16 research outputs found

    Developing the Digital Business Readiness Assessment Framework (DBRAF) for Fashion Retail SMEs in Lagos, Nigeria

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    The adoption and use of digital technologies have been a growing area of research focus in recent years. Despite the popularity in developed countries, digital technology adoption amongst SMEs in developing countries, e.g. Nigeria, is still relatively low. Such low adoption hinders the digital transformation of SMEs in the developing countries, and the low level of adoption is often the result of the low level of digital business readiness. Therefore, this paper proposes the digital business readiness assessment framework (DBRAF) based on Socio-Technical Systems (STS), Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2), Organisational Semiotics (OS) and Enterprise Architecture (EA). The DBRAF is designed to understand and examine the enablers and barriers of digital business adoption for SMEs in developing countries. A pilot study, based on a pilot study in fashion retail SMEs in Lagos, was conducted to test the validity of the proposed framework. The DBRAF aims to assist fashion retail SMEs to identify the specific areas that they need to be address in order to reach the desired level of digital business readiness

    The Strategy Blueprint - A Strategy Process Computer-Aided Design Tool

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    Strategy has always been a main concern of organizations because it dictates their direction, and therefore determines their success. Thus, organizations need to have adequate support to guide them through their strategy formulation process. The goal of this research is to develop a computer-based tool, known as ‘the Strategy Blueprint’, consisting of a combination of nine strategy techniques, which can help organizations define the most suitable strategy, based on the internal and external factors that influence their business. The research methodology we adopted is design science. To visualize the Strategy Blueprint tool, we use a spreadsheet-based implementation. Our first evaluation of the tool in real-life settings indicates that the tool is both useful and easy to use

    Pemodelan Sistem Informasi Order Fullfillment Pada Perusahaan Diesel Menggunakan Enterprise Architecture Planning Archimate

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    A diesel company that currently has three business segments: marine engines, industrial machinery and industrial generating sets. For the wider public, this diesel company is very popular in marine engines and is a world-leading innovation, such as Aquamatic drives and counter-rotating propellers, Duoprop. This diesel company is able to create high-tech products and support the global market of industries, such as diesel-operated generators, cranes and container handlers. This company has seen good business prospects for the company in the future. For the East Asia region, the head office uses Singapore to manage business operations including as warehouse area, sales and marketing activities. The more rapid competition becomes the impact of competitors, the first problem identified in this study will be mapping application planning to support the needs of existing corporate governance through enterprise architecture planning. The method used to plan the entire system will use archimate modeling, included are business, application and technology layer which will produce modeling order fulfillment applications. In this problem, the focus will be on application development factors that can help optimize business process problems such as: inputting data activities, competencies and responsibilities, time, constraints and technical documentation, standards applied, reports produced for various decision-making processes, internal communication and external, and other resources. These problems can enable the implementation of enterprise architecture methods into the company by using and managing data into enterprise architecture analysis and project planning for marketing strategies, corporate architectural analysis patterns are expected to overcome the company's problems

    Business Model Grounds and Links: Towards Enterprise Architecture Perspective

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    The business model concept emerged in theory and practice without a consensus on the understanding of the concept, but it has become a well accepted and useful construct in fields such as strategy, organization, information systems and technology. This paper aims to provide an overview of the research on the use of business models focusing on outstanding works in this field, extracting main converging findings unburdened of extant lists of specific citations. Following the overview, a comparison of the seven respective conceptual frameworks of the business model research is presented. Finally, after determining grounds, the business model concept is linked to related complex concept – enterprise architecture

    Business Model Grounds and Links: Towards Enterprise Architecture Perspective

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    The business model concept emerged in theory and practice without a consensus on the understanding of the concept, but it has become a well accepted and useful construct in fields such as strategy, organization, information systems and technology. This paper aims to provide an overview of the research on the use of business models focusing on outstanding works in this field, extracting main converging findings unburdened of extant lists of specific citations. Following the overview, a comparison of the seven respective conceptual frameworks of the business model research is presented. Finally, after determining grounds, the business model concept is linked to related complex concept – enterprise architecture

    Business Model Grounds and Links: Towards Enterprise Architecture Perspective

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    The business model concept emerged in theory and practice without a consensus on the understanding of the concept, but it has become a well accepted and useful construct in fields such as strategy, organization, information systems and technology. This paper aims to provide an overview of the research on the use of business models focusing on outstanding works in this field, extracting main converging findings unburdened of extant lists of specific citations. Following the overview, a comparison of the seven respective conceptual frameworks of the business model research is presented. Finally, after determining grounds, the business model concept is linked to related complex concept – enterprise architecture