6 research outputs found

    Politeness and Alignment in Dialogues with a Virtual Guide

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    Language alignment is something that happens automatically in dialogues between human speakers. The ability to align is expected to increase the believability of virtual dialogue agents. In this paper we extend the notion of alignment to affective language use, describing a model for dynamically adapting the linguistic style of a virtual agent to the level of politeness and formality detected in the user’s utterances. The model has been implemented in the Virtual Guide, an embodied conversational agent giving directions in a virtual environment. Evaluation shows that our formality model needs improvement, but that the politeness tactics used by the Guide are mostly interpreted as intended, and that the alignment to the user’s language is noticeable

    Natural interaction with a virtual guide in a virtual environment: A multimodal dialogue system

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    This paper describes the Virtual Guide, a multimodal dialogue system represented by an embodied conversational agent that can help users to find their way in a virtual environment, while adapting its affective linguistic style to that of the user. We discuss the modular architecture of the system, and describe the entire loop from multimodal input analysis to multimodal output generation. We also describe how the Virtual Guide detects the level of politeness of the user’s utterances in real-time during the dialogue and aligns its own language to that of the user, using different politeness strategies. Finally we report on our first user tests, and discuss some potential extensions to improve the system

    When to Say What and How: Adapting the Elaborateness and Indirectness of Spoken Dialogue Systems

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    With the aim of designing a spoken dialogue system which has the ability to adapt to the user's communication idiosyncrasies, we investigate whether it is possible to carry over insights from the usage of communication styles in human-human interaction to human-computer interaction. In an extensive literature review, it is demonstrated that communication styles play an important role in human communication. Using a multi-lingual data set, we show that there is a significant correlation between the communication style of the system and the preceding communication style of the user. This is why two components that extend the standard architecture of spoken dialogue systems are presented: 1) a communication style classifier that automatically identifies the user communication style and 2) a communication style selection module that selects an appropriate system communication style. We consider the communication styles elaborateness and indirectness as it has been shown that they influence the user's satisfaction and the user's perception of a dialogue. We present a neural classification approach based on supervised learning for each task. Neural networks are trained and evaluated with features that can be automatically derived during an ongoing interaction in every spoken dialogue system. It is shown that both components yield solid results and outperform the baseline in form of a majority-class classifier

    MENON : automating a Socratic teaching model for mathematical proofs

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    This thesis presents an approach to adaptive pedagogical feedback for arbitrary domains as an alternative to resource-intensive pre-compiled feedback, which represents the state-of-the-art in intelligent tutoring systems today. A consequence of automatic adaptive feedback is that the number of tasks with pedagogical feedback that can be offered to the student increases, and with it the opportunity for practice. We focus on automating different aspects of teaching that together are primarily responsible for learning and can be integrated in a unified natural-language output. The automatic production and natural-language generation of feedback enables its personalisation both at the pedagogical and the natural-language dialogue level. We propose a method for automating the production of domain-independent adaptive feedback. The proof- of-concept implementation of the tutorial manager Menon is carried out for the domain of set-theory proofs. More specifically, we define a pedagogical model that abides by schema and cognitive load theory, and by the synergistic approach to learning. We implement this model in a Socratic teaching strategy whose basic units of feedback are dialogue moves. We use empirical data from two domains to derive a taxonomy of tutorial-dialogue moves, and define the most central and sophisticated move hint. The formalisation of the cognitive content of hints is inspired by schema theory and is facilitated by a domain ontology.Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert eine Annäherung an adaptives pädagogisches Feedback für beliebige Domäne. Diese Herangehensweise bietet eine Alternative zu ressource-intensivem, vorübersetztem Feedback, dass das heutige "state-of-the-art'; in intelligenten tutoriellen Systemen ist. Als Folge können zahlreiche Aufgaben mit pädagogischem Feedback für die Praxis angeboten werden. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt auf der Automatisierung verschiedener Aspekte des Lehrprozesses, die in ihrer Gesamtheit wesentlich den Lernprozess beeinflussen, und in einer einheitlichen Systemausgabe Natürlicher Sprache integriert werden können. Die automatische Produktion und die Systemgenerierung von Feedback in Natürlicher Sprache ermöglichen eine Individualisierung des Feedback auf zwei Ebenen: einer pädagogischen und einer dialogischen Ebene. Dazu schlagen wir eine Methode vor, durch die adaptives Feedback automatisiert werden kann, und implementieren den tutoriellen Manager Menon als "proof-of-concept'; beispielhaft für die Domäne von Beweisen in der Mengentheorie. Konkret definieren wir ein pädagogisches Modell, das sich auf Schema- und Kognitionstheorie sowie auf die synergetische Herangehensweise an Lernen stützt. Dieses Modell wird in einer Sokratischen Lehrmethode implementiert, deren basale Feedback-Elemente aus Dialogakten bestehen. Zur Bestimmung einer Taxonomie Tutorielle-Dialogakte sowie des zentralen und komplexen Dialogakts hint (Hinweis) wenden wir empirische Daten aus zwei Domänen an. Die Formalisierung des kognitiven Inhaltes von Hinweisen folgt der Schematheorie und basiert auf einer Domänenontologie