5 research outputs found

    BAAP: A Behavioral Animation Authoring Platform for Emotion Driven 3D Virtual Characters

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    Abstract. Emotion, as an important aspect of human intelligence, has been playing a significant role in virtual characters. We propose an improved threelevel structure of affective model as "personality-emotion-mood" for intelligent and emotional virtual characters. We also present the emotion state space, as well as the emotion updating functions, to generate authentic and expressive emotions. In order to achieve the complexity and variety of behaviors, we bring forward a behavior organizing structure as the behavior tree, which defines four kinds of behavior organizations as well as the behavior tag and behavior message, to manage virtual characters' behaviors. At the end, we achieve an experimental platform BAAP, which prove our emotion model and behavior organizing structure to be effective and practical in generating intelligent and emotional behavioral animations. Keywords: virtual character, affective computing, behavior tree, behavioral animation, authoring platform Introduction In previous work [1], we proposed a computational emotion model which can be incorporated into physiological and social components of emotions. We improve it in this paper and present an experimental platform BAAP. We mainly focus on two subjects: emotion modeling and behavior organizing. Based on the OCEAN mode

    Automating content generation for large-scale virtual learning environments using semantic web services

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    The integration of semantic web services with three-dimensional virtual worlds offers many potential avenues for the creation of dynamic, content-rich environments which can be used to entertain, educate, and inform. One such avenue is the fusion of the large volumes of data from Wiki-based sources with virtual representations of historic locations, using semantics to filter and present data to users in effective and personalisable ways. This paper explores the potential for such integration, addressing challenges ranging from accurately transposing virtual world locales to semantically-linked real world data, to integrating diverse ranges of semantic information sources in a usercentric and seamless fashion. A demonstrated proof-of-concept, using the Rome Reborn model, a detailed 3D representation of Ancient Rome within the Aurelian Walls, shows several advantages that can be gained through the use of existing Wiki and semantic web services to rapidly and automatically annotate content, as well as demonstrating the increasing need for Wiki content to be represented in a semantically-rich form. Such an approach has applications in a range of different contexts, including education, training, and cultural heritage

    Modeling Behaviors of Interactive Objects for Real Time Virtual Environments

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    Real-time 3D graphics are being extensively used to build interactive virtual environments for a number of different applications. In many situations, virtual objects are required to exhibit complex behaviors, and the use of a versatile behavioral programming methodology is required. This paper presents a feature modeling approach to define behavioral information of virtual objects, giving special attention to their capabilities of interaction with virtual human actors. The proposed method is based on a complete definition and representation of interactive objects, which are called smart objects. This representation is based on the description of interaction features: parts, movements, graspable sites, functionalities, purposes, etc, including a behavioral automata based on scripts and graphical state machines