6 research outputs found

    Language Support for Megamodel Renarration

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    Megamodels may be difficult to understand because they reside at a high level of abstraction and they are graph-like structures that do not immediately provide means of order and decomposition as needed for successive examination and comprehension. To improve megamodel comprehension, we introduce modeling features for the recreation, in fact, renarration of megamodels. Our approach relies on certain operators for extending, instantiating, and otherwise modifying megamodels. We illustrate the approach in the context of megamodeling for Object/XML mapping (also known as XML data binding)

    Guided Grammar Convergence. Full Case Study Report. Generated by converge::Guided

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    This report is meant to be used as auxiliary material for the guided grammar convergence technique proposed earlier as problem-specific improvement in the topic of convergence of grammars. It contains a narrated MegaL megamodel, as well as full results of the guided grammar convergence experiment on the Factorial Language, with details about each grammar source packaged in a readable form. All formulae used within this document, are generated automatically by the convergence infrastructure in order to avoid any mistakes. The generator source code and the source of the introduction text can be found publicly available in the Software Language Processing Suite repository

    Une modélisation de la variabilité multidimensionnelle pour une évolution incrémentale des lignes de produits

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    Le doctorat s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une bourse CIFRE et d'un partenariat entre l'ENSTA Bretagne, l'IRISA et Thales Air Systems. Les préoccupations de ce dernier, et plus particulièrement de l'équipe de rattachement, sont de réaliser des systèmes à logiciels prépondérants embarqués. La complexité de ces systèmes et les besoins de compétitivité associés font émerger la notion de "Model-Based Product Lines(MBPLs)". Celles-ci tendent à réaliser une synergie de l'abstraction de l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM) et de la capacité de gestion de la capitalisation et réutilisation des Lignes de Produits (LdPs). La nature irrévocablement dynamique des systèmes réels induit une évolution permanente des LdPs afin de répondre aux nouvelles exigences des clients et pour refléter les changements des artefacts internes de la LdP. L'objectif de cette thèse est unique, maîtriser des incréments d'évolution d'une ligne de produits de systèmes complexes, les contributions pour y parvenir sont duales. La thèse est que 1) une variabilité multidimensionnelle ainsi qu'une modélisation relationnelle est requise dans le cadre de lignes de produits de systèmes complexes pour en améliorer la compréhension et en faciliter l'évolution (proposition d'un cadre générique de décomposition de la modélisation et d'un langage (DSML) nommé PLiMoS, dédié à l'expression relationnelle et intentionnelle dans les MBPLs), et que 2) les efforts de spécialisation lors de la dérivation d'un produit ainsi que l'évolution de la LdP doivent être guidé par une architecture conceptuelle (introduction de motifs architecturaux autour de PLiMoS et du patron ABCDE) et capitalisés dans un processus outillé semi-automatisé d'évolution incrémentale des lignes de produits par extension.The PhD (CIFRE fundings) was supported by a partnership between three actors: ENSTA Bretagne, IRISA and Thales Air Systems. The latter's concerns, and more precisely the ones from the affiliation team, are to build embedded software-intensive systems. The complexity of these systems, combined to the need of competitivity, reveal the notion of Model-Based Product Lines (MBPLs). They make a synergy of the capabilities of modeling and product line approaches, and enable more efficient solutions for modularization with the distinction of abstraction levels and separation of concerns. Besides, the dynamic nature of real-world systems induces that product line models need to evolve continually to meet new customer requirements and to reflect changes in product line artifacts. The aim of the thesis is to handle the increments of evolution of complex systems product lines, the contributions to achieve it are twofolds. The thesis claims that i) a multidimensional variability and a relational modeling are required within a complex system product line in order to enhance comprehension and ease the PL evolution (Conceptual model modularization framework and PliMoS Domain Specific Modeling Language proposition; the language is dedicated to relational and intentional expressions in MBPLs), and that ii) specialization efforts during product derivation have to be guided by a conceptual architecture (architectural patterns on top of PLiMoS, e.g.~ABCDE) and capitalized within a semi-automatic tooled process allowing the incremental PL evolution by extension.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Modeling the Linguistic Architecture of Software Products

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    International audienceUnderstanding modern software products is challenging along several dimensions. In the past, much attention has been focused on the logical and physical architecture of the products in terms of the relevant components, features, files, and tools. In contrast, in this paper, we focus on the linguistic architecture of software products in terms of the involved software languages and related technologies, and technological spaces with linguistic relationships such as membership, subset, or conformance. We develop a designated form of megamodeling with corresponding language and tool support. An important capability of the megamodeling approach is that entities and relationships of the megamodel are linked to illustrative software artifacts. This is particularly important during the understanding process for validation purposes. We demonstrate such megamodeling for a technology for Object/XML mapping. This work contributes to the 101companies community project

    Modeling the Linguistic Architecture of Software Products

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    International audienceUnderstanding modern software products is challenging along several dimensions. In the past, much attention has been focused on the logical and physical architecture of the products in terms of the relevant components, features, files, and tools. In contrast, in this paper, we focus on the linguistic architecture of software products in terms of the involved software languages and related technologies, and technological spaces with linguistic relationships such as membership, subset, or conformance. We develop a designated form of megamodeling with corresponding language and tool support. An important capability of the megamodeling approach is that entities and relationships of the megamodel are linked to illustrative software artifacts. This is particularly important during the understanding process for validation purposes. We demonstrate such megamodeling for a technology for Object/XML mapping. This work contributes to the 101companies community project