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    The Researcher's Creativity and Its Expression in Projective Research

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    El presente documento aborda la creatividad del investigador y su relaci贸n con la investigaci贸n proyectiva. 脡sta se comprende como una forma de generar conocimiento  como posibilidades de dise帽ar propuestas de transformaci贸n en el 谩rea educativa para dar respuestas a las demandas de calidad de los procesos educativos. El objetivo es analizar la creatividad del investigador en t茅rminos de su expresi贸n en la investigaci贸n proyectiva. La metodolog铆a involucra la t茅cnica de revisi贸n documental en bases de datos Doaj, Redalyc y Google Acad茅mico. Se concluye con una aproximaci贸n a los desaf铆os que representa la investigaci贸n proyectiva en funci贸n de ser fuente y testigo del ingenio creativo y la distinci贸n a favor de una mejor educaci贸n. Fuente, porque cuando un investigador alcanza un logro, luego de superar obst谩culos de diversa 铆ndole, se siente fortalecido con los nuevos aprendizajes y capaz de emprender otros retos; y testigo, porque la investigaci贸n proyectiva necesariamente es expositiva de la creatividad, generando  conocimientos pertinentes para enriquecer y transformar realidades sociales, tecnol贸gicas, econ贸micas, culturales y educativas siempre que se asuma como un proceso sistem谩tico, met贸dico y organizado, desde los conceptos que proporciona la comprensi贸n hol铆stica de la investigaci贸n.This paper discusses the researcher's creativity and its relationship with projective research. This is understood as a way of generating knowledge aimed at opening up the possibilities of designing proposals for transformation in the educational area. It is important to analyze these aspects in terms of the connection between creativity and the research necessary to respond to the demands for quality in educational processes. Thus, the objective of this article is to analyze the creativity of the researcher and its expression in projective research. The methodology involves the technique of document review in Doaj, Redalyc and Google Scholar databases. It concludes with an approach to the challenges that projective research represents in terms of being a source and witness of creative ingenuity and distinction in favor of a better education. Source, because when a researcher achieves an achievement, after overcoming obstacles of various kinds, he or she feels strengthened by the new learning and capable of undertaking other challenges; and witness, because projective research is necessarily expository of creativity, generating pertinent knowledge to enrich and transform social, technological, economic, cultural and educational realities as long as it is assumed as a systematic, methodical and organized process, from the concepts provided by the holistic understanding of research