1 research outputs found

    Teaching of Mathematics Mediated by ICT

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    El prop贸sito general de este art铆culo es analizar la incidencia de las TIC en la ense帽anza de las matem谩ticas. Para ello se utiliz贸 el m茅todo de revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica o revisi贸n documental, recopilando art铆culos cient铆ficos relacionados con el objetivo de investigaci贸n y publicados en revistas indexadas en el per铆odo no mayor a 5 a帽os, de igual manera esta informaci贸n se analiz贸 y organizo en una matriz anal铆tica y documental, teniendo en cuenta los criterios de inclusi贸n y exclusi贸n de los diferentes art铆culos, donde se logr贸 identificar que la ense帽anza de las matem谩ticas est谩 en un auge de evoluci贸n hacia la interacci贸n y mediaci贸n de las TIC, dado que esto permite una mayor interrelaci贸n entre docente, contenidos y estudiantado en general, siendo as铆 un recurso que ha transformado la ense帽anza y el aprendizaje de las matem谩ticas al proporcionar herramientas significativas que hacen que las matem谩ticas sean m谩s accesibles, interactivas y efectivas, al tiempo que mejoran la resoluci贸n de problemas y la colaboraci贸n entre docentes y estudiantes, adem谩s  permiten la adaptaci贸n de los materiales y recursos de aprendizaje a las necesidades individuales de los estudiantes, fortaleciendo los procesos de ense帽anza y aprendizaje.The general purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of ICT in mathematics teaching. For this, the bibliographic review or documentary review method was used, compiling scientific articles related to the research objective and published in indexed journals in a period of no more than 5 years, in the same way this information was analyzed and organized in an analytical matrix and documentary, taking into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the different articles, where it was possible to identify that the teaching of mathematics is in a boom of evolution towards the interaction and mediation of ICT, given that this allows a greater interrelation between teachers , content and students in general, thus being a resource that has transformed the teaching and learning of mathematics by providing significant tools that make mathematics more accessible, interactive and effective, while improving problem solving and collaboration between teachers and students, they also allow the adaptation of learning materials and resources to the individual needs of students, strengthening the teaching and learning processes