1,563 research outputs found

    A system for the simulation and evaluation of satellite communication networks

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    With the emergence of a new era in satellite communications brought about by NASA's thrust into the Ka band with multibeam and onboard processing technologies, new and innovative techniques for evaluating these concepts and systems are required. To this end, NASA, in conjunction with its extensive program for advanced communications technology development, has undertaken to develop a concept for the simulation and evaluation of a complete communications network. Incorporated in this network will be proof of concept models of the latest technologies proposed for future satellite communications systems. These include low noise receivers, matrix switches, baseband processors, and solid state and tube type high power amplifiers. To accomplish this, numerous supporting technologies must be added to those aforementioned proof of concept models. These include controllers for synchronization, order wire, and resource allocation, gain compensation, signal leveling, power augmentation, and rain fade and range delay simulation. Taken together, these will be assembled to comprise a system capable of addressing numerous design and performance questions. The simulation and evaluation system as planned will be modular in design and implementation, capable of modification and updating to track and evaluate a continuum emerging concepts and technologies

    A compendium of millimeter wave propagation studies performed by NASA

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    Key millimeter wave propagation experiments and analytical results were summarized. The experiments were performed with the Ats-5, Ats-6 and Comstar satellites, radars, radiometers and rain gage networks. Analytic models were developed for extrapolation of experimental results to frequencies, locations, and communications systems

    Satellites and the BISDN: An overview of NASA R/D

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    NASA is currently the only U.S. government agency developing advanced technology on behalf of the commercial communications satellite industry. The Agency's commercial communications program includes several activities which are either directly or indirectly related to the potential use of satellites within a broadband integrated services digital network (BISDN). Lewis Research Center's Space Electronics Division is actively pursuing a number of thrusts aimed at the integration of satellites into the BISDN through the development of high-risk and proof-of-concept technology

    Aeronautics and space report of the President, 1980 activities

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    The year's achievements in the areas of communication, Earth resources, environment, space sciences, transportation, and space energy are summarized and current and planned activities in these areas at the various departments and agencies of the Federal Government are summarized. Tables show U.S. and world spacecraft records, spacecraft launchings for 1980, and scientific payload anf probes launched 1975-1980. Budget data are included

    Gigabit Satellite Network for NASA\u27s Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (ACTS): Features, Capabilities, and Operations

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    This paper describes the Gigabit Satellite Network (GSN) being developed under joint sponsorship of NASA and ARPA. The system will use the wide-band Satellite Switched Time Division Multiple Access (SS-TDMA) capability and hopping beam antennas of NASA\u27s Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS). The GSN network will provide full-duplex SONET services over satellite at OC-3 (155.54 Mb/s) and OC-12 (622.078 Mb/s) rates. Typical applications will include connection of distributed SONET/ATM fiber islands over satellite, wide-area distributed supercomputer networking, high-definition digital TV, and high-speed file transfer. The RF link consists of 30 GHz uplink and 20 GHz downlink signals transmitted using a 3.4 meter offset-fed antenna and 120 Watt helix-type TWTA. The burst modem uses offset QPSK or offset-BPSK modulations for transmission at 696 Mb/s and 348 Mb/s, respectively. Transmissions to the satellite are protected using Reed-Solomon encoding, providing almost error-free clear-sky performance and, in the case of rain-fade, bit error rates better than 1099% of the time. The terrestrial side of the ground station will function as standard SONET Line Terminating Equipment (LTE), with OC-3 and OC-12 fiber interfaces, and is capable of multiplexing and demultiplexing the SONET signals down to the STS-1 (51.84 Mb/s) level. These STS-1 signals can be routed independently through the satellite between various ground stations. Management of the network is performed using a Network Management Terminal (NMT) and is based on standard SNMP and Internet protocols. The earth stations can also be remotely monitored and controlled via the satellite channel or via the terrestrial Internet

