by a second trained module that produces fine-grained part geometry, conditioned on global and local structural context, leading to a full generative pipeline for 3D shapes. We demonstrate that without supervision, our network learns meaningful structural hierarchies adhering to perceptual grouping principles, produces compact codes which enable applications such as shape classification and partial matching, and supports shape synthesis and interpolation with significant variations in topology and geometry.Comment: Corresponding author: Kai Xu ([email protected]

    Structural Inference of Hierarchies in Networks

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    One property of networks that has received comparatively little attention is hierarchy, i.e., the property of having vertices that cluster together in groups, which then join to form groups of groups, and so forth, up through all levels of organization in the network. Here, we give a precise definition of hierarchical structure, give a generic model for generating arbitrary hierarchical structure in a random graph, and describe a statistically principled way to learn the set of hierarchical features that most plausibly explain a particular real-world network. By applying this approach to two example networks, we demonstrate its advantages for the interpretation of network data, the annotation of graphs with edge, vertex and community properties, and the generation of generic null models for further hypothesis testing.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    A sharper threshold for bootstrap percolation in two dimensions

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    Two-dimensional bootstrap percolation is a cellular automaton in which sites become 'infected' by contact with two or more already infected nearest neighbors. We consider these dynamics, which can be interpreted as a monotone version of the Ising model, on an n x n square, with sites initially infected independently with probability p. The critical probability p_c is the smallest p for which the probability that the entire square is eventually infected exceeds 1/2. Holroyd determined the sharp first-order approximation: p_c \sim \pi^2/(18 log n) as n \to \infty. Here we sharpen this result, proving that the second term in the expansion is -(log n)^{-3/2+ o(1)}, and moreover determining it up to a poly(log log n)-factor. The exponent -3/2 corrects numerical predictions from the physics literature.Comment: 21 page

    Graph-Sparse LDA: A Topic Model with Structured Sparsity

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    Originally designed to model text, topic modeling has become a powerful tool for uncovering latent structure in domains including medicine, finance, and vision. The goals for the model vary depending on the application: in some cases, the discovered topics may be used for prediction or some other downstream task. In other cases, the content of the topic itself may be of intrinsic scientific interest. Unfortunately, even using modern sparse techniques, the discovered topics are often difficult to interpret due to the high dimensionality of the underlying space. To improve topic interpretability, we introduce Graph-Sparse LDA, a hierarchical topic model that leverages knowledge of relationships between words (e.g., as encoded by an ontology). In our model, topics are summarized by a few latent concept-words from the underlying graph that explain the observed words. Graph-Sparse LDA recovers sparse, interpretable summaries on two real-world biomedical datasets while matching state-of-the-art prediction performance