6 research outputs found

    Analytical evaluation of multicast packet delivery and user clustering schemes in high-speed cellular networks

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    International audienceTransmission on data-oriented radio interfaces of cellular networks has been primarily designed for unicast applications. Nevertheless, unicast may not optimize the resource usage when the same content has to be transmitted to several users in the same cell. In this context, multicast seems to be an efficient means to convey data. In this paper, we develop an analytical model that allows the computation of the mean bitrate for both multicast and multiple-unicast transmission schemes. Furthermore, we propose a multicast transmission scheme called the equal-bitrate (EB) algorithm that allocates bandwidth to mobiles according to their instantaneous channel quality. We compare it to adaptations of the well-known Max-SNR and Round Robin (RR) to multicast. We propose to group users into clusters. The clustering method combines multicast and unicast transmission schemes according to the user’s average channel conditions.We use the analytical model to evaluate the proposed solutions. We compare the resulting performance against pure multicast and multiple-unicast approaches. We show that EB algorithm offers a good trade-off between throughput and fairness. Also, we show that mixed clustering achieves good performance compared to conventional clustering methods

    Policy-Based Radio Resource Management in Multicast OFDMA Systems

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    Η ασύρματηφασματική αποδοτικότητα είναι ένας, όλο και περισσότερο, σημαντικός παράγοντας εξαιτίας της ταχείας ανάπτυξης των ασύρματων υπηρεσιών ευρείας ζώνης. Η σχεδίαση ενός συστήματος με πολλά φέροντα, όπως είναι ένα σύστημα OFDMA,επιτρέπει στα συστήματα να έχουν υψηλή χωρητικότητα για να ικανοποιήσουν τις απαιτήσεις των υπηρεσιών ευρείας ζώνης.Αυτή η αυξημένη χωρητικότητα των συστημάτων μπορεί να βελτιστοποιηθεί περαιτέρω εκμεταλλευόμενοι καλύτερα τα χαρακτηριστικά των ασύρματων καναλιών. Ηθεμελιώδηςιδέα ενός σχήματος κατανομής πόρων είναι η αποτελεσματική κατανομή των διαθέσιμων ασύρματων πόρων, όπως είναι οι υποφορείς και η ισχύς εκπομπής, μεταξύ των χρηστών του συστήματος. Σχετικά με τα προβλήματα της κατανομής πόρων σε ασύρματα συστήματα τηλεπικοινωνιών βασισμένα στην τεχνική OFDMA, η περισσότερη έρευνα επικεντρώνεται στην αναζήτηση πολιτικών ανάθεσης υποφορέων και ισχύος. Οι διαθέσιμες τεχνικές της βιβλιογραφίας δεν μπορούν να εφαρμοστούν όπως είναι σε συστήματα πολυεκπομπής. Επιπλέον, οι υπάρχουσες τεχνικές δεν μπορούν να εφαρμοστούν αμετάβλητες σε πραγματικά συστήματα στα οποία υπάρχει μεγάλος αριθμός OFDMυποφορέων, καθώς η υπολογιστική πολυπλοκότητα είναι πολύ μεγάλη. Ο βασικός στόχος της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η πρόταση ικανών μηχανισμών κατανομής των διαθέσιμων υποφορέων σε ασύρματα συστήματα πολυεκπομπής χρησιμοποιώντας την τεχνολογία OFDMA. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, σχετικά με τα συστήματα πολυεκπομπής, θεωρούμε ότι τόσο ο σταθμός βάσης όσο και κάθε χρήστης είναι εφοδιασμένοι με μοναδική κεραία και η μονάδα κατανομής δεν είναι ο υποφορέας, όπως στα συμβατικά συστήματα OFDMA, αλλά μία ομάδα γειτονικώνυποφορέων, η οποία ονομάζεται τεμάχιο, με σκοπό τη μείωση της μεγάλης υπολογιστικής πολυπλοκότητας. Ένας αποτελεσματικός αλγόριθμος προτείνεται του οποίου ο στόχος είναι η μεγιστοποίηση του συνολικού ρυθμού μετάδοσης δεδομένων με περιορισμούς στη συνολική διαθέσιμη ισχύ, στο BERανά τεμάχιο και στους αναλογικούς περιορισμούς μεταξύ των ρυθμών μετάδοσης δεδομένων των ομάδων χρηστών. Η προσομοίωση και η ανάλυση της πολυπλοκότητας που παρουσιάζονται, υποστηρίζουν τα πλεονεκτήματα της κατανομής πόρων σε συστήματα πολυεκπομπήςOFDMA τα οποία βασίζονται σε κατανομή τεμαχίων και έχουν ως στόχος την εξασφάλιση της αναλογικότητας μεταξύ των ρυθμών μετάδοσης δεδομένων των ομάδων χρηστών.Wireless spectral efficiency is increasingly important due to the rapid growth of demand for high data rate wideband wireless services. The design of a multi-carrier system, such as an OFDMA system, enables high system capacity suited for these wideband wireless services. This system capacity can be further optimized with a resource allocation scheme by exploiting the characteristics of the wireless fading channels. The fundamental idea of a resource allocation scheme is to efficiently distribute the available wireless resources, such as the subcarriers and transmission power, among all admitted users in the system. Regarding the problems of resource allocation in OFDMA-based wireless communicationsystems, much of the research effort mainly focuses on finding efficient power controland subcarrier assignment policies. With systems employing multicast transmission,the available schemes in literature are not always applicable. Moreover, the existing approachesare particularly inaccessible in practical systems in which there are a large numberof OFDM subcarriers being utilized, as the required computational burden is prohibitivelyhigh. The ultimate goal of this Thesis is therefore to propose affordable mechanisms toflexibly and effectively share out the available resources in multicast wireless systems deployingOFDMA technology. Specifically, according to multicast system, it is assumed thatboth the BS and each user are equipped witha single antenna and the allocation unit is not the subcarrier,as in conventional OFDMA systems, but a set of contiguoussubcarriers, which is called chunk, in order to alleviate the heavy computational burden. An efficient algorithmis proposed whose aim is to maximize the total throughput subject to constraints on totalavailable power,BER over a chunk, and proportional data rates constraints among multicast groups. Simulation and complexity analysis are provided to support thebenefits of chunk-based resource allocation to multicast OFDMA systems with targeting proportional data rates among multicast groups