    Aeronautics and space report of the President, 1982 activities

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    Achievements of the space program are summerized in the area of communication, Earth resources, environment, space sciences, transportation, aeronautics, and space energy. Space program activities of the various deprtments and agencies of the Federal Government are discussed in relation to the agencies' goals and policies. Records of U.S. and world spacecraft launchings, successful U.S. launches for 1982, U.S. launched applications and scientific satellites and space probes since 1975, U.S. and Soviet manned spaceflights since 1961, data on U.S. space launch vehicles, and budget summaries are provided. The national space policy and the aeronautical research and technology policy statements are included

    An assessment of technology alternatives for telecommunications and information management for the space exploration initiative

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    On the 20th anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing, President Bush set forth ambitious goals for expanding human presence in the solar system. The Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) addresses these goals beginning with Space Station Freedom, followed by a permanent return to the Moon, and a manned mission to Mars. A well designed, adaptive Telecommunications, Navigation, and Information Management (TNIM) infrastructure is vital to the success of these missions. Utilizing initial projections of user requirements, a team under the direction of NASA's Office of Space Operations developed overall architectures and point designs to implement the TNIM functions for the Lunar and Mars mission scenarios. Based on these designs, an assessment of technology alternatives for the telecommunications and information management functions was performed. This technology assessment identifies technology developments necessary to meet the telecommunications and information management system requirements for SEI. Technology requirements, technology needs and alternatives, the present level of technology readiness in each area, and a schedule for development are presented

    New challenges in propagation research in the US

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    Earth/space propagation research in the U.S. is tied to new developments in satellite communications. In spite of the fiber optics competition for trunked point-to-point communications, a host of emerging services are discovering the great potential of satellites for wireless communications. The application of satellites for radio communications appears to grow with a rapid pace in the areas of thin-route and mobile/personal communications. An important factor influencing the future of satellite communications is the congestion of the spectral slots at Ku- and lower bands. This heavy usage of the spectrum gives rise to conflicts among the users and consequently forces regulatory organizations to relocate frequency assignments, a decision that, for obvious reasons, is unpopular with the relocated service. Because of this frequency shortage, frequencies in Ka- and higher spectral bands are currently viewed as good candidates for Earth/space communications in the future. Therefore, new challenges in propagation research in the U.S. include the characterization of mobile/personal links and the investigation of higher bands for satellite communications. The plans and the challenges of the propagation research in the U.S. are briefly reviewed

    Communications platform payload definition study, executive summary

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    Large geostationary communications platforms have been investigated in a number of studies since 1974 as a possible means to more effectively utilize the geostationary orbital arc and electromagnetic spectrum and to reduce overall satellite communications system costs. This NASA Lewis sponsored study addresses the commercial feasibility of various communications platform payload concepts circa 1998. It defines promising payload concepts, estimates recurring costs and identifies critical technologies needed to permit eventual commercialization. Ten communications service aggregation scenarios describing potential groupings of services were developed for a range of conditions. Payload concepts were defined for four of these scenarios: (1) Land Mobile Satellite Service (LMSS), meet 100% of CONUS plus Canada demand with a single platform; (2) Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) (Trunking + Customer Premises Service (CPS), meet 20% of CONUS demands; (3) FSS (Trunking + video distribution), 10 to 13% of CONUS demand; and (4) FSS (20% of demand) + Inter Satellite Links (ISL) + TDRSS/TDAS Data Distribution

    MSAT-X: A technical introduction and status report

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    A technical introduction and status report for the Mobile Satellite Experiment (MSAT-X) program is presented. The concepts of a Mobile Satellite System (MSS) and its unique challenges are introduced. MSAT-X's role and objectives are delineated with focus on its achievements. An outline of MSS design philosophy is followed by a presentation and analysis of the MSAT-X results, which are cast in a broader context of an MSS. The current phase of MSAT-X has focused notably on the ground segment of MSS. The accomplishments in the four critical technology areas of vehicle antennas, modem and mobile terminal design, speech coding, and networking are presented. A concise evolutionary trace is incorporated in each area to elucidate the rationale leading to the current design choices. The findings in the area of propagation channel modeling are also summarized and their impact on system design discussed. To facilitate the assessment of the MSAT-X results, technology and subsystem recommendations are also included and integrated with a quantitative first-generation MSS design