5 research outputs found

    Dynamical modelling of hydraulic excavator considered as a multibody system

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    This paper considers the development of a plane multibody mechanical model of a hydraulic excavator simultaneously containing an open kinematic chain and closed loops. The Lagrange multiplier technique is used for modelling of the constrained mechanical systems. This approach is used for working out the dynamic equations of excavator motion in the case of performing transportation and digging operations. The excavator is considered as a rigid body system and detailed governing equations of the mechanical and hydraulic systems are presented. The performed verification and a typical digging task simulation show the applicability of the model for study of the excavator motion simulation. Simulation results of the machine’s response are provided. It is shown that the digging process considerably influences the mechanical and hydraulic system parameters. Such models can be used for training simulators, sizing components and system design.DFG, 325093850, Open Access Publizieren 2017 - 2018 / Technische Universität Berli

    Dynamical modelling of hydraulic excavator considered as a multibody system

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    Rad se bavi razvojem mehaničkog modela hidrauličnog bagera od više tijela koji u isto vrijeme sadrži otvoreni kinematički lanac i zatvorene petlje. Za modeliranje ograničenih mehaničkih sustava primijenjena je tehnika Lagrangeova faktora. Taj se pristup primjenjuje za dobivanje dinamičkih jednadžbi kretanja bagera kod obavljanja prijenosa i operacija kopanja. Bager se smatra sustavom krutog tijela i predstavljaju se detaljne jednadžbe za uređenje mehaničkih i hidrauličnih sustava. Izvršena provjera i simulacija tipičnog kopanja pokazuju primjenjivost sustava za proučavanje simulacije kretanja bagera. Daju se simulacijski rezultati reakcije stroja. Pokazano je da postupak kopanja znatno utječe na parametre mehaničkog i hidrauličkog sustava. Takvi se modeli mogu koristiti za obučavanje simulatora, dimenzioniranje sastavnih dijelova i dizajniranje sustava.This paper considers the development of a plane multibody mechanical model of a hydraulic excavator simultaneously containing an open kinematic chain and closed loops. The Lagrange multiplier technique is used for modelling of the constrained mechanical systems. This approach is used for working out the dynamic equations of excavator motion in the case of performing transportation and digging operations. The excavator is considered as a rigid body system and detailed governing equations of the mechanical and hydraulic systems are presented. The performed verification and a typical digging task simulation show the applicability of the model for study of the excavator motion simulation. Simulation results of the machine’s response are provided. It is shown that the digging process considerably influences the mechanical and hydraulic system parameters. Such models can be used for training simulators, sizing components and system design