4 research outputs found

    Research on Effectiveness Modeling of the Online Chat Group

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    The online chat group is a small-scale multiuser social networking platform, in which users participate in the discussions and send and receive information. Online chat group service providers are concerned about the number of active members because more active members means more advertising revenues. For the group owners and members, efficiency of information acquisition is the concern. So it is of great value to model these two indicators’ impacting factors. This paper deduces the mathematical models of the number of active members and efficiency of information acquisition and then conducts numerical experiment. The experimental results provide evidences about how to improve the number of active members and efficiency of information acquisition

    Entrepreneurship as a Conversational Accomplishment: An Inductive Analysis of the Verbal Sensemaking Behaviors of Early-stage Innovative Entrepreneurial Teams

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    Within the stream of research on entrepreneurial opportunity there is a school of thought that affords entrepreneurs an agentic role in the creation of opportunities – with opportunities understood as a combination of both product and market innovation. Recently scholars working from this Creative Model have associated the opportunity shaping work of entrepreneurs with sensemaking – a social process in which teams gather information, ascribe meaning, and take action in the face of the uncertainties, which some have said define the context of entrepreneurship. Few, if any, scholars have studied the naturally occurring conversations between entrepreneurial team members as they discuss the information, meaning, and action relevant to their innovation efforts. This dissertation makes a contribution to current understanding of entrepreneurship by capturing the naturally occurring conversations of innovative entrepreneurial teams in action, analyzing these recorded conversations for use of sensemaking language, and comparing the language patterns between teams that achieve different levels of performance

    Modeling conversational dynamics and performance in a Social Dilemma task

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    In this paper, we describe a novel approach, based on Markov jump processes, to model group interaction dynamics and group performance. In particular, we estimate conversational events such as turn taking, backchannels, turntransitions at the micro-level (1 minute windows) and then we bridge the micro-level behavior and the macro-level performance. We test this approach with a cooperative game dataset and we verified the relevance of micro-level interaction dynamics in determining a good group performance (e.g. higher speaking turns rate and backchannels rate and lower turns competition rate). © 2012 IEEE