4,597 research outputs found

    Estimating medical costs from a transition model

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    Nonparametric estimators of the mean total cost have been proposed in a variety of settings. In clinical trials it is generally impractical to follow up patients until all have responded, and therefore censoring of patient outcomes and total cost will occur in practice. We describe a general longitudinal framework in which costs emanate from two streams, during sojourn in health states and in transition from one health state to another. We consider estimation of net present value for expenditures incurred over a finite time horizon from medical cost data that might be incompletely ascertained in some patients. Because patient specific demographic and clinical characteristics would influence total cost, we use a regression model to incorporate covariates. We discuss similarities and differences between our net present value estimator and other widely used estimators of total medical costs. Our model can accommodate heteroscedasticity, skewness and censoring in cost data and provides a flexible approach to analyses of health care cost.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/193940307000000266 the IMS Collections (http://www.imstat.org/publications/imscollections.htm) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Bayesian semiparametric inference for multivariate doubly-interval-censored data

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    Based on a data set obtained in a dental longitudinal study, conducted in Flanders (Belgium), the joint time to caries distribution of permanent first molars was modeled as a function of covariates. This involves an analysis of multivariate continuous doubly-interval-censored data since: (i) the emergence time of a tooth and the time it experiences caries were recorded yearly, and (ii) events on teeth of the same child are dependent. To model the joint distribution of the emergence times and the times to caries, we propose a dependent Bayesian semiparametric model. A major feature of the proposed approach is that survival curves can be estimated without imposing assumptions such as proportional hazards, additive hazards, proportional odds or accelerated failure time.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS368 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Hidden Markov Models and their Application for Predicting Failure Events

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    We show how Markov mixed membership models (MMMM) can be used to predict the degradation of assets. We model the degradation path of individual assets, to predict overall failure rates. Instead of a separate distribution for each hidden state, we use hierarchical mixtures of distributions in the exponential family. In our approach the observation distribution of the states is a finite mixture distribution of a small set of (simpler) distributions shared across all states. Using tied-mixture observation distributions offers several advantages. The mixtures act as a regularization for typically very sparse problems, and they reduce the computational effort for the learning algorithm since there are fewer distributions to be found. Using shared mixtures enables sharing of statistical strength between the Markov states and thus transfer learning. We determine for individual assets the trade-off between the risk of failure and extended operating hours by combining a MMMM with a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) to dynamically optimize the policy for when and how to maintain the asset.Comment: Will be published in the proceedings of ICCS 2020; @Booklet{EasyChair:3183, author = {Paul Hofmann and Zaid Tashman}, title = {Hidden Markov Models and their Application for Predicting Failure Events}, howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint no. 3183}, year = {EasyChair, 2020}

    Modeling left-truncated and right-censored survival data with longitudinal covariates

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    There is a surge in medical follow-up studies that include longitudinal covariates in the modeling of survival data. So far, the focus has been largely on right-censored survival data. We consider survival data that are subject to both left truncation and right censoring. Left truncation is well known to produce biased sample. The sampling bias issue has been resolved in the literature for the case which involves baseline or time-varying covariates that are observable. The problem remains open, however, for the important case where longitudinal covariates are present in survival models. A joint likelihood approach has been shown in the literature to provide an effective way to overcome those difficulties for right-censored data, but this approach faces substantial additional challenges in the presence of left truncation. Here we thus propose an alternative likelihood to overcome these difficulties and show that the regression coefficient in the survival component can be estimated unbiasedly and efficiently. Issues about the bias for the longitudinal component are discussed. The new approach is illustrated numerically through simulations and data from a multi-center AIDS cohort study.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/12-AOS996 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Threshold Regression for Survival Analysis: Modeling Event Times by a Stochastic Process Reaching a Boundary

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    Many researchers have investigated first hitting times as models for survival data. First hitting times arise naturally in many types of stochastic processes, ranging from Wiener processes to Markov chains. In a survival context, the state of the underlying process represents the strength of an item or the health of an individual. The item fails or the individual experiences a clinical endpoint when the process reaches an adverse threshold state for the first time. The time scale can be calendar time or some other operational measure of degradation or disease progression. In many applications, the process is latent (i.e., unobservable). Threshold regression refers to first-hitting-time models with regression structures that accommodate covariate data. The parameters of the process, threshold state and time scale may depend on the covariates. This paper reviews aspects of this topic and discusses fruitful avenues for future research.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/088342306000000330 in the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
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