8 research outputs found

    Management of dynamic and adaptive workflow business processes

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    Collaborative and dynamic workflow management systems in logistic companies require strong information systems and computer support. Business processes in such industries generally compose of several parts, a structured operational part and an unstructured operational part, or they could be composed of semistructured parts with some given and some unknown details. Unpredictable situations may occur as a result of changes in decisions made by the management. The inability to deal with various changes greatly limits the applicability of workflow systems in real industrial and commercial operations. This paper deals with adaptation management of collaborative workflow changes in such consortia and proposes architecture for implementation of these changes through the process of component integration and synchronization where by existing workflow systems adapt to the changes. This paper describes conceptual framework required for prototype implementation resulting in new collaborative workflow adaptation

    Collaborative workflow management using service oriented approach

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    Collaborative workflow systems in large logistics companies require a well integrated information systems infrastructure and a strong communication network to meet major new challenges and opportunities. Agile infrastructure, enabled by integration, can have substantial impact on the overall success of a business, these IT integration requirements are expanding considerably with the advent of ebusiness; utilizing B2B (Business to Business) web services and P2P (Partner to Partner) e-commerce. This paper deals with change management of collaborative workflow in such consortia and proposes integration architecture for synchronization of these changes through the process of service modules integration where by existing workflow systems are adapted to the changes. This paper will describe conceptual framework and implementation strategy resulting in new collaborative workflow adaptation

    Service agents based collaborative workflow management implementation

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    Workflow management systems in collaborative logistic companies require strong information systems to support in a distributed environment. These IT integration requirements have expanded considerably with the advent of collaborative e-business; utilizing B2B (Business to Business) and P2P (Partner to Partner) e-commerce. This paper deals with adaptation management of collaborative workflow changes in such consortia and proposes architecture for implementation of these changes through the process of component integration and agent based workflow management system where by existing workflow systems adapt to the changes. This paper describes conceptual framework required for prototype implementation resulting in new collaborative workflow adaptation

    Services integration monitor for collaborative workflow management

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    Collaborative workflow management systems in logistic companies require strong information systems and computer network support. These IT integration requirements have expanded considerably with the advent of e-business; utilizing web services and Partner to Partner ecommerce. This paper deals with change management of collaborative workflow in such consortia and proposes architecture for synchronization and monitoring of these services where existing workflow systems are adapted to the changes requested by management. This paper describes conceptual framework of the services monitor which is used to monitor and edit changes resulting in new collaborative workflows

    Ecological Solutions For The Blind

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    A number of inappropriate navigation devices have been foisted onto the visually impaired population over the past twenty years. These portable electronic devices are usually mounted on a long cane adaptation, or hand-held by the visually impaired user. Their function is primarily to help prevent a collision with an obstacle in the immediate path. Some of these navigation devices use laser technology to gauge subject-to-object distance. Others use infrared transceivers or ultrasonic pulse-echo techniques to locate and warn of obstacles. Some extend their role beyond giving warning signals, to crudely assisting the user map the immediate path ahead. These devices exhibit a number of problems, the most significant of which are related to the interface display that conveys navigation/obstacle warning information to the blind user. As sound is often used in these displays, the vital auditory channel is typically compromised. The author has produced a solution, which is at an early stage of development. Several successful prototypes using tactile displays, have been produced

    Service oriented model driven architecture for dynamic workflow changes

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    Collaborative workflow management systems in logistic companies require strong information systems and computer support. These IT integration requirements have expanded considerably with the advent of e-business; utilizing web services for B2B (Business to Business) and P2P (Partner to Partner) e-commerce. This paper proposes service oriented model driven architecture for dynamic workflow changes and strategy for implementation of these changes by isolation of services and business processes where by existing workflow systems can easily incorporate and integrate the changes following a step by step process replacement synchronization in workflow. This paper will also describe conceptual framework for prototype implementation resulting in dynamic collaborative workflow management

    Temporal meta-model framework for Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) development

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    This thesis has developed a Temporal Meta-Model Framework for semi-automated Enterprise System Development, which can help drastically reduce the time and cost to develop, deploy and maintain Enterprise Information Systems throughout their lifecycle. It proposes that the analysis and requirements gathering can also perform the bulk of the design phase, stored and available in a suitable model which would then be capable of automated execution with the availability of a set of specific runtime components