88 research outputs found

    Maritime Anomaly Detection Based on Mean-Reverting Stochastic Processes Applied to a Real-World Scenario

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    Optimal Stealth Trajectory Design to Deceive Anomaly Detection Process

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    Detecting Anomalous Deviations From Standard Maritime Routes Using the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Process

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    Deep Learning Methods for Vessel Trajectory Prediction based on Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Data-driven methods open up unprecedented possibilities for maritime surveillance using Automatic Identification System (AIS) data. In this work, we explore deep learning strategies using historical AIS observations to address the problem of predicting future vessel trajectories with a prediction horizon of several hours. We propose novel sequence-to-sequence vessel trajectory prediction models based on encoder-decoder recurrent neural networks (RNNs) that are trained on historical trajectory data to predict future trajectory samples given previous observations. The proposed architecture combines Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) RNNs for sequence modeling to encode the observed data and generate future predictions with different intermediate aggregation layers to capture space-time dependencies in sequential data. Experimental results on vessel trajectories from an AIS dataset made freely available by the Danish Maritime Authority show the effectiveness of deep-learning methods for trajectory prediction based on sequence-to-sequence neural networks, which achieve better performance than baseline approaches based on linear regression or on the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) architecture. The comparative evaluation of results shows: i) the superiority of attention pooling over static pooling for the specific application, and ii) the remarkable performance improvement that can be obtained with labeled trajectories, i.e., when predictions are conditioned on a low-level context representation encoded from the sequence of past observations, as well as on additional inputs (e.g., port of departure or arrival) about the vessel's high-level intention, which may be available from AIS.Comment: Accepted for publications in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 17 pages, 9 figure

    Jump Particle Filtering Framework for Joint Target Tracking and Intent Recognition

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    This paper presents a Bayesian framework for inferring the posterior of the extended state of a target, incorporating its underlying goal or intent, such as any intermediate waypoints and/or final destination. The methodology is thus for joint tracking and intent recognition. Several novel latent intent models are proposed here within a virtual leader formulation. They capture the influence of the target's hidden goal on its instantaneous behaviour. In this context, various motion models, including for highly maneuvering objects, are also considered. The a priori unknown target intent (e.g. destination) can dynamically change over time and take any value within the state space (e.g. a location or spatial region). A sequential Monte Carlo (particle filtering) approach is introduced for the simultaneous estimation of the target's (kinematic) state and its intent. Rao-Blackwellisation is employed to enhance the statistical performance of the inference routine. Simulated data and real radar measurements are used to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed techniques.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (T-AES

    Detection of malicious intent in non-cooperative drone surveillance

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    In this paper, a Bayesian approach is proposed for the early detection of a drone threatening or anomalous behaviour in a surveyed region. This is in relation to revealing, as early as possible, the drone intent to either leave a geographical area where it is authorised to fly (e.g. to conduct inspection work) or reach a prohibited zone (e.g. runway protection zones at airports or a critical infrastructure site). The inference here is based on the noisy sensory observations of the target state from a non-cooperative surveillance system such as a radar. Data from Aveillant's Gamekeeper radar from a live drone trial is used to illustrate the efficacy of the introduced approach

    Intent-informed state estimation for tracking guided targets

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    This paper proposes a state estimation and prediction for tracking guided targets using intent information. A conditionally Markov process is used to describe the destination-oriented target motion, and the collision intent is incorporated through the zero-effort-miss guidance information. The expected arrival time necessary for the conditionally Markov model is determined through the collision geometry and destination motion. Finally, the Kalman filter technique is used to estimate and predict the target state. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the proposed approach can improve state estimation accuracy in both static and dynamic destination cases
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