2,866 research outputs found

    Fast Damage Recovery in Robotics with the T-Resilience Algorithm

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    Damage recovery is critical for autonomous robots that need to operate for a long time without assistance. Most current methods are complex and costly because they require anticipating each potential damage in order to have a contingency plan ready. As an alternative, we introduce the T-resilience algorithm, a new algorithm that allows robots to quickly and autonomously discover compensatory behaviors in unanticipated situations. This algorithm equips the robot with a self-model and discovers new behaviors by learning to avoid those that perform differently in the self-model and in reality. Our algorithm thus does not identify the damaged parts but it implicitly searches for efficient behaviors that do not use them. We evaluate the T-Resilience algorithm on a hexapod robot that needs to adapt to leg removal, broken legs and motor failures; we compare it to stochastic local search, policy gradient and the self-modeling algorithm proposed by Bongard et al. The behavior of the robot is assessed on-board thanks to a RGB-D sensor and a SLAM algorithm. Using only 25 tests on the robot and an overall running time of 20 minutes, T-Resilience consistently leads to substantially better results than the other approaches

    Autonomous Task-Based Evolutionary Design of Modular Robots

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    In an attempt to solve the problem of finding a set of multiple unique modular robotic designs that can be constructed using a given repertoire of modules to perform a specific task, a novel synthesis framework is introduced based on design optimization concepts and evolutionary algorithms to search for the optimal design. Designing modular robotic systems faces two main challenges: the lack of basic rules of thumb and design bias introduced by human designers. The space of possible designs cannot be easily grasped by human designers especially for new tasks or tasks that are not fully understood by designers. Therefore, evolutionary computation is employed to design modular robots autonomously. Evolutionary algorithms can efficiently handle problems with discrete search spaces and solutions of variable sizes as these algorithms offer feasible robustness to local minima in the search space; and they can be parallelized easily to reducing system runtime. Moreover, they do not have to make assumptions about the solution form. This dissertation proposes a novel autonomous system for task-based modular robotic design based on evolutionary algorithms to search for the optimal design. The introduced system offers a flexible synthesis algorithm that can accommodate to different task-based design needs and can be applied to different modular shapes to produce homogenous modular robots. The proposed system uses a new representation for modular robotic assembly configuration based on graph theory and Assembly Incidence Matrix (AIM), in order to enable efficient and extendible task-based design of modular robots that can take input modules of different geometries and Degrees Of Freedom (DOFs). Robotic simulation is a powerful tool for saving time and money when designing robots as it provides an accurate method of assessing robotic adequacy to accomplish a specific task. Furthermore, it is difficult to predict robotic performance without simulation. Thus, simulation is used in this research to evaluate the robotic designs by measuring the fitness of the evolved robots, while incorporating the environmental features and robotic hardware constraints. Results are illustrated for a number of benchmark problems. The results presented a significant advance in robotic design automation state of the art

    Optimal distribution network reconfiguration using meta-heuristic algorithms

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    Finding optimal configuration of power distribution systems topology is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. It becomes more complex when time varying nature of loads in large-scale distribution systems is taken into account. In the second chapter of this dissertation, a systematic approach is proposed to tackle the computational burden of the procedure. To solve the optimization problem, a novel adaptive fuzzy based parallel genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed that employs the concept of parallel computing in identifying the optimal configuration of the network. The integration of fuzzy logic into GA enhances the efficiency of the parallel GA by adaptively modifying the migration rates between different processors during the optimization process. A computationally efficient graph encoding method based on Dandelion coding strategy is developed which automatically generates radial topologies and prevents the construction of infeasible radial networks during the optimization process. The main shortcoming of the proposed algorithm in Chapter 2 is that it identifies only one single solution. It means that the system operator will not have any option but relying on the found solution. That is why a novel hybrid optimization algorithm is proposed in the third chapter of this dissertation that determines Pareto frontiers, as candidate solutions, for multi-objective distribution network reconfiguration problem. Implementing this model, the system operator will have more flexibility in choosing the best configuration among the alternative solutions. The proposed hybrid optimization algorithm combines the concept of fuzzy Pareto dominance (FPD) with shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) to recognize non-dominated suboptimal solutions identified by SFLA. The local search step of SFLA is also customized for power systems applications so that it automatically creates and analyzes only the feasible and radial configurations in its optimization procedure which significantly increases the convergence speed of the algorithm. In the fourth chapter, the problem of optimal network reconfiguration is solved for the case in which the system operator is going to employ an optimization algorithm that is automatically modifying its parameters during the optimization process. Defining three fuzzy functions, the probability of crossover and mutation will be adaptively tuned as the algorithm proceeds and the premature convergence will be avoided while the convergence speed of identifying the optimal configuration will not decrease. This modified genetic algorithm is considered a step towards making the parallel GA, presented in the second chapter of this dissertation, more robust in avoiding from getting stuck in local optimums. In the fifth chapter, the concentration will be on finding a potential smart grid solution to more high-quality suboptimal configurations of distribution networks. This chapter is considered an improvement for the third chapter of this dissertation for two reasons: (1) A fuzzy logic is used in the partitioning step of SFLA to improve the proposed optimization algorithm and to yield more accurate classification of frogs. (2) The problem of system reconfiguration is solved considering the presence of distributed generation (DG) units in the network. In order to study the new paradigm of integrating smart grids into power systems, it will be analyzed how the quality of suboptimal solutions can be affected when DG units are continuously added to the distribution network. The heuristic optimization algorithm which is proposed in Chapter 3 and is improved in Chapter 5 is implemented on a smaller case study in Chapter 6 to demonstrate that the identified solution through the optimization process is the same with the optimal solution found by an exhaustive search