    LTE 네트워크에서 비디오 전달 서비스의 성능 향상

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2015. 2. 권태경.LTE includes an enhanced multimedia broadcast/multicast service(eMBMS)but delay-sensitive real-time video streaming requires the combination of efficient handling of wireless link bandwidth and reduced handover delays, which remains a challenge. The 3GPP standard introduces a Multimedia Broadcast and multicast service over a Single Frequency Network (MBSFN) area which is a group of base stations broadcasting the same multicast packets. It can reduce the handover delay within MBSFN areas, but raises the traffic load on LTE networks. In this dissertation, we first presents an MBSFN architecture based on location management areas (LMAs) which can increase the sizes of MBSFN areas to reduce the average handover delay without too much bandwidth waste. An analytical model is developed to quantify service disruption time, bandwidth usage, and blocking probability for different sizes of MBSFN areas and LMAs while considering user mobility, user distribution, and eMBMS session popularity. Using this model, we also propose how to determine the best sizes of MBSFN areas and LMAs along with performance guarantees. Analytical and simulation results demonstrate that our LMA-based MBSFN scheme can achieve bandwidth-efficient multicast delivery while retaining an acceptable service disruption time. We next propose to transmit the real-time video streaming packets of eMBMSs proactively and probabilistically, so that the average handover delay perceived by a user is stochastically guaranteed. To quantify the tradeoff between the perceived handover delay and the bandwidth overhead of proactive transmissions, we develop an analytical model considering user mobility, user distribution, and session popularity. Comprehensive simulation is carried out to verify the analysis. On the other hand, hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) based adaptive streaming (HAS) is expected to be a dominant technique for non-real-time video delivery in LTE networks. In this dissertation, we first analyze the root causes of the problems of the existing HAS techniques. Based on the insights gained from our analysis, we propose a network-side HAS solution to provide a fair, efficient, and stable video streaming service. The key characteristics of our solution are: (i) unification of video- and data-users into a single utility framework, (ii) direct rate control conveying the assigned rates to the video client through overwritten HTTP Response messages, and (iii) rate allocation for stability by a stateful approach. By the experiments conducted in a real LTE femtocell network, we compare the proposed solution with state-of-the-art HAS solutions. We reveal that our solution (i) enhances the average video bitrates, (ii) achieves the stability of video quality, and (iii) supports the control of the balance between video- and data-users.Abstract i I. Introduction 1 II. Performance Improvements on Real-time Multicast Video Delivery 4 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Related Work 7 2.3 Location Management Area Based MBSFN 9 2.3.1 Location Management Area (LMA) 10 2.3.2 Handover Delays 12 2.3.3 LMA-based MBSFN Area Planning 12 2.4 Performance Analysis 14 2.4.1 Disruption Time 17 2.4.2 Bandwidth Usage 20 2.4.3 Blocking Probability 21 2.5 Numerical Results 23 2.5.1 Effect of NZ and NL 24 2.5.2 Deciding NZ and NL 27 2.5.3 Effects of v and rho* 31 2.5.4 Effect of alpha 32 2.6 Simulation Results 35 2.7 Conclusion 37 III. Proactive Approach for LMA-based MBSFN 39 3.1 Introduction 39 3.2 Network and MBSFN Modeling 41 3.3 Proactive LMA-based MBSFN 44 3.3.1 Problem Formulation 45 3.3.2 Overall procedure 47 3.4 Performance Evaluation 48 3.4.1 Simulation Setup 48 3.4.2 Computation of pi 50 3.4.3 Simulation Results 51 3.5 Conclusions 53 IV. Performance Improvements on HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming 55 4.1 Introduction 55 4.2 Related Work 57 4.3 Problem Definition 59 4.4 Utility-aware Network-side Streaming Approach 62 4.4.1 Streaming Proxy (SP) 63 4.4.2 Message Flows 65 4.4.3 Characteristics 67 4.5 Bitrate Assignment 68 4.5.1 Bitrate Calculation 69 4.5.2 Enhancing Stability 70 4.5.3 Algorithm for Continuous Bitrates 71 4.5.4 Handling the Bottleneck of Wired Networks 71 4.6 Simulation 73 4.6.1 Static Scenario 73 4.6.2 Mobile Scenarios 75 4.6.3 Algorithm for Continuous Bitrates 77 4.7 Experiments 78 4.7.1 Implementation of DASH Player 79 4.7.2 Implementation of eNB 80 4.7.3 Implementation of Streaming Proxy 83 4.7.4 Experimental Results 83 4.8 Conclusion 87 V. Summary & FutureWork 89 Bibliography 92Docto

    Modeling and analysis of an efficient multicast mechanism for UMTS

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    Modeling and Analysis of an Efficient Multicast Mechanism for UMTS

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