16 research outputs found

    Three-feature model to reproduce the topology of citation networks and the effects from authors' visibility on their h-index

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    Various factors are believed to govern the selection of references in citation networks, but a precise, quantitative determination of their importance has remained elusive. In this paper, we show that three factors can account for the referencing pattern of citation networks for two topics, namely "graphenes" and "complex networks", thus allowing one to reproduce the topological features of the networks built with papers being the nodes and the edges established by citations. The most relevant factor was content similarity, while the other two - in-degree (i.e. citation counts) and {age of publication} had varying importance depending on the topic studied. This dependence indicates that additional factors could play a role. Indeed, by intuition one should expect the reputation (or visibility) of authors and/or institutions to affect the referencing pattern, and this is only indirectly considered via the in-degree that should correlate with such reputation. Because information on reputation is not readily available, we simulated its effect on artificial citation networks considering two communities with distinct fitness (visibility) parameters. One community was assumed to have twice the fitness value of the other, which amounts to a double probability for a paper being cited. While the h-index for authors in the community with larger fitness evolved with time with slightly higher values than for the control network (no fitness considered), a drastic effect was noted for the community with smaller fitness

    Modeling the clustering in citation networks

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    For the study of citation networks, a challenging problem is modeling the high clustering. Existing studies indicate that the promising way to model the high clustering is a copying strategy, i.e., a paper copies the references of its neighbour as its own references. However, the line of models highly underestimates the number of abundant triangles observed in real citation networks and thus cannot well model the high clustering. In this paper, we point out that the failure of existing models lies in that they do not capture the connecting patterns among existing papers. By leveraging the knowledge indicated by such connecting patterns, we further propose a new model for the high clustering in citation networks. Experiments on two real world citation networks, respectively from a special research area and a multidisciplinary research area, demonstrate that our model can reproduce not only the power-law degree distribution as traditional models but also the number of triangles, the high clustering coefficient and the size distribution of co-citation clusters as observed in these real networks

    Complex scale-free networks with tunable power-law exponent and clustering

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    This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. It is distributed under a Creative Commons License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). Copyright @ 2013 Elsevier B.V.We introduce a network evolution process motivated by the network of citations in the scientific literature. In each iteration of the process a node is born and directed links are created from the new node to a set of target nodes already in the network. This set includes mm “ambassador” nodes and ll of each ambassador’s descendants where mm and ll are random variables selected from any choice of distributions plpl and qmqm. The process mimics the tendency of authors to cite varying numbers of papers included in the bibliographies of the other papers they cite. We show that the degree distributions of the networks generated after a large number of iterations are scale-free and derive an expression for the power-law exponent. In a particular case of the model where the number of ambassadors is always the constant mm and the number of selected descendants from each ambassador is the constant ll, the power-law exponent is (2l+1)/l(2l+1)/l. For this example we derive expressions for the degree distribution and clustering coefficient in terms of ll and mm. We conclude that the proposed model can be tuned to have the same power law exponent and clustering coefficient of a broad range of the scale-free distributions that have been studied empirically.EPSR

    Uncovering the dynamics of citations of scientific papers

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    We demonstrate a comprehensive framework that accounts for citation dynamics of scientific papers and for the age distribution of references. We show that citation dynamics of scientific papers is nonlinear and this nonlinearity has far-reaching consequences, such as diverging citation distributions and runaway papers. We propose a nonlinear stochastic dynamic model of citation dynamics based on link copying/redirection mechanism. The model is fully calibrated by empirical data and does not contain free parameters. This model can be a basis for quantitative probabilistic prediction of citation dynamics of individual papers and of the journal impact factor.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure


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    ISM Online Open House, 2021.6.18統計数理研究所オープンハウス(オンライン開催)、R3.6.18ポスター発


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    ISM Online Open House, 2020.10.27統計数理研究所オープンハウス(オンライン開催)、R2.10.27ポスター発

    Towards a more realistic citation model: The key role of research team sizes

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    We propose a new citation model which builds on the existing models that explicitly or implicitly include "direct" and "indirect" (learning about a cited paper's existence from references in another paper) citation mechanisms. Our model departs from the usual, unrealistic assumption of uniform probability of direct citation, in which initial differences in citation arise purely randomly. Instead, we demonstrate that a two-mechanism model in which the probability of direct citation is proportional to the number of authors on a paper (team size) is able to reproduce the empirical citation distributions of articles published in the field of astronomy remarkably well, and at different points in time. Interpretation of our model is that the intrinsic citation capacity, and hence the initial visibility of a paper, will be enhanced when more people are intimately familiar with some work, favoring papers from larger teams. While the intrinsic citation capacity cannot depend only on the team size, our model demonstrates that it must be to some degree correlated with it, and distributed in a similar way, i.e., having a power-law tail. Consequently, our team-size model qualitatively explains the existence of a correlation between the number of citations and the number of authors on a paper.Comment: Published in journal Entropy. Open access article available at https://www.mdpi.com/journal/entrop