4 research outputs found

    ASCOM: Affordable Sequence-aware COntention Modeling in crossbar-based MPSoCs

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    Multicore interference that arises when several accesses contend for the same shared hardware resources poses a challenge to the already demanding consolidated verification and validation practice. The Sequence-Aware Pairing (SeAP) model approach exploits the parallelism granted by crossbars to derive tighter contention bounds. We show that SeAP suffers from scalability issues that hinders its applicability to more complex contention scenarios. We address SeAP limitations in terms of scalability by identifying two complementary techniques to reduce SeAP execution time requirements. We assess the proposed approaches to show how they effectively enable the application of SeAP to large sequences of accesses to the crossbar with limited impact on tightness, and scaling gracefully with the number of co-running cores.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 772773). This work has also been partially supported by Grant PID2019-107255GB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Tracing Hardware Monitors in the GR712RC Multicore Platform: Challenges and Lessons Learnt from a Space Case Study

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    The demand for increased computing performance is driving industry in critical-embedded systems (CES) domains, e.g. space, towards the use of multicores processors. Multicores, however, pose several challenges that must be addressed before their safe adoption in critical embedded domains. One of the prominent challenges is software timing analysis, a fundamental step in the verification and validation process. Monitoring and profiling solutions, traditionally used for debugging and optimization, are increasingly exploited for software timing in multicores. In particular, hardware event monitors related to requests to shared hardware resources are building block to assess and restraining multicore interference. Modern timing analysis techniques build on event monitors to track and control the contention tasks can generate each other in a multicore platform. In this paper we look into the hardware profiling problem from an industrial perspective and address both methodological and practical problems when monitoring a multicore application. We assess pros and cons of several profiling and tracing solutions, showing that several aspects need to be taken into account while considering the appropriate mechanism to collect and extract the profiling information from a multicore COTS platform. We address the profiling problem on a representative COTS platform for the aerospace domain to find that the availability of directly-accessible hardware counters is not a given, and it may be necessary to the develop specific tools that capture the needs of both the user’s and the timing analysis technique requirements. We report challenges in developing an event monitor tracing tool that works for bare-metal and RTEMS configurations and show the accuracy of the developed tool-set in profiling a real aerospace application. We also show how the profiling tools can be exploited, together with handcrafted benchmarks, to characterize the application behavior in terms of multicore timing interference.This work has been partially supported by a collaboration agreement between Thales Research and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, and the European Research Council (ERC) under the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 772773). MINECO partially supported Jaume Abella under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship (RYC2013-14717).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Modeling contention interference in crossbar-based systems via sequence-aware pairing (SeAP)

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    Critical Real-time Embedded Systems encompasses an increasingly relevant class of embedded systems for which the timely execution of a functionality is as important as its functional correctness. The derivation of trustworthy timing bounds, an inescapable requirement for that class of systems, is challenged by the inherent parallelism in multicore platforms. When shifting from single-core to multicore systems, some hardware resources become shared among available cores. Under such a scenario, contention may arise when two or more cores send requests to the same hardware shared resource at the same time. Contention causes potential delays in the time required to serve each request, which in turn affects the overall execution time requirements of an application and hence its Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET). The computation of trustworthy bounds to the impact of contention in multicore systems is further challenged by the increasing complexity of modern cutting-edge multicore and manycore hardware solutions, which are increasingly adopted in the Critical Real-time Embedded Systems domain to respond to increasing computational and performance requirements. Contention bounds are required to be at the same time accounting for the worst-case scenario, and tight, avoiding unnecessary pessimism and ultimately the development costs and system over-dimensioning. Under the above considerations, this Thesis aims at improving (reducing) the bounds on contention delay when accessing shared resources. In particular, we focus on systems featuring interconnects that allow some form of parallelism such as crossbars and alike. We differentiate from state-of-the-art solutions, which only address bus-like interconnects and only exploit access counts, by exploiting information on the sequence of accesses performed by contenting tasks. Instead, we exploit the sequence of requests to the different target resources produced by each core to produce tighter bounds by discarding contention scenarios that cannot occur in practice. To that end, we adapt existing techniques from the pattern matching domain to derive the worst-case contention effects from the sequences of requests each core sends over the interconnect. Results on a wide set of synthetic and real scenarios and benchmark on an AURIX TC297TX show that our technique outperforms other contention modelling approaches

    Modeling contention interference in crossbar-based systems via Sequence-Aware Pairing (SeAP)

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    The Infineon AURIX TriCore family of microcontrollers has consolidated as the reference multicore computing platform for safety-critical systems in the automotive domain. As a distinctive trait, AURIX microcontrollers are designed to promote high timing predictability as witnessed by the presence of large scratchpad memories and a crossbar interconnect. The latter has been introduced to reduce inter-core interference in accessing the memory system and peripherals. Nonetheless, the crossbar does not prevent requests from different cores to the same target resource to suffer contention. Applications are, therefore, inherently exposed to inter-core timing interference, which needs to be taken into account in the determination of reliable execution time bounds. In this paper we propose a contention modeling technique for crossbar-based systems, and hence suitable for bounding contention effects in the AURIX family. Unlike state of the art techniques that build on total request counts, we exploit the sequence of requests to the different target resources produced by each core to produce tighter bounds by discarding contention scenarios that cannot occur in practice. To that end, we adapt existing techniques from the pattern matching domain to derive the worst-case contention effects from the sequences of requests each core sends over the crossbar. Results on a wide set of synthetic and real scenarios and benchmark on an AURIX TC297TX show that our technique outperforms other contention modeling approaches.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under grant TIN2015-65316-P, the SuPerCom European Research Council (ERC) project under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 772773), and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. MINECO also partially supported Enrico Mezzetti under Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación postdoctoral fellowship (IJCI-2016-27396) and Jaume Abella under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship (RYC-2013-14717).Peer Reviewe