4 research outputs found

    Explaining Sentinel 2-based dNBR and RdNBR variability with reference data from the bird’s eye (UAS) perspective

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    Characterizing the spatial variability of the severity of wildfires is important to assess ecological and economic consequences and to coordinate mitigation strategies. Vegetation indices such as the differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) have become a standard tool to assess burn or fire severity across larger areas and are being used operationally. Despite the frequent application of dNBR-like vegetation indices, it is not yet fully understood which variables exactly drive the variability in dNBR observed by multispectral satellites. One reason for this is the lack of high quality prefire information about vegetation structure and composition. Consequently, the influence of prefire vegetation composition and other potentially influential variables such as cast shadows has hardly been examined. Here, we use very high resolution Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) orthoimages collected briefly before and after the large wildfires in Central Chile in the fire season 2016/2017 to derive variables related to the pre- and postfire landscape composition and structure. The variables are used as predictors in Generalized Additive Models (GAM) to explain the spatial variability in dNBR and RdNBR pixel values as observed by Sentinel-2. Our models explain more than 80% and 75% of the variability in dNBR and RdNBR values, respectively, using a sparse set of five predictors. The results suggest that in our study area the largest fraction of variability in Sentinel-2 based dNBR and RdNBR values can be explained by variables related to the fraction of consumed canopy cover while the vegetation composition before the fire does not have a large influence on dNBR and RdNBR. Our results further suggest that cast-shadows of snags and standing dead trees with remaining crown structure have a notable influence on the dNBR signal which may have been underestimated so far. We conclude that spatially continuous, very high spatial resolution data from UAS can be a valuable data source for an improved understanding of the exact meaning of common vegetation index products, operationally used for monitoring the environment

    Modeling Top of Atmosphere Radiance over Heterogeneous Non-Lambertian Rugged Terrain

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    Topography affects the fraction of direct and diffuse radiation received on a pixel and changes the sun–target–sensor geometry, resulting in variations in the observed radiance. Retrieval of surface–atmosphere properties from top of atmosphere radiance may need to account for topographic effects. This study investigates how such effects can be taken into account for top of atmosphere radiance modeling. In this paper, a system for top of atmosphere radiance modeling over heterogeneous non-Lambertian rugged terrain through radiative transfer modeling is presented. The paper proposes an extension of “the four-stream radiative transfer theory” (Verhoef and Bach 2003, 2007 and 2012) mainly aimed at representing topography-induced contributions to the top of atmosphere radiance modeling. A detailed account for BRDF effects, adjacency effects and topography effects on the radiance modeling is given, in which sky-view factor and non-Lambertian reflected radiance from adjacent slopes are modeled precisely. The paper also provides a new formulation to derive the atmospheric coefficients from MODTRAN with only two model runs, to make it more computationally efficient and also avoiding the use of zero surface albedo as used in the four-stream radiative transfer theory. The modeling begins with four surface reflectance factors calculated by the Soil–Leaf–Canopy radiative transfer model SLC at the top of canopy and propagates them through the effects of the atmosphere, which is explained by six atmospheric coefficients, derived from MODTRAN radiative transfer code. The top of the atmosphere radiance is then convolved with the sensor characteristics to generate sensor-like radiance. Using a composite dataset, it has been shown that neglecting sky view factor and/or terrain reflected radiance can cause uncertainty in the forward TOA radiance modeling up to 5 (mW/m2·sr·nm). It has also been shown that this level of uncertainty can be translated into an over/underestimation of more than 0.5 in LAI (or 0.07 in fCover) in variable retrieval.Geoscience & Remote SensingCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Non-Parametric Spatial Spectral Band Selection methods

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    © Cranfield University 2021. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of the copyright ownerThis project is about the development of band selection (BS) techniques for better target detection and classification in remote sensing and hyperspectral imaging (HSI). Conventionally, this is achieved just by using the spectral features for guiding the band compression. However, this project develops a BS method which uses both spatial and spectral features to allow a handful of crucial spectral bands to be selected for enhancing the target detection and classification performances. This thesis firstly outlines the fundamental concepts and background of remote sensing and HSI, followed by the theories of different atmospheric correction algorithms — in order to assess the reflectance conversion for band selection — and BS techniques, with a detailed explanation of the Hughes principle, which postulates the fundamental drawback for having high-dimensional data in HSI. Subsequently, the thesis highlights the performances of some advanced BS techniques and to point out their deficiencies. Most of the existing BS work in the field have exhibited maximal classification accuracy when more spectral bands have been utilized for classification; this apparently disagrees with the theoretical model of the Hughes phenomenon. The thesis then presents a spatial spectral mutual information (SSMI) BS scheme which utilizes a spatial feature extraction technique as a pre-processing step, followed by the clustering of the mutual information (MI) of spectral bands for enhancing the BS efficiency. Through this BS scheme, a sharp ’bell’-shaped accuracy-dimensionality characteristic has been observed, peaking at about 20 bands. The performance of the proposed SSMI BS scheme has been validated through 6 HSI datasets, and its classification accuracy is shown to be ~10% better than 7 state-of-the-art BS algorithms. These results confirm that the high efficiency of the BS scheme is essentially important to observe, and to validate, the Hughes phenomenon at band selection through experiments for the first time.PH