1,260 research outputs found

    Modeling of flexible-link manipulators with prismatic joints

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    Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Rotating Single Link Flexible Robotic Manipulator Subject to Quick Stops

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    Single link robotic manipulators are extensively used in industry and research operations. The main design requirement of such manipulators is to minimize link dynamic deflection and its active end vibrations, and obtain high position accuracy during its high speed motion. To achieve these requirements, accurate mathematical modeling and simulation of the initial design, to increase system stability and precision and to obtain very small amplitudes of vibration, should be considered. In this paper the modeling of such robotic arm with a rigid guide and a flexible extensible link subject to quick stops after each complete revolution is considered and its dynamical behavior analyzed. The extensible link which rotates with constant angular velocity has one end constrained to a predefined trajectory. The constrained trajectory allows trajectory control and obstacle avoidance for the active end of the robotic arm. The dynamic evolution of the system is investigated and the flexural response of the flexible link analyzed under the combined effect of clearance and flexibility.

    Parametric stiffness analysis of the Orthoglide

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    This paper presents a parametric stiffness analysis of the Orthoglide. A compliant modeling and a symbolic expression of the stiffness matrix are conducted. This allows a simple systematic analysis of the influence of the geometric design parameters and to quickly identify the critical link parameters. Our symbolic model is used to display the stiffest areas of the workspace for a specific machining task. Our approach can be applied to any parallel manipulator for which stiffness is a critical issue

    Dynamic modeling, property investigation, and adaptive controller design of serial robotic manipulators modeled with structural compliance

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    Research results on general serial robotic manipulators modeled with structural compliances are presented. Two compliant manipulator modeling approaches, distributed and lumped parameter models, are used in this study. System dynamic equations for both compliant models are derived by using the first and second order influence coefficients. Also, the properties of compliant manipulator system dynamics are investigated. One of the properties, which is defined as inaccessibility of vibratory modes, is shown to display a distinct character associated with compliant manipulators. This property indicates the impact of robot geometry on the control of structural oscillations. Example studies are provided to illustrate the physical interpretation of inaccessibility of vibratory modes. Two types of controllers are designed for compliant manipulators modeled by either lumped or distributed parameter techniques. In order to maintain the generality of the results, neither linearization is introduced. Example simulations are given to demonstrate the controller performance. The second type controller is also built for general serial robot arms and is adaptive in nature which can estimate uncertain payload parameters on-line and simultaneously maintain trajectory tracking properties. The relation between manipulator motion tracking capability and convergence of parameter estimation properties is discussed through example case studies. The effect of control input update delays on adaptive controller performance is also studied

    Stiffness Analysis Of Multi-Chain Parallel Robotic Systems

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    The paper presents a new stiffness modelling method for multi-chain parallel robotic manipulators with flexible links and compliant actuating joints. In contrast to other works, the method involves a FEA-based link stiffness evaluation and employs a new solution strategy of the kinetostatic equations, which allows computing the stiffness matrix for singular postures and to take into account influence of the external forces. The advantages of the developed technique are confirmed by application examples, which deal with stiffness analysis of a parallel manipulator of the Orthoglide famil

    On the optimal design of parallel robots taking into account their deformations and natural frequencies

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    This paper discusses the utility of using simple stiffness and vibrations models, based on the Jacobian matrix of a manipulator and only the rigidity of the actuators, whenever its geometry is optimised. In many works, these simplified models are used to propose optimal design of robots. However, the elasticity of the drive system is often negligible in comparison with the elasticity of the elements, especially in applications where high dynamic performances are needed. Therefore, the use of such a simplified model may lead to the creation of robots with long legs, which will be submitted to large bending and twisting deformations. This paper presents an example of manipulator for which it is preferable to use a complete stiffness or vibration model to obtain the most suitable design and shows that the use of simplified models can lead to mechanisms with poorer rigidity

    Modeling and simulation of a Stewart platform type parallel structure robot

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    The kinematics and dynamics of a Stewart Platform type parallel structure robot (NASA's Dynamic Docking Test System) were modeled using the method of kinematic influence coefficients (KIC) and isomorphic transformations of system dependence from one set of generalized coordinates to another. By specifying the end-effector (platform) time trajectory, the required generalized input forces which would theoretically yield the desired motion were determined. It was found that the relationship between the platform motion and the actuators motion was nonlinear. In addition, the contribution to the total generalized forces, required at the actuators, from the acceleration related terms were found to be more significant than the velocity related terms. Hence, the curve representing the total required actuator force generally resembled the curve for the acceleration related force. Another observation revealed that the acceleration related effective inertia matrix I sub dd had the tendency to decouple, with the elements on the main diagonal of I sub dd being larger than the off-diagonal elements, while the velocity related inertia power array P sub ddd did not show such tendency. This tendency results in the acceleration related force curve of a given actuator resembling the acceleration profile of that particular actuator. Furthermore, it was indicated that the effective inertia matrix for the legs is more decoupled than that for the platform. These observations provide essential information for further research to develop an effective control strategy for real-time control of the Dynamic Docking Test System

    Design and Modeling of 9 Degrees of Freedom Redundant Robotic Manipulator

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    In disaster areas, robot manipulators are used to rescue and clearance of sites. Because of the damaged area, they encounter disturbances like obstacles, and limited workspace to explore the area and to achieve the location of the victims. Increasing the degrees of freedom is required to boost the adaptability of manipulators to avoid disturbances, and to obtain the fast desired position and precise movements of the end-effector. These robot manipulators offer a reliable way to handle the barrier challenges since they can search in places that humans can't reach. In this research paper, the 9-DOF robotic manipulator is designed, and an analytical model is developed to examine the system’s behavior in different scenarios. The kinematic and dynamic representation of the proposed model is analyzed to obtain the translation or rotation, and joint torques to achieve the expected position, velocity, and acceleration respectively. The number of degrees may be raised to avoid disturbances, and to obtain the fast desired position and precise movements of the end-effector. The simulation of developed models is performed to ensure the adaptable movement of the manipulators working in distinct configurations and controlling their motion thoroughly and effectively. In the proposed configuration the joints can easily be moved to achieve the desired position of the end-effector and the results are satisfactory. The simulation results show that the redundant manipulator achieves the victim location with various configurations of the manipulator. Results reveal the effectiveness and efficacy of the proposed system